Related papers
Influence of Investment and Labour on Agriculture Sector Economy of South Kalimantan Province
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
The purpose of this study was to describe the development of investment and employment in South Kalimantan and to analyze the effect of investment and employment in the agricultural sector to GDP in South Kalimantan. This research is a quantitative study by conducting data collection at the Central Bureau of Statistics South Kalimantan Province pertaininglabour and the economy GDP Data and at Bappeda South Kalimantan and BKPMD (Investment Coordinating Board) South Kalimantan related PMA and PMD data investments as well as data from the Investment Credit Bank Indonesia Banjarmasin.The results showed that the province of South Kalimantan economy during the year 2002-2011grow positively. The condition is mainly supported by a number of industries (which are labour intensive) and the number of people working in agriculture, trade, and mining. However, no significant investment to GDP of Agriculture Sector in South Kalimantan was observed. Labour is still positive but not significant eff...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Science, Education and Technology, ISET 2019, 29th June 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2020
The main objective of this study was to analyse influence of employment and government expenditure on economic growth in Central Kalimantan Province for the period 2013-2017. The research approach is quantitative descriptive. The sample in the study were 13 regencies and 1 city in Central Kalimantan Province. The analysis was carried out by multiple linear regression using the IBM SPSS version 24.0 application. The results of the study show that partialy, employment has a positively and significant influence on economic growth, while government expenditure has no significant influence on economic growth. However, simultaneously employment and government expenditure has a positevely and significant influence on economic growth in Central Kalimantan Province.
Study of agricultural economic potential in West Kalimantan using Regional Analysis Techniques
E3S Web of Conferences
The agricultural resource is one of the most critical sectors in the economy, which contributes a high portion of the growth and development of a particular region. Differences in characteristics and potential between regions give rise to the basic and non-basic sectors, which then affect income contribution. This research aims to analyze the economic potential of the agricultural sector of the regencies and cities in West Kalimantan Province as basic or non-basic sector. Both basic and non-basic sector analysis can be carried out using quantitative-descriptive methods using Shift-Share and Location Quotient (LQ) analysis. The analysis was carried out using secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) publication from 2015 to 2020. The results of the LQ analysis show the agricultural sector in Sambas, Bengkayang, Landak, Mempayah, Sanggau, Ketapang, Sintang, Kapuas Hulu, Sekadau, and Kayong Utara are the basic sector. Meanwhile, the agricultural sector in Kubu Raya, Ponti...
Jurnal Forum Analisis Statistik (FORMASI), 2022
Human development index (HDI) and economic expansion are measures of the welfare of a region. Cointegration and causality of HDI and economic growth of districts/cities in West Kalimantan Province was the focus of this research. Panel data is a combination of cross-sectional data for 14 regions or cities and time series data from 2010 to 2021 in this study case. Klassen typology, cointegration test, and causality test are used in this study to determine the relationship between HDI and economic growth, as well as the long-term relationship or balance between each variable. HDI and economic growth patterns are cointegrated or in balance in the long run. According to the Granger causality test, there is a one-way relationship between HDI and economic growth. Thus, economic growth does have a significant impact on HDI.
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2018
South Sumatra province is one of the provinces with major potential in the agricultural sector which is accounted for 16.60% in the gross domestic product (GDP) formation, it is necessary efforts so that the production of the agricultural sector can be maintained and improved. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the agricultural sector capital expenditure (physical capital) and education, health, and labor (human capital) to economic growth in South Sumatra. The data used in this study are the panel data which are time series and cross section in 14 districts/cities in South Sumatra. The research using linear regression analysis method with fixed effect model. The analysis showed education, health, labor and agriculture sector capital spending has significant positive effect on economic growth as measured by the agricultural sector GDP.
Accounting and Finance, 2021
This study aims to analyze how the influence of the Domestic Investment variable in the agricultural sector, the number of workers in the agricultural sector and agricultural sector exports on economic growth in South Sumatra Province. The data used are time series data for the period 2002 to 2019. The quantitative analysis technique is in the form of multiple linear regression analysis with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimation. The results showed that the variable that had a significant influence was the growth of agricultural exports with a coefficient of 0.012815, which means that a 1 percent increase in agricultural exports resulted in an increase in the economic growth of South Sumatra Province by 0.0128 percent. The growth variable in the number of workers in the agricultural sector also has a significant effect with a prob value of 0.054 and an influence coefficient of 0.034019 where an increase of 1 percent in the number of workers in the agricultural sector increases econ...
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020
This research aims to the effect of government expenditures, domestic invesment, and foreign invesment to the economic growth of primary sector in central Kalimantan. This research is quantitative research with used analyzed of mutiple linier regression. Collection the variable data by library methods based on secondary data with times series on 1990-2019. Research results show that the Government Expenditures, Domestic Invesment, and Foreign Invesment for simultante has significant effect and positive to the Economic Growth of Primary Sector. For while partial that the Government Expenditures has significant effect and positive to the Economic Growth of Primary Sector meanwhile Domestic Invesment and Foreign Invesment has not significant effect.
Agriculture and regional economic growth in Indonesia
The Republic of Indonesia consists of 34 provinces in 514 districts with diverse economic characteristics. The objective of this research is to analyze the association between agriculture sector and regional economic growth in Indonesia. The data source was from the Indonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research (INDO-DAPOER) of the World Bank. The study covered the period between 2001 and 2008. The province total gross domestic product (GDP) excluding oil and gas was used as the outcome variable. The covariates were grouped into agricultural and development variables. The agricultural variables were total agricultural credit, number of people employed in agriculture, forestry and fishery, and agriculture function expenditure. Meanwhile, the development variables were percentage of household with access to safe water and literacy rate for population age 15 and over. The data analysis method was the generalized least square multiple regression with random effects. The results of...
Abstrak Agriculture in Indonesia is the most important factor in economic development, agriculture problems can be caused by agriculturally functional agricultural lands to industries and settlements, less modern technologies, as well as labor issues that can affect per capita labor income. But it can all be overcome by the large production of agricultural products, this will result in prosperity can be met. The analysis used in this study using MANOVA analysis where researchers will see Testing the correlation between response variables, estimating parameters, Tests of parameter significance. This research was conducted in 1986-2016 macroeconomic data. On multivariate linear regression analysis because the response variable Y1 is Production and Y2 Welfare is dependent or correlated. Variable Harvest Area in general gives a significant effect on the amount of production and welfare. Similarly, the number of workers also gives a significant impact on the amount of production and welfare. However, variable use of technology did not have a significant effect on the amount of production and welfare.
Academy of Strategic Management Journal , 2021
These study pursuits to analyze monetary growth in the primary, secondary, and tertiary employment sectors in West Kalimantan Province. The approach used in this study is quantitative. This study is classed as explanatory research (showing cause and effect). The data used are secondary in the Province of West Kalimantan in 2013-2015 obtained from data published by the Central Statistics Agency of West Kalimantan. The evaluation used is multiple regression evaluation of panel data. The results showed that the primary and secondary sectors' economic growth had a high quality and full-size effect. The monetary gain of the tertiary industry had a destructive and sizeable impact on the increase in employment. The economic development of the primary sector had a positive effect on work. In contrast, the secondary sector had a negative and sizeable impact, while the tertiary industry had a better and insignificant effect. The model variables together affect about 81.50 percent of employment, while other variables influence 18.40 percent.