When Diaspora meets Pandemic (original) (raw)

Diaspora Românească - Realitate Proeminentă Şi Provocare Misionară

Altarul Reîntregirii, 2015

One of the most dynamic works of Romanian Orthodox Church in the last 25 years is spiritual care for Romanians working abroad. Sensitive to the pastoral needs of the Romanian Orthodox believers temporarily or permanently established in the countries majority unorthodox, Romanian Patriarchate organized new Orthodox dioceses and parishes in different countries, to ensure to the Romanian believers religious assistance and an appropriate pastoral care, an ethos of life similar of the country, with traditions, habits, religious services and community organization.

Un experiment transcultural

Diacronia, 2016

Proiectul de a crea o arhivă grafică și de caricaturi (alcătuită din portrete ale marilor scriitori români din diferite perioade literare), dus la capăt cu sprijinul artiștilor talentați din toată lumea, a dobîndit o nouă dimensiune literar-istorică, datorită uriașului interes stîrnit. După o selecție geografică și calitativă, au fost publicate două ediții tipărite: una în română, cealaltă în engleză, fiecare dintre ele cuprinzînd 3600 de imagini aparținînd artiștilor de pe toate continentele (112 țări). Această carte fără precedent, numită O istorie a literaturii române desenată de marii graficieni ai lumii (Editura Muzeului Literaturii Române, 2009) prezintă aspecte transculturale demne de toată atenția istoricilor literari, a biografilor, a artiștilor cuvîntului și ai imaginii (scriitori, graficieni, caricaturiști), dar, datorită neobișnuitei forme de dialog deschis, și a specialiștilor în studii culturale (antropologie, semiotică, mentalitate).

Dynamics of anthroponymy in the context of migration: Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania


This paper is a sociolinguistic analysis of anthroponyms from Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania, in the context of migration. The research illustrates the dynamic of anthroponyms, the frequency of foreign names and bilingual nominal structures, as well as the sociocultural factors underlying the choice of names. The corpus of the article consists of first names of newborns, extracted from civil and parish registers of Borşa and verified, in part, through a questionnaire filled in by the parents. The time interval proposed for the analysis spans 18 years (2000-2018), including the period in which migratory flows multiply and many migrants return. Thus, the onomastic material subjected to research is representative of anthroponymic multiculturalism in Romania.

A Journey in the Universe of Jurnalul Copiilor


Having a long tradition among the Romanian mass-media, the childrenřs magazines had an important role in educating and shaping the readersř character, believes and behavior. The influence of the press was due to the high confidence with which those magazines were credited. Children's magazines have followed the general trend of the press, representing a reflection of the national policies. If until August 1944, the magazines dedicated to children had mostly an educational and entertaining role, after this date they were used as a manipulation and propaganda tool. From this point of view, an interesting period is that of the early years of communism, when we can notice the coexistence of the two roles Ŕ educational and political. The aim of our study is to describe the evolution of Jurnalul copiilor (The Childrenřs Journal), to highlight its particularities, and to reveal the most important topics.

The Twilight „under the Sign of the Baroque”

Analele Universității de Vest. Seria Științe Filologice, 2022

In two of her works, Mateiu I. Caragiale – Initiation and Aestheticism (2005) and Under the Sign of the Baroque (2009), Dana Nicoleta Popescu has synthesized the thematic similarities between Mateiu’s Gallants of the Old Court and Lampedusa’s The Cheetah, investigating the baroque motifs throughout these works. Beyond the stream of motifs on which Dana Nicoleta Popescu makes subtle commentaries, a baroque of nature can be identified, represented by the twilight moment, bright and exuberant, but marked by an awareness of transience, of dimming light and death, specific to the baroque. The presence of the twilight is associated, in Mateiu’s creative space, with a veritable chromatic explosion, meant to convey the astounding colour palette of the sun through a series of ample, richly decorated images, in which an abundance of roses and crimson nuances is joined by an abundance of blood and fire. Splendidly coloured, but with a nostalgic tint, the twilight is converted in Mateiu Caragiale and Lampedusa into an expressive metaphor of the aristocratic twilight, awakening in the imagination of the reader the iconic image of a past filled with glamour and noble majesty. Keywords: twilight; baroque of nature; splendour; melancholy; twilight of nobility.

Reprezentări Ale Maladivului La M. Blecher Și Thomas Mann

Lucian Blaga Yearbook

The present paper focuses on the ailments of modern man, whether we consider the physiological aspect, or whether we refer to the metaphorical, ontological dimension, and performs a comparative analysis between the work of M. Blecher and the novel The Enchanted Mountain by Thomas Mann. Illness - the overarching theme of the novels - receives numerous valences, from the most noble to the most detestable, but what remains common to these texts advanced for analysis is the existential crisis, the inner void that the characters experience acutely. The universe that both the Romanian and the German author create is permeated by the specter of death, which, without being tragically experienced, rather gives off a strange fascination, and ends up creeping into the thoughts, habits and belongings of the characters, becoming a kind of obsession that convulsively controls everyone, but which they paradoxically ignore, with just as much indifference. On a macro level, the smoldering malaise ca...