Register of Online Prostitution in Indonesia (original) (raw)

Konstruksi Sosial Prostitusi Online di Indonesia

Berkembangnya teknologi juga memasuki dunia prostitusi dengan maraknya praktek prostitusi online. berdasarkan sejarah perkembangan prostitusi itu sendiri, prostitusi online sudah lama dikenal dan disinyalir sebagai salah satu bisnis online yang menjadi bagian terpenting dan tidak terpisahkan dengan teknologi internet itu sendiri. Di Indonesia, konstruksi sosial mengenai prostitusi tidak selamanya menjadi sesuatu hal yang negatif. contohnya di beberapa provinsi, praktek prostitusi menjadi satu dengan keseharian warga lainnnya di dalam lokasi yang sama. namun, pergeseran tren ke prostitusi online menjadikan profesi pekerja seks tidak lagi identik dengan pelecehan seksual, tetapi lebih ke pilihan hidup para pekerja seks tersebut.

Upaya Preventif Dan Represif Terhadap Prostitusi Online Berdasarkan Peraturan Perundang-Udangan Yang Berlaku DI Indonesia

Lex Journal: Kajian Hukum & Keadilan, 2018

The crime of online prostitution is a renewal of conventional prostitution. If conventional prostitution only uses one place facility/building to run an illegitimate business. In contrast, online prostitution only uses technological, the internet that makes it easier for prospective users with male / female commercial sex workers (PSK) or between potential users with pimps, PSK service brokers. The mode used is to use the means of electronic information exchange, photo exchange, video and finally meet in one place to have intimate relationships and make payments for these services. This writing uses a normative juridical method, analyzes the laws and regulations that apply to legal phenomena, online prostitution. The Conclutions are: there are factors that cause online prostitution: 1. internal factors such as family factors and friendships; 2. External factors such as avoiding tracking officers and economic factors to obtain large amounts of money but quickly. Preventive efforts ca...

Digital: Fenomena Prostitusi Online DI Daerah Penerapan Syari’At Islam

Al-Ijtima`i: International Journal of Government and Social Science

Digital developments, expected to contribute to efficiency and ease in the development process, are often used reversely. Specific communities also use digital technology as a means of communication and information in carrying out practices that violate norms and laws. In Aceh Province, which incidentally is the implementation area of Islamic Shari'at, the use of digital is used in practices that violate the Qanun (regional regulation) of Islamic Shari'at. Prostitution, one of the criminal cases of Islamic Sharia, was found that all perpetrators revealed that they carried out these 'unlawful' transactions through online media. This study aims to explain the driving factors for prostitution behavior and explain the government's collaborative efforts in dealing with online prostitution in Aceh. This study uses a qualitative approach that descriptively describes the primary and secondary data. Preliminary data were obtained through interviews and observation techniq...

Komunitas Prostitusi Online DI Tengah Masyarakat Virtual Dalam Perspektif Hukum

Martabat: Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak, 2019

Keberadaan internet menjadikan berkembangnya jejaring sosial dengan berbagi aplikasi. Masalah-masalah sosial dalam dunia nyata turut masuk ke dalam dunia virtual. Prostitusi yang merupakan sisi gelap dari masyarakat nyata, mulai bergeser ke dalam cyber society. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dan apa saja media komunitas prostitusi online ditengah masyarakat virtual serta menetahui tinjauan hukum dari hal tersebut. Metode penulisan yang kami lakukan bersifat studi literatur dan analisis media. Media yang digunakan oleh komunitas prosttusi online yaitu website, media sosial, dan aplikasi.

Perempuan dalam Pusaran Prostitusi: Kajian Yuridis Normatif dalam Fenomena Prostitusi Online di Indonesia


This paper examines prostitution which in practice has always been identified with women. Prostitution is a social problem that is passed down from time to time with various modes that always develop along with the development of lifestyle and technology. The focus of this study is how is the normative juridical review of the issue of women and prostitution? The method used in this article is the library study method. Through a normative juridical approach, the author will examine the issue of prostitution based on the main legal material, namely to see the arguments originating from the Qur'an and hadith, as well as legislation in force in Indonesia. In the final section the author tries to present a solution to stem the practice of prostitution. In this study it was found that prostitution in Indonesia has existed since the kingdom era, continued during the Dutch and Japanese colonies. Prostitution is a crime that is contrary to Islamic law and legislation in Indonesia. Surat ...

Analisis Mengenai Prostitusi Cyber Bagi Para Pelaku Dan Bagi Para Mucikari DI Indonesia

Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah

The purpose of this study is to find out about the legal basis for prostitution service providers and for perpetrators of prostitution. In this study included in normative law. In this study the authors used the method of regulation approach. Provisions in the Criminal Code can only be used to ensnare service providers / pimps / pimps based on the provisions of Article 296, Article 297, jo. Article 506 of the Criminal Code: People who provide pornographic services as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (2) of the Pornography Law No. 44 of 2008. If words or writings and images broadcast by prostitutes (prostitute) through social media contain obscenity or sexual exploitation in violation moral norms in society, the prostitute can be charged with Article 27 paragraph (1) of Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning ITE jo. Article 45 of Law Number 19 Year 2016 Regarding Amendment to Law No. 11 of 2008. If the advertisement carried out by prostitutes is accompanied by photographs containing p...

Upaya Kepolisian Dalam Memberantas Prostitusi Di Media Internet Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik (Studi Di Kepolisian Daerah Metro Jaya Jakarta)


Pada artikel ini penulis mengangkat permasalahan Upaya Kepolisian Dalam Memberantas Prostitusi Melalui Media Internet berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik. Pilihan tema ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya kemajuan teknologi yang memberikan dampak positif dan negatif tersebut membuat makin berkembangnya prostitusi melalui media internet di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian pada artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui modus-modus operandi kejahatan prostitusi online dalam melakukan tindakan kejahatannya, untuk mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh kepolisian dalam melakukan pengungkapan dan memberantas tindak pidana prostitusi melalui media internet dan untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dihadapi oleh kepolisian dalam memberantas praktek tindak pidna prostitusi melalui media internet. Penulis melakukan penelitian yuridis empiris, yakni penelitian yang membahas bagaimana hukum beroperasi di masyarakat. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan statue appr...

Urgensi Kriminalisasi Pengguna Jasa Prostitusi Online Sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Permasalahan Sosial di Indonesia

Mulawarman law review, 2021

This study aims to determine the urgency of criminalizing online prostitution service users. The research method in this paper is juridical-normative research. This study resulted in findings of a legal vacuum and legal inconsistency in the enforcement and prevention of online prostitution. Service users in the practice of prostitution are the most important parties because it has become a basic principle that there will be no sellers if there are no buyers. Therefore, if users of online prostitution services are not immediately criminalized, users of online prostitution will feel safe and remain free to practice prostitution which in turn leads to increased social problems that have an impact on social, human rights, health, and religion. Thus, it is necessary to reform criminal law in order to overcome social problems in order to create justice and legal certainty for the protection and welfare of the community.

Fenomena Prostitusi Online di Kota Yogyakarta dalam Perspektif Nilai Kemanusiaan Yang Adil dan Beradab

Jurnal Kewarganegaraan

In the millennial era as it is now the utilization or use of social media seems to be a primary necessity. It is undeniable that the Internet network can resurface the issues between the right and the vanity. Many internet users are peddling their wares online such as accessories, clothing, and food. But the fact on the field is also a lot that uses social media to do activities that violate the norm, one of which is online prostitution. Indonesia with its Pancasila ideology wants all citizens to uphold the values contained in Pancasila. Please second aims to humanize human beings according to the dignity and the dignity to be a civilized person. The perpetrators of prostitution pretext that their activities are based on the injustices in life. Even they took refuge in human rights in the peddling of him. The study used case studies with qualitative methods to be able to uncover the veil of increasingly booming prostitution with various breakthroughs and find its way out so that the...