The law enunciated by Charles Coulomb, in 1784, giving force of repulsion or attraction between two charges, is the most important principle in physics. However, this law is not complete as it does not include force of gravity between charged particles and does not incorporate radiation from accelerated charged particles. This paper proposes an extension of Coulomb's law by adding a term for gravitation and invoking aberration of electric field to incorporate radiation. It gives an extended law where accelerating force depends on velocity in an electric field. The law is applicable to a charged particle, accelerated by an electric field, to the speed of light, with emission of radiation and constant mass, contrary to the theory of special relativity. It is found the relativistic mass-velocity formula is correct in circular motion and Lorentz factor is the result of a charged particle moving perpendicular to an electric field. It is shown that relativistic mass is not a physical quantity but the ratio of electrostatic force to acceleration, in circular motion, which becomes infinitely large for motion in a straight line. An important outcome of the paper is showing that Rutherford's nuclear model of the hydrogen atom is stable outside quantum mechanics. The property of aether, as a balanced electric field medium for gravitation and radiation, is identified.

Motion of an Electron in Classical and Relativistic Electrodynamics and a Radiative Electrodynamics


For an electron of mass m and charge –e moving at time t with velocity v and acceleration dv/dt in an electric field of magnitude E, the accelerating force is proposed, in accordance with Newton’s second law of motion, as vector F = eE(c – v)/c = m(dv/dt), where c is the velocity of light at which the electrostatic force is propagated and (c – v) is the velocity of the force relative to the moving electron. The electron moves in a straight line to the speed of light c as a limit or it revolves in a circle at a constant speed v. It is shown that the relativistic mass-velocity formula is correct for circular revolution and that the “mass m” in that formula is not a physical quantity but the ratio of electrostatic force (–eE) to acceleration (–v^2/r) in a circle of radius r. This ratio becomes infinitely large for revolution with zero centripetal acceleration, which is motion in a straight line. A radiative electrodynamics is developed for an electron accelerated to the speed of light with constant mass and with emission of radiation, contrary to classical and relativistic electrodynamics. Radiation occurs if there is a change in the potential energy or kinetic energy of a moving electron. Circular revolution of an electron, in Rutherford's nuclear model of the hydrogen atom, is stabilized outside quantum electrodynamics. Keywords: Aberration, acceleration, charge, field, force, mass, radiation, relativity, speed, velocity

An Alternative Electrodynamics to the Theory of Special Relativity


An electrical force is propagated with the velocity of light c. The velocity of transmission of an electrical force, relative to a charged particle moving with velocity v, is (c – v). The accelerating force F on an electron of charge –e and mass m moving at time t with velocity v and acceleration dv/dt in an electric field of intensity E and magnitude E, is proposed as vector F = eE(c – v)/c = m(dv/dt), where m is a constant and c is the magnitude of velocity of light. The difference between the accelerating force F and the impressed force –eE is the radiation reaction force R and radiation power is the scalar product –v.R. For θ = 0 or θ = π radians, there is rectilinear motion with radiation reaction force –eEv/c and radiation power eEv^2/c. In the alternative electrodynamics an electron is accelerated to a maximum speed c with constant mass, in contrast to special relativity. If θ = π/2 radians, there is stable revolution at constant speed v in a circle of radius r with centripetal acceleration v^2/r. Keywords: Acceleration, electric charge, energy, field force, mass, radiation, velocity

Electric Charge Radiation

How wonderful that we have met with a Paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress." Niels Bohr Niels Bohr satisfaction was concerning the statement he had made some years before, that a gyrating electron around a proton nuclei cannot emit radiation. In fact, if it were, the electron will fall down on the proton, which is not what is observed! This statement was in total contradiction to what Joseph Larmor had demonstrated mathematically in 1897. And when general relativity theory was adopted, Larmor's formula induced the "Paradox of radiation of charged particles in a gravitational field". With this Paradox, Bohr was hoping that resolving it will theoretically justify his statement. The derivation of the radiation of an electrostatic field emitted by an electric charge moving with constant velocity, done by Oliver Heaviside, was puzzling since it suggested that the field propagates faster than light. The resolution of this issue shows that the wave propagates at the speed of light and that there is no aberration phenomenon when a charge is moving. This conclusion about the aberration of a moving charge can be extended, surprisingly, to any pushing gravity theory, like the one of Nicolas Fatio or Le Sage. But, more than that, the creation of a dynamic electric field leads us to pose the issue of the existence of an absolute universe, which has been denied by Mach and Einstein, for inertia. Also, the radiation by electrons circulating in a circular ring at high constant velocity, like in a synchrotron facility, which radiation is observed everyday, is not so clear a situation to state if an uniformly accelerated charge does radiate or not. By addressing these issues, we will demonstrate, following Feynman's proposal, that a charged particle can create a photonic radiation (and not a wave as too often said) only when the charged particle is subject to a variable acceleration. Therefore, since there is no radiation when an electron is uniformly accelerated, it resolves both the Paradox and the case of the Niels Bohr hydrogen atom model. We will also show that the electrostatic field is an emergent phenomenon induced in the vacuum by the sole presence of electric charges (electron and positron only, no quarks! [1]).



Classical and relativistic electrodynamics could not explain the source of radiation from accelerated charged particles. So, quantum mechanics was devised to explain emission of radiation from atomic particles. The theory of general relativity was contrived to explain the cause of gravity. However, these incompatible theories have not given satisfactory explanations at speeds, from zero to that of light, for charged particles moving relative to an observer. This paper explains radiation on the basis of aberration of electric field, where there is relative velocity (c-v) between a charged particle moving in an electric field with velocity v and electrical force transmitted with velocity of light c. Gravitation is explained to be the result of bending of an electric field where it encounters an electric charge in space, such that force of repulsion is slightly reduced and force of attraction similarly increased. An important result of the paper is that Rutherford's nuclear model of the hydrogen atom is inherently stable and no need for Bohr's quantum mechanics to fix it.


A comparison of important equations is made in classical, relativistic and radiative electrodynamics. The main difference is emission of radiation. Motion of a charged particle, such as an electron, in an electric field, is treated under acceleration or deceleration or circular revolution. At low speeds, the equations of relativistic and radiative electrodynamics converge to classical electrodynamics. Equations of classical electrodynamics are incompatible with those of relativistic and radiative electrodynamics at high speeds near that of light. Equations of relativistic and radiative electrodynamics show agreement for accelerated electrons, but there is divergence for decelerated electrons. Considering aberration of electric field, equations of motion in radiative electrodynamics are derived for a charged particle moving up to the speed of light, with constant mass and emission of radiation. An equation for radiation power of an accelerated electron shows that revolution of an electron, round a central force of attraction, is stable, outside quantum mechanics. An extended equation for Coulomb's law is given, incorporating radiation and gravitation, to make the relativity and quantum theories unnecessary.

Coulomb’s Law in Electrostatic, Gravitational and Inertial Forces and Emission of Radiation

Journal of Physics & Optics Sciences

Electric fields, from charges in bodies, in accordance with Coulomb’s law, occupying a vacuum, constitute an elastic medium called aether. Electrostatic, gravitational, and inertial forces are explained by considering the aether as an electric-field medium, supporting transmission of radiation at the speed of light. A partice of charge Q is supposed to be an impregnable hollow sphere, with radial force pulling the surface outwards, to maintain a stable structure of radius a and mass m, as the smallest quantities. Lines of force from stationary adjacent charges, are curled, in positive potential energy, for repulsion or negative for attraction. A charge Q, moving at constant velocity, carries its straight lines of radial fields, with increase forwards, to account for the kinetic energy. Force of gravity is by virtue of bodies displacing volumes of the aether, one in the shadow of another, to make for a pushings force of attraction, in accordance with Newton’s law. Due to finite speed...

Lectures on Physics Chapter V: Moving charges, electromagnetic waves, radiation, and near and far fields

ResearchGate, 2020

The special problem we try to get at with these lectures is to maintain the interest of the very enthusiastic and rather smart people trying to understand physics. They have heard a lot about how interesting and exciting physics is—the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, and other modern ideas—and spend many years studying textbooks or following online courses. Many are discouraged because there are really very few grand, new, modern ideas presented to them. Also, when they ask too many questions in the course, they are usually told to just shut up and calculate. Hence, we were wondering whether or not we can make a course which would save them by maintaining their enthusiasm. This paper is a draft of the fifth chapter of such course. It offers a comprehensive overview of the complementarity of wave- and particle-like perspectives on electromagnetic (EM) waves and radiation. We finish with a few remarks on relativity.

Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics and Gravidynamics


This book presents a new approach to Relativity Theory (RT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM). The main motivation for this work is that RT and QM appear to be incompatible with one another. In addition, a number of physically important cases and well-documented experiments cannot be ex-plained within the framework of those two theories.

Modern Classical Electrodynamics and Electromagnetic Radiation - Vacuum Field Theory Aspects

The work is devoted to studying some new classical electrodynamics models of interacting charged point particles and related with them physical aspects. Based on the vacuum field theory no-geometry approach, developed in \cite{BPT,BPT1}, the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian reformulations of some alternative classical electrodynamics models are devised. A problem closely related to the radiation reaction force is analyzed aiming to explain the Wheeler and Feynman reaction radiation mechanism, well known as the absorption radiation theory, and strongly dependent on the Mach type interaction of a charged point particle in an ambient vacuum electromagnetic medium. There are discussed some relationships between this problem and the one derived within the context of the vacuum field theory approach. The R. \ Feynman's \textquotedblleft heretical\textquotedblright\ approach \cite{Dy1,Dy2} to deriving the Lorentz force based Maxwell electromagnetic equations is also revisited, its complete l...