Solution-focused therapy and its relationship to the social constructionist discourse (original) (raw)
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Dialogues between the social constructionist discourse and social therapy
Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica, 2016
Interested in enriching the dialogues between social constructionism and several therapeutic proposals influenced by the postmodern discourse, this essay aimed to analyse the convergences and divergences concerning the social constructionist discourse and social therapy. Parting from constructionist proposals regarding therapeutic stance and therapeutic practices, a critical and comparative analysis of social therapy was developed. It is highlighted as converging features: collaborative orientation, values relevance, relational emphasis and focus on action. On the other hand, tensions are seen in the flexibility of perspectives and in the discursive emphasis. It is possible to conclude that the analyzed divergences may work as invitations to social constructionism and social therapy theoretical development.
RESUMO O erotismo é um fenômeno distintivo da espécie humana. Suas manifestações são objeto de estudo das mais diversas áreas, como a neurociência, a psicanálise e a literatura. Esse tema, complexo de ser definido e esmiuçado, é de suma importância por ser inerente ao ser humano. E o interesse quanto ao erótico não é menor na área da literatura; está presente nas mais diversas obras e a necessidade de estudo surge aos olhos de pesquisadores. Não é diferente do que acontece quando se tem contato com a vasta obra da escritora Hilda Hilst, em especial "A obscena senhora D". O presente estudo analisa essa novela a partir algumas teorias sobre o fenômeno erótico.Para o cumprimento desse objetivo foram utilizados os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: a) pesquisa teórica a fontes bibliográficas, livros, teses e dissertações; b) pesquisa de fontes paralelas e internet. O estudo evidenciou a consonância do texto literário de Hilda Hilst, através do discurso narrativo d' A obscena senhora D, com modernas e sofisticadas concepções de erotismo. Palavras-chave:Erotismo.Erotismo na literatura. Hilda Hilst.
Social constructionist discourse in the clinical practice of family therapists
Psicologia em Estudo , 2016
The field of family therapy (FT) consists of different theoretical and epistemological proposals. More recently, social constructionism has contributed for the creation of new practices in FT, leading to an emphasis on the communication processes in the therapeutic context. This study aims to comprehend dissemination forms of social constructionist discourse among Brazilian family therapists. We interviewed 14 family therapists, men and women, psychologists, who work with family counseling, and are responsible for teaching social constructionism in FT training institutes. All the interviews were recorded and literally transcribed. A thematic analysis was carried out based on social constructionism contributions for research practice. Throughout these themes, we discuss the part icipants' definitions of social constructionism and its implications for their positioning in daily practice. We conclude that the dissemination of social constructionist discourse is related to the utility that family therapists attach to these theoretica l contributions, turning them into resources for their positioning as family therapists.
Approaches of the solution focused therapy in group work
The solution-focused therapy (SFT) is a kind of brief therapy which states that in order to solve a problem, it's not necessary to understand it. Starting with the establishment of concrete goals, therapist and client search for exceptions to the problem and for the client's strength and resources which may help him build a more satisfying life. Considering the richness of this therapeutic model, this paper aims to analyze the possibilities of using SFT in group contexts. The review of the literature points to the use of SFT in different patient groups. In order to discuss these ideas, we analyzed two important models in this field: Metcalf's and Sharry's. Both authors use theoretical and technical concepts of SFT in group contexts and also present innovative contributions. The analysis of their view of group work indicates that Metcalf considers the group in an individualist perspective while Sharry takes it as an entity in its own right, looking for group cohesion and goals. A critical analysis of the literature points to a technicist bias on these models, and, consequently, a need of theoretical elaboration to make its contribution effective in the group work field.
Are the constructivist therapists idealistic?
Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas, 2013
This article addresses the issue of the conceptual framework of Constructivist Therapy, and more specifically, of its epistemological affiliations. Initially, we start from a brief history of constructivism as a philosophical position, followed by its definition that defends the subject as active in the construction of its representations of reality. The article then describes the characteristics and conceptual foundations of constructivist psychotherapy. This approach constituted a milestone in psychotherapy and conceives psychological processes as primarily affective, having its name begotten by the conception of the human being as active, not passive, in the construction of knowledge and meaning in livelihood experience. Then the epistemological assumptions as stated by some of the constructivist therapists (Mahoney, Greenberg, Gonçalves, Neimeyer and Guidano) are presented. We conclude that constructivist psychotherapy presents important differences in its epistemological basis, especially regarding the relationship between subject and object of knowledge. However, we can establish that despite the lack of ontological clarity of its major proponents, the majority of this approach rejects the idealism of which it is commonly accused.
The treatment model of therapeutic communities: confessional practices in shaping subjects
This article discusses the specificity of treatment in therapeutic community licensed under the Single Health System as well as their effects on the production of the subject drug users through the design analysis of four therapeutic treatment available on the internet community. From the Integrated Plan to Combat Crack, published by the federal government in 2010, public drug policy in Brazil included treatment in therapeutic communities, through public funding as a strategy of care to users of alcohol and other drugs. Thus, we present the structure and functioning of these institutions as well as the treatment model for drug users, based on the Luciana Barcellos Fossi, Neuza Maria de Fátima Guareschi Estud. pesqui. psicol., Rio de Janeiro, v. 15, n. 1, p. 94-115, 2015. 95 methodology of the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. We point out in this way, the practice of confession in the treatment for drug users, and the link between the religious and moral technologies of discipli...
RESUMO: Acompanhando o giro linguistico nas Ciencias Sociais, cresce o interesse na funcao das narrativas e de outras praticas discursivas nos processos de producao de sentido. No campo psicoterapico, tal interesse esta no surgimento das chamadas “Terapias Pos-modernas”, cuja fundamentacao epistemologica leva a repensar a teoria e a pratica clinicas. No guarda-chuva paradigmatico dessas terapias, destaca-se a influencia do construcionismo social como metateoria em duas abordagens: terapia narrativa (White & Epston) e terapia colaborativa (Anderson & Goolishian). Este trabalho aponta as aproximacoes e diferencas entre as duas abordagens, discutindo a influencia socio-construcionista como base epistemologica destas praticas e explorando as transformacoes da psicoterapia no cenario atual. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: terapia narrativa, abordagem colaborativa, construcionismo social