Verses in Latin Inscriptions: From Rhythm and Rhymes to Aesthetics. The Example of La Sauve-Majeure (original) (raw)

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« Beyond Graphical Boundaries: Arabic Writing and Poem to the Virgin Mary inscribed in the Tympanum of Saint-Pierre-le-Puellier of Bourges » Cover Page

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The Use of Vernacular and its Graphic and Material Shape in Epigraphic Discourse: Three Case Studies from Western France Cover Page

Medieval Latin Inscriptions in Constantinople

Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul. A Revised and Expanded Booklet, 2020

Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul. A Revised and Expanded Booklet. Prepared by I. Toth and A. Rhoby, Oxford and Vienna, 2020, p. 97-106\_in\_Istanbul

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Medieval Latin Inscriptions in Constantinople Cover Page

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Corpus des inscriptions de la France médiévale, 25 Cover Page

Migrations in Visual Art


Migrations in Visual Art is an edited collection of essays from different fields of humanities and social sciences that addresses the issue of the power and meaning of images and the visual in general in the context of migrations of people, ideas, knowledge, artifacts, art works and symbols through the prism of postcolonial and cultural translation theories, from antiquity to the present. The complex question of migrations in visual art involves far more than just art, all the more so because many fields in the humanities and social sciences have in recent times taken the “pictorial turn”. Moreover, and especially at this point in history, any discussion of the power of images and their role in migrations in visual culture is unavoidably also positioned in the context of current changes in global relations as well as in the growing impact of social media. This issue also opens the question of the de-territorialization of images and how, as Walter Benjamin had already indicated, technical reproduction has moved the artwork from its original context. The topics opened for interdisciplinary discussions at the conference and printed in this volume include the following: West Balkans - Migration and Cultural transfer, Migration as Cross-cultural Communication, Migration of Ideas and Concepts, Migration of Works of Art, and Migration of Symbols.

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Migrations in Visual Art Cover Page

Une poésie à l’échelle monumentale : les inscriptions des médaillons des apôtres à l’abbaye de la Sauve-Majeure

La rigueur et la passion. Mélanges en l’honneur de Pascale Bourgain, 2016

Poetry at a monumental scale: the inscriptions of the medallions of the apostles in La Sauve-Majeure abbey A small but significant part of the epigraphic production used verses in the Middle Ages. These verse inscriptions brought something else to the medieval poetry: a monumental scale. La Sauve-Majeure abbey gives an example of it. For the dedication of the church in 1231, twelve medallions which focused on the apostles were embedded in the columns of the nave. One hexameter distich has been inscribed around each apostolic figure and reminds of the conditions of his martyrdom. Instead of considering solitarily each couple of verses, this study will examine these twenty four hexameters as a unique poem at the scale of the church. The reading of the poem could lead the reader from the entry to the choir, from far-off lands to Rome. It proposed then a real progression throughout the church and across the cartography of the Church. Between the lines, these verses gave the image of the development of the abbey whom founder, Gérard of Corbie, has been canonized a few decades earlier. As the Vitae and the main cartulary, this epigraphic poem enhanced the tutelary role of La Sauve-Majeure in Christendom.

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Une poésie à l’échelle monumentale : les inscriptions des médaillons des apôtres à l’abbaye de la Sauve-Majeure Cover Page

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Writing (and Reading) Silver with Sidonius: The Material Contexts of Late Antique Texts Cover Page

Verse texts in the Latin inscriptions of Estonian ecclesiastical space: meter, rhythm and prosody

In 2014, the project CEILE (Corpus Electronicum Inscriptionum Latinarum Estoniae, EKKM 14-364) was launched within the framework of the program " Esto-nian language and cultural memory " , in order to systematically map and study the Latin inscriptions created before 1918 and stored in Estonian Lutheran and Catholic churches. As of 2018, the database contains more than 300 inscriptions. Although the proportion of verse texts is not high (13 entries), the fact that the material (totalling 175 verses) has survived almost completely, part of them in situ and partly in transcriptions , and contains several lengthier texts, allows us to make certain generalizations about their metrical and prosodic structure. In this paper, we will give an overview of the chronology and sites of inscriptions and describe the metrical, rhythmical and prosodic structure of the verse texts, addressing also the conjectural role of meter and prosody in our work. We will also dwell on the metrical and prosodic correctness of the texts and will take a separate look at the prosodic licences and errors which occur in the verse texts of the corpus.

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Verse texts in the Latin inscriptions of Estonian ecclesiastical space: meter, rhythm and prosody Cover Page

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The derivatives of Estonian hexameter Cover Page

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The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms Cover Page