Les principes de guerre (original) (raw)

Les 12 principes

Dès votre naissance et parfois même avant, l'argent est présent dans votre vie. Que vous le vouliez ou non, vous êtes dans une relation de très longue durée avec lui. Vous pouvez vous éloigner de votre conjoint, votre patron, voire de vos enfants et de vos parents. Mais pas de l'argent.

Maîtres de la terre, maîtres de la guerre

Cahiers d'études africaines, 1984

E. de Latour-Landmasters and Warmasters. There are two pre-eminent groups among the Mawri: the aboriginal Gubawa, owners of the land rights and keepers of the ancestors cuits, and the Arewa warriors, holders of the political power. Social order in the first group rests upon seniority and sacrifice, in the second one upon competition and strength-backed relations. A foundation myth accounts for the intergroup relationships in ternis of marriage: the dynasty springs from the union of the first warrior to visit the region with the daughter of one of the landholders. This suggests a compact, with land arfording legitimacy, weapons providing protection. This contract, reinforced by a set of rules, is put into effect through enthronement rites and war, but beyond these two main social experiments, each group keeps to its own representations. This leads to conflict concerning the management of arfairs, with the Gubawa claiming preeminence due to anteriority of occupation, while the Arewa try to use their military power to reign by themselves. When cohesion is on the rise and rules are Consolidated, there is a State in the offing. However concentration of power starts a process of segmentation: war, fission of princely lineages and group splitting. Yet this apparent frailty does not resuit into a destabilization of a power which thrives on the conflicts it generates.

Les Templiers et la guerre

Les templiers dans l’Aube. Cycle de conférences organisé dans le cadre de l’exposition « Templiers. Une histoire, notre trésor », 2013

Imaginaires de guerre et autres conflits


La communauté monstrueuse : écueils et postulats………………………………………………. Mathieu Dijoux « Mal fou arda nerbona ». La violence épique: un imaginaire ambigu……………………..