JDCS vol 6 (1) 2019 TOC with AJOL assigned DOIs.pdf (original) (raw)
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Broadcasting and promotion of development in sub-Saharan Africa
The Journal of development communication, 2019
Issues of development border on improving, advancing or modernizing the living conditions of people especially in the developing world. Countries of the region known as the Sub Sahara are known to be among the poorest in the world. They record some of the poorest indices on human development compared to other regions of the world. In order to get out of poverty, these countries need to efficiently promote various aspects of development. The development media theory advocates the use of the media such as broadcasting to help spur development. Unfortunately, broadcasting systems in the Sub Sahara region are beset by numerous problems including government interference, poor and lack of funding, unfavourable ownership structures and poor infrastructure making them unable to reach their intended audiences in rural areas. Although there are many development projects and programmes funded by governments and international aid agencies, these are not very effective because of, among other th...
Broadcasting and promotion of development.pdf
Issues of development border on improving, advancing or modernizing the living conditions of people especially in the developing world. Countries of the region known as the Sub Sahara are known to be among the poorest in the world. They record some of the poorest indices on human development compared to other regions of the world. In order to get out of poverty, these countries need to efficiently promote various aspects of development. The development media theory advocates the use of the media such as broadcasting to help spur development. Unfortunately, broadcasting systems in the Sub Sahara region are beset by numerous problems including government interference, poor and lack of funding, unfavourable ownership structures and poor infrastructure making them unable to reach their intended audiences in rural areas. Although there are many development projects and programmes funded by governments and international aid agencies, these are not very effective because of, among other things, the poor performance of the broadcasting systems. This paper uses the development media theory to show the importance of broadcasting to the promotion of development in poverty-stricken Sub-Saharan Africa. Having observed the setbacks faced by broadcasting systems in the regions, the paper concludes that removing these constraints can help spur the region to greater prosperity.
Broadcasting and Development : Options for the World Bank
World Bank Publications, 2003
World Bank Working Papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank's work to the development community with the least possible delay. The typescript of this paper therefore has not been prepared in accordance with the procedures appropriate to journal printed texts, and the World Bank accepts no responsibility for errors. Some sources cited in this paper may be informal documents that are not readily available. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply on the part of the World Bank any judgment of the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The material in this publication is copyrighted. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and normally will grant permission for use.
Re-positioning Nigeria’s radio broadcast as a catalyst for development
Creative Artist: A Journal of Theatre and Media Studies, 2017
Throughout history, communication and information culture have remained a powerful means of disseminating information. Communication has become an infrastructure for the flow of information across all sectors even though there is imbalance, misrepresentation, and bias of news flow from western media concerning the third world. This paper critically looks at news report on the south (third world) and takes a stand that the bias reports of events and negative portrayal of the south by the industrialised nations is intentional attempt to distract the south from having a focus. In conclusion, the paper, focuses on the Development Media Theory and Social Responsibility Theory arguing that this trend must be consciously viewed as a real challenge by the Nigeria radio broadcast that needs not waste time to counter the negative trend being perpetuated over the years but however to reposition her radio broadcasts to focus on the task of serving as a catalyst for the development of Africa and...
Rethinking Communication Research and Development in Africa
Development for Africa is fraught with a multiplicity of exogenously generated ideas, models and research paradigms, all with the purported goal of “alleviating” or bringing about “the end of poverty… in our lifetime”(cf. Sachs 2005).
Africa Media Review Vol, 1987
This paper proposes a conceptual framework of agenda dynamics that will guide communication research priorities on the designing and implementation of reoriented development programmes in the African context. The framework consists of three agendas-group, traditional/urban media, and public policy. The paper advocates the integration of all three agendas into a unified, coherent strategy. The advantages of such an integrated strategy include a demonstrated effort by the development specialist to maximize the inputs of rural residents into development programmes early on, and a narrowing of the gaps among policy-makers, traditional/urban media institutions and the target groups. Such linkages also permit the identification of communication research priorities for a continuing programme of development, the coordination of such research among all three agendas, and the coordination of development elforts among change agencies. Risume Cet article propose un cadre conceptuel des dynamiques de programmes qui gulderait les priorites de recherches en matiere de communication pour la conception et l'execution de programmes de developpement rebrientds dans le contexte africain. Le cadre comporte trois volets-groupe traditionnel media urbaln et politique ge'ne'rale. L'article preconise linte'gration de ces trois volets en une strate'gie unifieeet coherente. Les a vantages d'une telle strate'gie inte'gr^'comprennent les efforts m^hes par les sp&ialltes du developpement en vue de maximiser les contributions des residents des zones rurales aux programmes de d^veloppement et la reduction du fosse"entre les decideurs, les intitutions de meidia urbainnes et traditionnelles et les groupes cibles. De tels liens permettent e'galement Identification des priorites de recherche en matiere de communication, pour un programme de de'veloppement suivi, la coordination de ces recherches sur les trois violets ainsi que la coordination des efforts de developpement entre les agences.
Journal of Development and Communication Studies, Vol.3. No.2, 2014
This edition has been dedicated to Democracy, Corruption and Development in Africa. It addresses the following issues: a) Democracy: Are regular elections enough? Do election observer missions matter? b) How can Africa strengthen its democracy and achieve development? c) How are data used and abused to manipulate election results? d) Does corruption reduce chances of a sitting president or party n power being reelected? e) How have governance institutions failed or slowed down African development? f) How can aid help Africa to develop? g) What role should mass media, community media, social media and formal education play to catalyze African democracy and development?
Online journal of communication and media technologies, 2013
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges and opportunities in the use of radio for development in Ethiopia. Radio is found to be the most preferred mass medium to support development efforts in Ethiopia simply because the majority of Ethiopians are farmers while the country's level of illiteracy is significantly high. To serve the purpose of the study secondary analysis was employed. The analysis and interpretation of data reveal that ownership of radio receivers in Ethiopia is very low. The other major finding of the study discloses that using radio broadcast mainly as a tool of propaganda rather than as a tool of development is one of the impediments and threatening aspects of the growth of broadcast system in the country. According to the present study the state owned radio broadcasters, both federal and regional, have employed the Open Broadcasting Strategy, which follows "a shot-in-the-dark approach" to radio programming. Though it is a very recent phenomenon, regardless of the problems it has encountered, the expansion of community radio in Ethiopia is very encouraging.