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Development of a country in general and of a man in particular depends on the quality of education. The importance of a teacher in the educational process is unquestionable. According to Radha Krishan (1962) -The Teacher place in society is of vital importance. He acts as a pivot for the transmission of traditions and technical skills from generation to generation and helps to keep the lamp of civilization burning. He not only guides the individual, but also so as to say, the destiny of the nation. Teachers have therefore to realize increasingly their special responsibility to the society‖ A teacher can be described from different perspective's historical, comparative, philosophical, sociological and psychological. Different schools of philosophy stress on different aspects of the teaching-learning process and the role of the teacher differently. A teacher can be described from different perspective's historical, comparative, philosophical, sociological and psychological. Different schools of philosophy stress on different aspects of the teaching-learning process and the role of the teacher differently.
Teacher is an ideal person for students in Indian society. His knowledge, candidature, expressions, words have remarkable influence on students. Teacher's words, examples create an image in student's mind and students see the world according to view given by teacher. Present study is focused on finding of impact of teacher's word on different grade students.
The Influence Of Teacher Communication Ability On The Students’ Character
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Global Education and Society Science, ICOGESS 2019,14 March, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 2020
The teacher is an educator who becomes a character and role model for students. Therefore, the teacher should have certain personal quality standards. In learning communication, face-to-face of a teacher has an important role in the class, namely the role in maximizing learning. The purpose of this research to know the influence of teacher communication ability on students' character at the Private MTs Bahriyatul Ulum Pandan. The kind of this research was correlational research that used ex post facto design. The population of this research was all of the students at the Private MTs BahriyatulUlumPandanconsisted of 324 students. The samples were taken by using Slovin method, which consisted of 180 students who took 60 samples through cluster random samplingtechniques of each class. The Data was collected by using a questionnaire that consisted of 30 items of each variable. Before using the instrument, the researcher tested the validity and reliability of firstly. Data collected was analyzed by using product moment correlation followed by simple linear regression and t test.Based on the calculation results of product moment correlation obtainedrhit= 0,29 >rtab = 0,14 which meant low correlation.To see the significance of the correlation used t test with tcount= 4,07 >ttable = 1,97. To see the effect of X variable on Y variable was tested by using simple linear regression with. Thus, there was significant influence between teacher communication ability on students' character at the Private MTs BahriyatulUlumPandan the Regency of Central Tapanuli.
The teacher is focused in the classroom not only to create a special relationship only with the class as a whole but also with the individual children. Children obey the command of teacher because they accept their teacher as a role model under whose control they need to be taken care of. Teachers are role models for their students since students are copying their teachers. Every aspects of teachers' behaviour is being closely monitored by the students as teacher becomes a cardinal beacons to them. However, a very few teachers are aware about their pitfalls in dealing with the tender some students who are supposed to be path breaker instead they are lurching towards their personality .In this study, researcher has undertaken survey of male and female teachers of higher secondary schools in Raebareli district of Uttar Pradesh. Teacher Attitude Inventory of Dr. S.P. Ahluwalia was given to randomly selected teachers. Findings indicate that both male and female teachers have almost similar and positive attitude for their profession.
Journal of Systems Integration, 2019
The main purpose of this study is to find out the correlation between the students' perception of teacher's performance and their achievement at eleventh-grade students of SMK N 1 Kempas. The research design is a correlation study and used a simple total sampling technique in determining the sample. The total of the population was 146 students and amount of sample are 70 students. The data were collected by using a questionnaire for students' perceptions and documentation for students' achievement. The indicators of measurement for students' perception are intelligence, behavior, dressing style, friendliness, and authority, body movement, facial expression, vocal intonation, and achievement. Whereas the indicators of students' achievement are a cognitive domain, affective domain, and psychomotor domain. From the analysis of the result, out of 70 students filling the questionnaire, the students’ mean score for students’ perception of teacher's performance ...
A Study on the Teacher-Student Relationship and its Impact on the Behaviour of High School Students
International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE), 2019
High school students are in the stage of Adolescence and it is the time for developing independence. Typically, adolescents exercise their independence by questioning and sometimes by breaking rules. Parents and teachers must play a major role in supporting & influencing the children positively by their ethical & appropriate approaches. Teachers in school as well as parent at home, often wonder how to disciple a child and to mould their behaviour so to bring up the child with virtues. Although some children truly have challenging behaviours regardless of what strategies to try, many children just need to have the adults in their lives make changes in the way they react, respond, or interact with them. It is also a great responsibility of the teacher in school to have positive approach towards students. If not there are possibilities in change of behaviour among students & leads to several problems. For example, frequent episodes of fighting, scholastic backwardness, substance abuse; antisocial or institutional activities, destructive behaviour and change in attitude in students are much more significant than isolated episodes of the same activities. Other warning signs include deterioration of performance at school and running away from home. This research paper’s aim is the teacher-students relationship and its impact on the behaviour of High school students. The objectives are to know the teachers attitudes both positive and negative towards students and its impact to bring positive as well as negative behaviour change in the students. The study has reported that students are often facing emotional problems by the negative approach of the teachers. It is recommended that to create awareness among teachers in the school for the smooth handling the children with the positive approaches. 50 high school students; 25 girls and 25 boys were taken and interview schedule is used. Both the primary and secondary methods are used and the study is descriptive in nature.
JASS, 2018
This study was designed to explore the-student-teacher relationship: an analysis of the perception of sixth-grade students in the elementary private and public school of Lahore city.‖ A mixed method design was utilized (an explanatory method); a sort of plan that helps the researcher to compose qualitative information with an end goal to clarify the quantitative information. The participants in this investigation were sixth-grade students, for the most part, 11 to 12 years old, which were selected randomly. Through the Class Maps Survey (CMS), quantitative information was gathered. Quantitative data was based on measure of academic achievement (two terms test results) & Class Map survey (CMS Questionnaire). The qualitative, information was collected by semi-organized lineup interviews with 20 students who had also completed the CMS. The findings suggested that those students who have a positive and strong relationship with their teacher tend to achieve their educational goals successfully.
In-class teacher-student communication according to high school students' perceptions
Today, schools are looking for ways to increase efficiency while maintaining its educational activities. Increasing the efficiency and success in schools are associated with different variables, one of them is considered to be communication in schools. In achieving efficient production and the success of the school, the influence of the level of teacher-student communication is the topic of research. Communication between teachers and students, the two most important dynamics of education, plays a key role in achieving the goal. In that respect this research is considered to be important. The main purpose of this study is to determine how students perceive teacher-student communication and is to determine the effect of teacher-student communication according to some variables such as gender, grade level, class size and school type. This research is in survey model. The working group is 343 high school students in Silvan district in 2014-2015 academic year. In the study, the scale titled "Communication Skills " developed by Tatar (2004) was used. The scale consists of two parts. In the first part, there are questions indicating students' gender, grade level, classroom population and parents' education status. In the second part of the scale, there are questions revealing the perceptions of students regarding teachers' communication skills in the classroom. In data evaluation; arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and parametric tests were used in relation to sub-purposes. The results of the study are as follow: the level of teacher-student communication is high, in-class communication is high and teachers' love of profession is in medium level. Moreover, there were found significant differences in the dimensions of teacher-student communication and in-class communication according to students' gender, school type, grade level and class size variables.
The present study is mainly focused on the effectiveness of the teachers of English. The effectiveness of teachers is the excellence in teaching-learning process. A teacher, who is competent in teaching with different skills and committed to his work, is an effective teacher. In the study, an attempt has been made to study the effectiveness of the teachers who teaches English in the Government Upper Primary Schools of Kamrup district of the state Assam in relation to gender and area. The investigator has used the Descriptive Method in conducting the present study. The study comprises 200 samples of Government Upper Primary schools including both Rural and Urban area of Kamrup district. A random sampling technique has been used to select the sample of the study. Teacher Effectiveness scale, developed by Dr. (Mrs.) Umme Kulsum has been adopted as a tool to collect the data. Mean, standard deviation, correlation and graphical representation have been used to analyse the data. In the study, 46.75% among the male and 54.84% among the female teacher respondents have been found to be the Most Effective Teacher for the subject English in the Upper Primary schools. There is a positive correlation between the dimensions of both urban and rural areas. In the case of the subject English, it is found that 99% of the teachers fall under the highest level for the subject English in the Upper Primary schools. The mean score of teacher respondents are found to be similar in the order of highest to lowest for the dimensions of teacher effectiveness both in the urban and rural area. It is observed according to the order of the dimensions that the teacher characteristics is the highest followed by classroom management, preparation and planning for teaching, interpersonal relations and knowledge of the subject matter.
Journal of Social Sciences Advancement, 2021
Instructors’ attitudes can help or hurt student enthusiasm, achievement, and well-being. Recent studies found that negative instructor attitudes can prejudice academic achievement and escalation students' psychological syndromes and physical indications of stress. Instructors who use degradation or sarcasm can leave a child feeling demeaned. Discipline by fear and intimidation can harm the student's future achievement. Teachers who are strict in their display of authority or indifferent toward their students or lessons can leave a lingering feeling of negativity. Teachers facilitate the students for improving their performance and always are available to solve their glitches and give courage to the students for innovative thinking. But teaching occupation is seen as poorly managed in recent situations. The main focused area is to recognize students’ difficulties concerning learning. For this purpose, well-trained teachers are required to guide the students. The study's p...