Family Network of an Emerging Jewish Intelligentsia (Cracow, 1850- 1918) (original) (raw)
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Family network of emerging Jewish intelligentsia (Cracow 1850-1918)
Mass-genealogical research of the Jewish community in Cracow in 19 th and early 20 th century provides extraordinary opportunity to investigate the process of the emergence of a new social class: society of traditional merchants and peddlers produced modern attorneys and doctors. Now we are able to capture the dynamics of the process. For many reasons, the Jewish community in Cracow is an outstanding specimen. About 1900 there were about 25,000 Jews in Cracow (about 28% of city population). Almost whole family structure of the population has been revealed and analysed as a connected network. Over 1200 nodes of the network have been identified as the Jagiellonian University students between 1850 and 1918. We know what and when they were studying and often in which house they were born, what was their family social status etc. This data is used to model several key features of new emergent social class: what was the impact of parents' families on the choice of university education and the choice influence on a future marriage. Especially interesting are results about influence of family status on the completion of a doctoral qualification which, in turn, provided basis for discussion of best formula to describe how this influence is spreading.
Elites of Jewish Cracow (Paper presented at Sunbelt2018, Utrecht)
In the late 19th and early 20th century new social class was being formed in Central and Eastern Europe - the intelligentsia. In the paper we analyze the process of forming it in the Jewish community in Cracow, Poland (then Austria). We analyzed the group of over 1200 students from the city of Cracow, who enrolled in Jagiellonian University since 1850 until 1918 and formed one, continuous family network. We are investigating the network effects from father's, mother's and siblings' family side, we are looking into geographical locations and faculty (field of study) and connecting it with parameter whether they were able to finish the studies (receive "Dr" title) or not. The paper was presented at Sunbelt2018 in Utrecht, Netherlands, on June 28th, 2018
The aim of our research is to entirely reconstruct the Jewish Roman population in the long term, to analyze its matrimonial networks, to set up a genealogical dataset accessible to the scientific community and the general public and to present the methodological tools that can serve future studies. This work will contribute at increasing our knowledge on social, genealogical and matrimonial practices within the Jewish populations in the period of the ghettoization based on the statistical analysis of kinship relations reconstructed in the genealogical dataset that is at the center of this project. Whilst the history of the Jewish family has been the topic of a couple of studies, there still is no systematical and exhaustive investigation into the matrimonial practices of the Jewish population in the modern period, mirrored with the rules of Jewish marriage law and patrimonial transmission. Thereby, we will focus in particular on the role of women in the patrimonial transmission and on migratory phenomena that can provoke matrimonial exchanges between different communities. Questioning the impact the ghettoization had on social structures and practices will hence be the guiding line of our research, using genealogy and the history of the family as a key of analysis for the Jewish history.
The Social Composition of Medical Students at the Erzsébet University in the 1920s
Economic and Social Changes: Historical Facts, Analyses and Interpretations
The study presents the social composition of students who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Erzsébet University in Pozsony (Bratislava) from 1918 and then after a temporary stay in Budapest, in Pécs from the autumn of 1923 until the academic year 1929/1930. The article specifically examines the output of university education, excluding students who dropped out or transferred to another institution. It presents the recruitment and mobility of the student body by statistical analysis of the religion, place of birth and father/guardian occupation of the medical graduates of the selected period. The statistical survey shows a large number of Israelites and those born in Budapest. The occupational composition of the father/guardian largely consists of three groups: public and private officials – professionals – traders and large business owners. A separate subchapter deals with the changes resulting from the numerus clausus law in the composition of medical students in Pécs, ...
The Family in 18th Century Warsaw: Demographic Studies
Acta Poloniae Historica, 1990
to the development of family ties in towns. 4 The fullest information on the achievements of world historical de mographic research, including research into family structure, can be found in Bibliographie Internationale de la Démographie Historique, pu blished annually. Extensive lists of latest works concerning these questions can be found in M.
AUNC Pedagogika Vol 35: New Trends in Multicultural and Regional Education in Poland, 2018
In my paper, I would like to focus on the achievements of researchers studying the Jewish community and culture in Poland. In recent decades, there have been numerous publications in this area. It must be admitted that most of them are historical works. However, I would like to draw attention to slightly dispersed studies in the field of social sciences (sociology, psychology, pedagogy). Who are the researchers who deal with Jewish themes? What are the common and individual elements of their scientific approaches? Are all of these elements part of the discourse of research on the 'renaissance of the Jewish community and identity'? I would like to look at the explorations of both researchers connected with the Jewish environment and 'outsiders' (including young foreign researchers interested in Polish Jews). The scope of their research is therefore quite diverse and includes issues such as: building Jewish identity and institutional structures; religious life and the activities of religious and secular associations; relations with dominant culture; informal education, Jewish education and family upbringing. J o a n n a C u k r a s -s t e l ą g o w s k a 196 K e y w o r d s : Jews, social research, scientific achievements Badania nad społecznością żydowska w polskich naukach społecznych: osiągnięcia, perspektywy i naukowe wyzwania Streszczenie:
The Descendants of Former Aristocratic Families in Hungary at the Turn of the 21 st Century
Historical and social historical researches have extensively explored the social role and history of the Hungarian nobility and aristocracy, but the present situation of the descendants of the former traditional élite has been overlooked by contemporary sociological studies . The aim of this paper is to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive picture concerning the young descendants of the Hungarian aristocratic families living in Hungary at the turn of the 21 st century. The results confirm that the examined group has a very good chance of reaching a higher status within the society despite all the disadvantages their parents and grandparents suffered during the communist era . In other words, they possess all socio-demographic factors which make a higher position likely . This advantageous socio-demographic position is interacting with the values and goals transmitted in family upbringing, namely acquiring a diploma and the knowledge of foreign languages. The religious, Christian, and family-centric values also played a considerable role in their education . Among the young descendants of the former aristocratic families, we can distinguish a group which creates a strong informal network and has preserved its special aristocratic identity and filled it with a renewed content.
The Descendants of Former Aristocratic Families in Hungary at the Turn of the 21st Century
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, 2019
Historical and social historical researches have extensively explored the social role and history of the Hungarian nobility and aristocracy, but the present situation of the descendants of the former traditional élite has been overlooked by contemporary sociological studies. The aim of this paper is to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive picture concerning the young descendants of the Hungarian aristocratic families living in Hungary at the turn of the 21 st century. The results confirm that the examined group has a very good chance of reaching a higher status within the society despite all the disadvantages their parents and grandparents suffered during the communist era. In other words, they possess all socio-demographic factors which make a higher position likely. This advantageous socio-demographic position is interacting with the values and goals transmitted in family upbringing, namely acquiring a diploma and the knowledge of foreign languages. The religious, Christian, and family-centric values also played a considerable role in their education. Among the young descendants of the former aristocratic families, we can distinguish a group which creates a strong informal network and has preserved its special aristocratic identity and filled it with a renewed content.
The History of The Family, 2003
The sources that can be employed to examine demographic aspects of the Jewish population and family in 18th-century Poland -Lithuania are sparse and mostly fiscal in origin. Since this source material has been preserved only for some periods and regions, few generalizations can be made. First, the authors have referred to the most comprehensive census that was carried out in 1791 by household in Cracow province (województwo krakowskie). It does not allow for detailed family reconstitution, however. Although extended/multiple family households might have been fairly common, the twogenerational conjugal family unit seems to have prevailed, and no more than four nuclear families lived in one house. In addition, the age at first marriage was influenced only to a limited extent by the traditional practice of early marriage. D