Renowned Goddess of Desire: Women, Sex, and Speech in Tantra (original) (raw)
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NEH Summer Seminar 2012 - "Health and Disease in the Middle Ages," London, UK\~mhgreen/healthanddisease2012/index.html “Health and Disease in the Middle Ages” was a five-week Seminar for College and University Teachers held June 24-July 28, 2012, in London, England. Based at the Wellcome Library—the world's premier research center for medical history—this Seminar gathered scholars from across the disciplines interested in questions of health, disease, and disability in medieval Europe. Support for this Seminar came from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (ACMRS). We explored how the new scientific technologies of identifying pathogens (particularly leprosy and plague) could inform traditional, humanistic methods (historical, literary, art historical, and linguistic) of understanding cultural responses to disease and disability. Reciprocally, we also explored how traditional, humanistic studies of medieval medicine could inform modern scientific studies of disease, which were developing at a rapid pace thanks to new methods of DNA retrieval and analysis. Special emphasis wasmplaced on assisting participants with independent research projects relating to the History of Medicine, especially—but not restricted to—those based on unpublished primary sources.
Hugues Dufourt: Der Sinn des Œuvres von Gérard Grisey
There is evidence to suggest that Grisey’s music of the 1970s and early 80s can be described by the paradigm of progressive metamorphosis. In the late 1980s, however – after Espaces Acoustiques – Grisey sustained a crisis which he tried to surmount through studies in psychology, ecology and linguistics. This lead to a gradual transformation of his musical language and a new approach which could be called the »archaeology of sense«. By trying to define Grisey’s late style, Dufourt refers to G. W. Leibniz who associated the beauty of nature with fissures and unexpected intervals, with a delight intermingling the species.
NFC Research Framework: A Literature Review And Future Research Directions
Proceedings of the 14th …, 2010
Near Field Communication (NFC) is one of the emerging and promising technological developments, provides means to short range contactless communication for mobile phones and other devices alike. NFC has become an attractive research area for many academics due to its exploding growth and its promising applications and related services. An understanding the current status of NFC research area is necessary to maintain the advancement of knowledge in NFC research and to identify the gap between theory and practice. In this paper, we present a literature review on NFC. To facilitate the analysis of the literature, we propose a research framework and organize the NFC literature into four major categories; theory and development, applications and services, infrastructure, ecosystem. This rigorous and holistic literature review with the objective of bringing to the state-of-art in NFC design science research provides advancement of knowledge in NFC research and further research directions.
BANDO D.D. 1532/2016 SETTORE CONCORSUALE 11/C1 FILOSOFIA TEORETICA CANDIDATO: PLESCIA Giacinto – FASCIA: I GIUDIZIO COLLEGIALE: GIUDIZIO: Il candidato Giacinto Plescia ha raggiunto gli indicatori 11/C1 (Filosofia Teoretica)”. GIUDIZI INDIVIDUALI:: Il candidato Giacinto Plescia raggiunge , dichiarato senz’altro idoneo e quindi abilitabile. ROBERTA LANFREDINI: Il candidato Giacinto Plescia ha raggiunto gli indicatori previsti per il settore concorsuale 11/C1 (Filosofia Teoretica) pertanto viene dichiarato abilitato in virtù). Viene, pertanto, dichiarato senz’altro idoneo e quindi abilitabile.
Essay I, "Interdependent Pests: The Economics of Their Control" outlines economic principles that need to be considered in controlling species of pests when their populations are independent. Predator-prey, competitive and symbiotic models of pest interrelationship are considered. The optimal control of target pest species is shown to be altered by such interrelationships. The conditions that must be satisfied for most profitable control are outlined. Essay II, "Exploitation of Techniques that Decline in Effectiveness with Use" considers the economic consequences of techniques, such as biological pest or disease control, that become globally or collectively less effective as they are used. In a free market situation such techniques are liable to be used more quickly and frequently than is socially optimal. Two simple types of models are used to discuss the matter: (a) one in which global effectiveness declines with the number of exposures to the technique and (b) another in·which this effectiveness depends on the duration of exposure. Essay III, "Allocation of Public Funds to Projects Reducing Risk with Special Reference to Medical Research" argues that in a democracy with self-interested voters and pressure groups that public funding to reduce risks is liable to be biased in favour of projects involving the possibility of a large losses to individuals with low probability as compared to those involving smaller losses with high probabilities, and that a Kaldor-Hicks loss results. Also it is argued that there is bias towards reducing the risks experienced by the richer members of society. In relation to medical research, the implications are funds for research may be (a) concentrated on research into serious diseases to the individual that occur relatively infrequently to the neglect of diseases that occur more frequently, are less serious to the individual but involve greater losses in aggregate and (b) on research into diseases that principally affect the richer members of society.
SPUD qPCR Assay Confirms PREXCEL-Q Software's Ability to Avoid qPCR Inhibition
Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction is subject to inhibition by substances that co-purify with nucleic acids during isolation and preparation of samples. Such materials alter the activity of reverse transcriptase (RT) and thermostable DNA polymerase enzymes on which the assay depends. When removal of inhibitory substances by column or reagent-based methods fails or is incomplete, the remaining option of appropriately,
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