Refleksi Pemikiran Multikulturalisme bagi Dakwah (original) (raw)
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Dakwah Dalam Masyarakat Multikultural
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 1970
Indonesia is a country which has so many ethnicities, tribes, cultures, languages, andreligions. Such diversity is prone to conflict and discord and therefore, there must be asystematic, programmed, integrated, and sustainable effort to maintain the integrity of thenation and as a multicultural country.A step to be taken to realize it is by planting a multicultural understanding to thesociety. Planting a multicultural understanding is not intended to eliminate differences but toeliminate bias, develop dialogs and get to know the differences among them, so that mutualrespect and appreciation can be achieved. One form of planting a multicultural understandingcan be a dakwah activity which applies a cultural approach that is grounded in universalvalues of humanity.
Dakwah dan Perdebatan Seputar Pluralisme
Pluralitas atau kemajemukan umat manusia adalah kenyataan yang telah menjadi kehendak Tuhan. Jika di dalam al-Qur’an disebutkan bahwa manusia diciptakan berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku agar mereka saling kenal mengenal dan menghargai, maka manusia dengan ciri pluralitas itu pada gilirannya menjadi masyarakat yang plural berdasarkan kenyataan yang ada sekarang.
Dakwah Dan Tantangan Pluralisme
Abstrak Tindakan menyebarkan dan mengkomunikasikan pesan-pesan Islam merupakan esensi dakwah. Dakwah adalah istilah teknis yang pada dasarnya dipahami sebagai upaya untuk menghimbau orang lain kearah Islam. Pada konteks Indonesia agama yang tumbuh subur dan diakui oleh pemerintah bukan hanya Islam, akan tetapi terdapat juga agama lain. Indonesia bangsa yang pluralis baik itu ras, suku, budaya, golongan dan agama. Dan harus diakui sistem nilai plural merupakan suatu aturan Tuhan (sunnatullah) yang tidak mungkin berubah, diubah, dilawan dan diingkari. Barang siapa yang mencoba untuk mengingkari hukum kemajemukan sebagai suatu kenyataan hidup, maka akan timbul fenomena pergolakan yang tiada berkesudahan. Oleh karena itu dakwah di Indonesia seyogyanya dilakukan dengan mekanisme yang sesuai dengan kemajemukannya Kata Kunci: Dakwah,Pluralitas, Agama
Dakwah: Suatu Pendekatan Kultural
HUNAFA: Jurnal Studia Islamika, 2008
Inviting people to perform the good deeds is one of the Islamic core teachings. For this reason, a da'wah should be delivered by employing a proper approach. In other words, a dâ'i should notice the social and cultural condition of the people as the target of his da'wah. Within this context, one of the approaches that can be employed in delivering a da'wah is cultural approach. Employing this kind of approach, a dâ'i will be able to promote the Islamic teaching as a social and cultural need of the Muslims. In addition, cultural approach is persuasive in nature, that is transforming the values of the Qur'an and the prophet's tradition into ideas and deeds in the form of norms.
Eksistensi Dakwah Dalam Merespon Pluralisme
Da'wah delivered by the Holy Prophet, not only to the ahlul kitab, but to the plural society where he convey the religious message to the people in order to implement the Shari'ah of the religion correctly and responsibly following the guidance of the Qur'an and Hadith towards the creation of a peaceful, secure society , and affluent. The ongoing process makes every individual understand fully that dakwah is a duty with all responsibility and is accompanied by a consequence of obtaining God's approval. The nature of da'wah is not just to invite people to accept what a dai calls for, nor a person's intelligence in the pulpit or the ability to put ideas through writing. Moreover, da'wah is a horizontal relationship with each other that is interdependent. From here, there is another side that must be understood by those who carry out this missionary mandate, given that the duty and responsibility of a dai is a very big thing, let alone the activities of da&#...
Dakwah Dan Perdebatan Soal Pluralisme
Da'wah is basically a social activity that allows people to meet with various social backgrounds in it. Because of its nature as a social activity, plurality becomes a necessity in da'wah. Nevertheless, pluralism as a reality sometimes becomes a problem in society. This article aims to describe the problem between da'wah and pluralism with the subject of the meaning of pluralism, its reality in the history of Islamic da'wah, and the attitude that must be developed in responding to it. The study showed that pluralism is generally interpreted as diversity in various aspects of life, including religion, which is believed to originate from one source even though this causes controversy. Historically Islam recognized the reality of religious pluralism. This fact shows that in Islam differences of belief are not obstacles to managing social life together as a form of acceptance of religious pluralism. Some attitudes that must be developed to be able to accept the reality o...
Cultural Da'wa on one side with a greater emphasis has principles of Islam cultural approach, which is one approach that seeks to review the formal doctrinal connection between Islam and politics or Islam and the state. Da'wa cultural question the validity; is it true that proselytizing Muslims is beyond the power of propaganda that is incomplete and imperfect. The essence of da'wa essentially a bid to entice and restore integral human existence, as well as the values of the translation effort Divine become good works in real life. Between the idea of propaganda is developing now with reality, there is a gap that needs to be bridged. First, the gap is derived from understanding how to give da'wah affecting propaganda tradition over the years. Second, the gap caused by the absence of scientific framework of propaganda that is able to explain the propagation of Islam, which is the gap between theory and practice. Cultural Da'wa on one side with a greater emphasis has principles of Islam cultural approach, which is one approach that seeks to review the formal doctrinal connection between Islam and politics or Islam and the state. Strictly speaking cultural missionary movement that tends mempertanyakankebenaran statement saying that the missionary movement was seen not truly fight for Islam The relationship between Islam and politics or Islam and the country including the ijtihadiyah thinking, which is not a problem for Muslims when the system Caliphate remained in the Islamic world.
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Pluralisme Budaya dalam Pendidikan Dakwah Islam Multikultural
Busyro : Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam
Indonesia sebagai sebuah Negara pastilah memiliki keragaman baik pada sisi sosial, masyarakat, suku, ras, agama dan budaya. Keanekaragaman yang hadir di bumi Nusantara bukanlah hal yang aneh. Sejarah telah mencatat, pondasi peradaban sudah terbentuk dengan begitu indahnya oleh nenek moyang kita. Begitu juga halnya, ketika Islam sebagai sebuah teologi baru yang dibawa oleh para pendakwah atau yang kita kenal dengan sebutan Wali, mulai menapakkan jejak tradisi dan kebudayaan. Kehadiran teologi baru yakni Islam menambah khazanah kebudayaan yang disandingkan dengan tradisi dan kebudayaan masyarakat lokal. Pertemuan budaya inilah melahirkan nilai-nilai keadaban dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan terutama pada nilai-nilai pendidikan budaya. Warisan kebudayaan yang ditinggalkan oleh para Wali dengan mengedepankan nilai-nilai penghormatan pada perbedaan (tasammuh) menjadi inti kuatnya ikatan antar anak bangsa dalam menyikapi perbedaan. Bertemunya unsur kebudayaan lama dan kebudayaan baru y...