Bulgarian-English Code-switching in Internet Forum Communication: The BG-mamma Case (original) (raw)
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Latvian-English Code-Switching on Social Media
Language for International Communication: Linking Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Language for Specific Purposes in the Era of Multilingualism and Technologies. Volume 4
People draw on the languages in their linguistic repertoire, depending on the speech participants’ needs and the conversational setting. The English language has gained salience replacing the Russian language as the foreign language most often studied at schools after Latvia regained independence in 1990. Since then, it has been used widely as a lingua franca in various fields, for instance, international diplomacy, science, and education. This has been a fruitful environment for code-switching, as it is claimed that many young people alternate effortlessly between the Latvian language and the English language, which they often use as a means of communication, especially on social media. In order to ascertain the linguistic manifestation of code-switching, a study was conducted by using a qualitative descriptive research design. Extra-sentential, inter-sentential, and intra-sentential code-switching was explored on social media. Extra-sentential switching or inserting tag elements f...
Ciberpragmática. El uso del lenguaje en Internet [Cyberpragmatics. Language Use on the Internet
Journal of Pragmatics, 2003
At the end of the nineteenth century the symbolist poet Rimbaud urged us to ''be absolutely modern'', while a hundred years later the cyberguru Negroponte (1995) suggests that we should ''be absolutely digital''. From a communicative point of view, the digital human being (typically, an individual who lives in a sophisticated metropolitan area of a prosperous first-world country) is an on-line person who interacts technologically with similar people in a virtual community environment. As happened with the telephone in the past, this new telematic way of communicative life is modifying human relationships as we know them today; and changes may well be greater in the very near future, when technology allows the normalization of virtual interactive encounters by means of multimedia conferencing and other telecommunicative advances unimaginable at the present time. As Yus recalls in his book, in our continuous interaction with the environment on which our lives depend, human beings have progressively adapted, first to the natural world, later to the industrial world, and now to the telematic world. At each one of these three crucial cultural points, humans have had to enrich and adapt their linguistic and communicative abilities to face new cognitive challenges. In this respect, Castells (1996) wrote: ''New Information Technologies are radically transforming the contemporary world at all levels: economy, society, culture, and everyday life''. It stands to reason that linguistics can't remain unconcerned about these changes. Linguistics must explore the characteristics of emergent e-communicative modalities, and must answer new questions that demand new positions and new explicative models. Consequently, this novel technological communicative scene generates new linguistic concerns and new research frameworks which, little by little, are appearing in specialized journals and books, like the case in point, Ciberpragma´tica (Cyberpragmatics) by Francisco Yus (University of Alicante, Spain), the first book in Spanish that makes a global proposal on these topics, and the very first book that analyses on-line human communication from the pragmatic viewpoint.