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IAEME Publication, 2020
The interaction between land use and transit station is a cyclic process. The allocation of certain use to a land impacts the demand for travel towards that land, which in turn results in the development of transport infrastructure facilities improving the accessibility of that land. The attractiveness of transport infrastructure facilities results in increase in land value which affects the use of that piece of land to the use which can afford that space and rent. In this manner, land use and transportation impacts each other. The visible change in land use due to the presence of a transit station can be observed only after a certain period of time, which in turn depends on the level of interaction between the both. This level of interaction not only depends on the transit station, but on lot of other supporting factors like availability of land for development, population density, employment density, positive regional economy, etc.
Transit-Oriented Development and Land Use
Transportation Technologies for Sustainability, 2013
The purpose of this work is to support the transitoriented development (TOD) in Thailand. The main research objective is to explore the relationship between ridership demand and TOD indicators, which is expected to be the first question that a developer in Thailand must be able to answer in order to direct their development plan in the right direction. Using existing Bangkok metro stations as a case study, 22 variables categorized into three groups (density, diversity, and design) were collected for an 800-m buffer area around the stations. Results of the correlation analysis between transit ridership and other variables show a significant relation with the volume of transit ridership. Bus services have a stronger influence on transit ridership than railway stations and ferries (pier). Also, the interchange stations and park-and-ride buildings are found to be the main variables that correlate directly with the transit ridership numbers. Results from the principal component analysis are used to evaluate factors of TOD characteristics for the existing Bangkok metro stations, categorized into seven factor groups.
IMPACT OF METRO STATION ON SURROUNDING LAND USE A case study of Bangalore Metro Rail Corridor
A two-way relationship is possessed by urban transportation and its surrounding land use. A transportation infrastructure is developed as soon as any land is put to a certain use because of travel demand to that specific land. As the transportation facilities increases there is also an upliftment in land value. Improved accessibility causes both direct and indirect impact on its neighborhood. There are various other factors also which influences the change in land use like land value, population density, vacant land availability and average footfall. This paper examines the land use pattern over a period of time along the metro station's influence zone in Bangalore city. The result shows that the distance to the central business, residential and commercial districts have a significant impact on land use. Likewise, better transport options and improved accessibility have led to an increase in the demand for both residential and commercial spaces. Therefore, planning of these transit corridors are necessary to prevent any future haphazard development.
Introduction Based on the Governor Regulation Number 44, 2019, Transit Oriented Deevelopment (TOD) is a mixed residential and commercial area with high accessibility to mass public transportation where the station and terminal become the center of area with high density buildings [1]. Whereas based on the Governor Regulation Number 67, 2019, TOD is an area development around the transit point with the orientation to the easy movement of people, the enhancement of accessibility and connectivity to the area, activity mixture, the use of densed land for city rejuvenation and the increasing use of Mass Public Transports [2]. According to the Regulation of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning Minister/Head of National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16, 2017, Transit Oriented Area hereinafter referred to as TOD is the area specified in the spatial plan as the central area of intra and intermodal integration in the radius of 400 meters to 800 meters from the transit node ...
Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) has created a significant impact on urban development in the core areas of colonial cities and has been running along important movement corridors, especially in and around these areas resulting in a deterioration of the overall spatial or physical environment. As a result, these areas require immediate intervention to rectify the problems, as well as to arrest any further deterioration. This again requires a research work to understand these developments in selected core areas of a city. Accordingly, in this paper an attempt has been made to understand the impact of MRTS particularly in the core areas, in a structured format.
Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) has created a significant impact on urban development in the core areas of cities throughout the world, and has been running along the movement corridors, especially in and around these areas resulting in a deterioration of the overall urban environment. It has also become evident that, in these core areas of the cities, mostly in the developing countries, like Kolkata, these developments have been largely uncontrolled, sporadic and piecemeal in nature, creating haphazard and chaotic spatial/ physical environment, primarily influenced by unregulated market forces.As a result, these core areas require immediate intervention to rectify the problems, as well as to arrest any further deterioration of the spatial /physical environments. However, in cities like Kolkata, these interventions are based on conventional Urban Planning paradigm, and so far have failed to address the situation properly. Thus an investigation of the impact of MRTS on these core ar...
Urban transformation through transit: the case of Delhi metro
Discover Cities, 2024
Urbanization in developing countries is rapidly increasing, with populations projected to reach 5.5 billion by 2050. This growth presents challenges, such as land resource pressure, environmental degradation, unsustainable transportation, and disorderly urban land development. Transit-oriented development (TOD) and sustainable urban transit systems such as the Delhi Metro are crucial for addressing urban design, economic competitiveness, and quality of life by improving accessibility and reducing private vehicle reliance. This study investigated changes in land use and land cover (LULC) in buffer zones around the Delhi Metro lines using satellite imagery from 1997, 2006, 2011, and 2019. The findings revealed significant shifts from open land and vegetation to built-up areas, driven by increased real estate activity and property values near metro stations. This study highlights the importance of integrating transportation infrastructure with urban planning for sustainable development, utilizing green infrastructure to mitigate environmental impacts, and implementing water-sensitive urban designs and TOD strategies to improve resilience.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
TOD is an urban development approach that integrates mixed spatial planning including housing, shops, markets, sports facilities, offices, open spaces and public facilities with mass transportation, such as buses, trains and equipped with pedestrian or bicycle lanes. The congestion problem that occurs in Jakarta can be reduced by TOD on the supporting area that has a significant impact on environmental pollution, high social costs, and energy waste. The problem arises because there is no balance between transportation needs and the provision of facilities and infrastructure, thus it ultimately impacts changes in land use. This research focuses on the area around the Tanjung Barat station, where apartments are being built with the TOD concept. The research method employed a qualitative descriptive approach. The data used were primary and secondary data. The results of research indicate that the construction of Tanjung Barat TOD is a dilemma for DKI Jakarta Government, because it has the potential to violate spatial rules. In addition, a congestion level that occurs can increase, although the government expects that with Tanjung Barat TOD, congestion levels can be reduced because passengers who live in TOD apartments switch to public transportation modes.
Re-examination of the standards for transit oriented development influence zones in India
Journal of Transport and Land Use
Transit oriented development (TOD) is a land-use and transport integrated urban planning strategy that is highly acclaimed for promoting sustainable city development. This review aims to identify the problems regarding adoption of TOD standards or guidelines formulated by developed countries in developing countries, such as India, and the necessity of conducting adaptability studies on TOD influence areas. The existing studies show that the size of the influence area varies among different cities and travel modes. Accordingly, no single size influence zone is suitable for all cases. This review highlights the necessity of carefully considering the spatial extent of influence areas and modes other than walking as access or egress modes in the Indian context. Moreover, this review aims to provide insight on how to plan TOD in the context of developing countries, because the mobility patterns in these countries differ considerably from those in the developed world.