The History of the Greek Translation of “The Akathistos to our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ” (18th–20th C.) (original) (raw)

Kallistrat’s Oktoechos, 1769: Authorization of the Greek-language Communion Chants and Cherubim Songs Осмогласник Каллістрата 1769 року: авторизація грекомовних причасників і херувимських пісень

Мистецтвознавчі записки, No. 35, Kyiv, pp. 267-273, 2019

Kallistrat’s Oktoechos, 1769: Authorization of the Greek-language Communion Chants and Cherubim Songs The Greek Oktoechos, created by the Kiev monk Kallistrat in Moldavia, is a unique musical manuscript, in which the Greek, Moldavian and Ukrainian-Belarusian tradi-tions of church chanting combines. The objective of our study is to authorize the Greek-language Communion Chants and Cherubim Songs from Kallistrat’s manu-script; to collect the information about composers whose works Kiev monk written down; to present the Oktoechos in the context of the Byzantine musicology’s current problems; to outline the significance of Kallistrat’s manuscript. Methodology. The comparative method of research of the Greek-Byzantine musical manuscripts and Kallistrat’s Oktoechos is applied. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the musicology, the Greek-language Communion Chants and Cherubim Songs from Kallistrat’s Oktoechos were authorized. It turned out that the Kiev monk written down the works of the prominent Byzantine musicians of the second half of the 17th century – Protopsaltis Panagiotis Chrysafis the New and the priest Balasis, as well as famous composers of the last quarter of the 17th – the first quarter of the 18th century Joachim Salabasis and Antonios Hiereus. Results. The comparison of the Byzantine masters’ works written down with the different notations – Kiev staff notation in the Kallistrat’s Oktoechos and the Middle Byzantine one in the Greek-Byzantine manuscripts – showed that Kallistrat deciphered the Middle Byzantine notation. The decoded works of the Greek-Byzantine composers are their exegesis (interpretation) and performance realization. The peculiarity of the Middle Byzantine notation lies in the fact that it does not contain sufficient, comprehensive information about the rhythmical, temporary organization of the chant. In this regard, the significance of the Greek Kallistrat’s Oktoechos is extremely high, since the Kiev square notation fixed duration of the notes and rhythm clearly.


В статье рассматривается функционирование однородных сказуемых в славянском переводе Метафрастова Жития Николая Мирликийского. Особое внимание при этом уделяется стили-стическому аспекту их употребления. Исследование показало, что основная стилистическая на-грузка однородных сказуемых реализуется в тех случаях, когда члены сочиненного ряда имеют сходное семантическое наполнение (используются синонимы либо слова в контекстуально си-нонимическом употреблении). Другой особенностью употребления сказуемых является их тен-денция к дистантному расположению, что формирует синтаксически параллельные конструк-ции, которые, в свою очередь, способствуют ритмизации текста. Библиогр. 13 назв. Ключевые слова: агиография, однородные сказуемые, стилистика, синтаксический паралле-лизм. Th is paper examines the functioning of homogeneous predicates in the Slavonic translation of S. Meta-phrastes' " Life of Nicholas of Myra ". Special attention is given to the stylistic aspect of their use. Th e research shows that the main stylistic function of syntactic phenomenon discussed in the article is realized when the coordinated predicates have a similar meaning (that is either synonyms or contextual synonyms). Another feature of the use of homogeneous predicates in the text of " Life " is the tendency to use a distant position, which leads to formation of syntactically parallel constructions that contribute to the metricalization of the text. Refs 13.

Книжная справа XVII века в истории церковнославянского перевода Акафиста Богоматери

Сибирский филологический журнал. 2020. № 2. C. 266–276., 2020

Проводится анализ изменений, внесенных редакторами в текст Акафиста Богоматери в рамках исправления Триоди постной и других богослужебных книг в Киеве в первой половине XVII в. и в Москве при патриархе Никоне в середине XVII в. Предложенная классификация исправлений позволяет установить их основные причины и роль в дальнейшей истории текста и церковнославянского языка в целом. Отмечается рост влияния греческого языка на церковнославянский, связанный со стремлением книжников свести к минимуму элемент интерпретации при переводе сакральных текстов и достичь как семантической, так и формальной корреляции между исходным и принимающим языками. Ключевые слова: Акафист Богоматери, церковнославянский язык, Триодь постная, книжная справа, Епифаний Славинецкий, реформы патриарха Никона.

Старецът Йоан Светогорец и превод на св. Климент Охридски (Акатист на Пресвета Богородица). – В: Преславска книжовна школа. Т. 22, Шумен, 2022, 258–292.

JOHN THE ELDER OF MOUNT ATHOS AND A TRANSLATION OF ST. CLEMENT OF OHRID’S AKATHIST TO THE MOST HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Dimitar Kenanov (Summary) The study reveals the literary fate of the Old Bulgarian translation of the Akathist, a work of St. Clement of Ohrid, as a basis of the translation of John the Elder of Athos. The observations of a group of transcripts from XII – XIV centuries prove the uniformity and continuity in the literary work of a few generations of Old Bulgarian writers from Pliska, Preslav, Ohrid, Mount Athos. Keywords: Akathist, Most Holy Mother of God, hymnography, Old Bulgarian translations. В памет на на Мая Андреевна Момина. Студията Студията е част от ел. монография: Кенанов, Д. Книга за атонския старец Йоан". Т.1. Второ прераб. и допълн. изд., Велико Търново, 2022 г.:\_%D0%B7%D0%B0\_%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%8F\_%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86\_%D0%99%D0%BE%D0%B0%D0%BD\_https\_univt\_academia\_edu\_DimitarKenanov?fbclid=IwAR1jvbFmOClRjBBK-ePaEPUgGqFHCEI\_P0ze4Pz2SowlHPpkxuEiXl17X7o

The Old Bulgarian Translation of Athanasius of Alexandria’s Third Oratio against the Arians by Konstantin Preslavski, interpreted into modern Bulgarian language

The author offers the contemporary Bulgarian reader a translation of the Old Bulgarian transmission of Athanasius of Alexandria’s The Third Oratio against the Arians. In the scriptorium of the Novgorod Archbishop Gennady and in the neighboring monasteries a total of three copies of Athanasius’ book were prepared at the end of the 15th century. In the colophon to one of these copies, made in the same year 1489 in the Volokollam monastery, the scriber notes that he has in his possession two different versions of the text: one “old” and one “new Athanasius”. In the Volocollam manuscript were two versions of Athanasius Vita. The Volocollam copy served as protograph in the middle of 16th century, when three calligraphy manuscripts were made at the request of the Novgorod, Moscow and all Russian Metropolitan Macarius. Macarius used one of these copies, Uspenski, GIM Usp. 994, for the May volume of his Great Menaia Reader. Some traces of Glagolitic graphemes are preserved in the Cyrillic copy of Pog. 968, but the evidence of special Cyrillic drawings like ꙛ and  talk in favor of Cyrillic protograph as the “old” Athanasius. One Glagolitic letter Ⱏ sees on the sheet 166b. The translation language of the manuscript Pog. 968 confirms the Preslav origin of the Slavonic protograph. Some different Greek readings are attested only in the Greek manuscripts Patmiacus 4, and Patmiacus A3 and in the respective segments in the Slavonic translation of Pog. 968.