State Order in Vocational Education in Ukraine (original) (raw)

Challenges of VET Reform in Ukraine 2016: Inception Report


The report analyzes key challenges facing Ukrainian vocational and technical education (VET), focusing on issues of management and finaning. It review the legislative basis of the sector, recents attempts at decentralization of VET, problems of financing of vocational schools, as well as their social and educational functions. The report includes conclusions for several regional focus groups conducted with local managers of VET sector.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) School Autonomy and Accountability: An analytical framework to contribute on moving forward VET policies and system in Ukraine

HAPSc Policy Briefs Series

In the last years, the evolution of decentralization in education in Ukraine, whether in the field of general education or vocational education and training (VET), has created effective political will and good synergies to address systemic reforms. However, the steadily decreasing number of VET institutions, students -and teachers- testify to the need to further reform the VET system. In the context of its effort to make the VET system both more attractive for students and the labour market through decentralization, Ukraine is facing the challenge of advancing VET school autonomy and accountability regarding managerial, financial and pedagogical functions. Increasing vocational school autonomy has been considered a key policy driver for decentralization process. School autonomy (managerial, financial, and pedagogical autonomy) might enable schools to support on such ambitious goal. The European Training Foundation (ETF) working very closely with Ministry of Education and Science of ...

Reform perspectives for the Ukrainian VET system : a critical analysis


The contribution focuses on current reforms of the Ukrainian VET system, mainly on decentralization and the "import" of a dual system, as well as on the hindrances for successful implementation of these reforms. The context hereby is neoliberalism, which has influenced Ukraine generally, including the development of vocational education, and modernisation theory, which explains the involvement of international organisations in the VET reforms and liberal attempts of the Ukrainian government. The theoretical findings suggests that although Ukraine has a potential to improve its skill formation system, activities so far seem fragmentary and isolated, and they apparently do not take into account the complex environment in which they are meant to function.

Historical Development of Vocational Education and Training in Lithuania and Its Implications for Designing and Implementation of Regional Vet Partnerships


Article aims at disclosing the conditions and requirements posed by the historical development of vocational education and trai ning in Lithuania to the designing and implementation of regio nal VET partnerships. The development of vocational education and its context in three main periods (evolution of the society and statehood of Lithuania in the first half of the 20th century, the Soviet occupation and the development of the society and state after the restoring ofthe statehood in 1990) are analyzed, seeking to disclose the implications of this development for the designing and implementation of regional VET partnerships..

Conflicting roles of vocational education: Civic, Industrial, Market and Project Conventions to address VET scenarios

Hungarian Educational Research Journal

Vocational education and training is more complex than academic education. It is also subject to important differences among countries due to at least two factors: a) the particular fabric of the productive system of the country and b) the involvement of social actors (employers and unions) as well as the labor market relations and the balance between capital and work. Historical and comparative vocational education and training has deployed a series of analytical tools which have contributed to identify different patterns of existing vocational education systems. Some institutions have also worked in order to help vocational education advance in the past decades: among these, the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) has twice devised future scenarios in Vocational education, at the turn of the 20th century and right before the Covid-19 pandemics. The combination of current VET systems and suggested scenarios indicate that transformations are subject ...


The aim of this paper is to describe and discuss the evolution, the current state and the perspectives of the vocational education and training (VET) system in Poland. In the period of the economic slowdown in Poland and the Financial and Sovereign Debt Crisis in several EU member states, the need for structural reforms, including the reform of the vocational education and training is becoming increasingly important. Therefore, in the paper the special attention has been paid to the links between the education and labour markets in view of the signalled difficulties in smoothing the transition of VET graduates from schooling to work. The paper identifies the needs of Polish employers in relation to vocational training and puts forward some propositions for policy makers in order to improve the employability of VET graduates.

Features and tendencies of vocational education and training strategy and policy change in Lithuania


The change of vocational education and training system reform is a natural process constantly affected by external economic and social factors. However, this process demands to determine the preconditions for change, i.e. the strong and weak levels of the reform. The article analyses the key dispositions that have provided foundation for VET reform in Lithuania during the last decade and highlights major contradictions of the reform that create preconditions for a new reform strategy.

Business-Government Cooperation in Vet: A Russian Experiment with Dual Education

Social Science Research Network, 2016

Upgrading vocational education and training (VET) has become an increasingly urgent task for societies facing the challenges of rapid technological change and globalization. Today governments in many countries, including the United States, Russia and China, are seeking to adopt elements of the German dual education model. However, implementing dual education is institutionally demanding because of the multiple collective dilemmas inherent in coordinating VET with the labor market. The Russian federal government has undertaken several initiatives designed to upgrade the quality of VET by encouraging close cooperation of vocational schools and firms at the regional level. This paper focuses on a 2013 project administered by the Russian Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), which ran a competition to select regions as pilot regions for the development of new models of dual education. The paper compares the 13 pilot regions with regions that submitted proposals but were not selected and with and all other regions along multiple economic, social, demographic and institutional dimensions. The findings suggest hypotheses about the conditions that enabled the pilot regions to take advantage of federal policies encouraging the adoption of dual education.