Social Relation of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan Institution in Running Function at Nagari Katiagan


Tungku Tigo Sajarangan is the leader in the land of Minangkabau traditionally Tungku made up of three stones with the same high and will serve as furnances of cooking where it is completed as well. The furnance is meant to be ninik mamak, alim ulama, and cadiak pandai to do it does. The ourpose of this obsevation is to undertsand the social relation of tungku tigo sajarangan to doit does, what influence the social relationship of the institution tungku tigo sajarangan to do their function and the goverment’s effort to build socialite institution of tungku tigo sajarangan to do their function. The observation using qualitative approach by using descriptive method. The collection of data is done by observation, intervie, and documentary study. The informant’s selevctin thechique with purposive sampling. To authenticate the data researcher did the trianggular data. The result of this research show the social connections that happened betweem the institutions of tungku tigo sajarangan t...

Menjaga Stabilitas Perusahaan Bandeng Juwana Elrina melalui Perencanaan Program Community Relations Petani Tambak Wonoagung

Jurnal Ilmiah Media, Public Relations, dan Komunikasi (IMPRESI), 2021

The increasing number and development of companies and UMKM resulted in intense competition in the business world. To obtain support from various parties to maintain the survival of the company or UMKM, it is necessary to have Community Relations activities to maintain the stability of the activities of the company or UMKM. These activities are not limited to just looking for profit but also pay attention to the benefit of the surroundings or the target of Community Relations itself. This research is aimed at Milkfish Juwana Elrina with several proposed activity programs for the target, namely pond farmers in Wonoagung Village, Demak Regency with several programs such as training, empowerment, and the provision of other facilities. The purpose of this research is to create a relationship with the target audience, provide a new product for Milkfish Juwana Elrina and improve the welfare of the people of Wonoagung Village, Demak Regency. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. Descriptive research is to describes the quality of a symptom to make the reader know what is happening in the related research.

i PUBLICATION SELF GOVERNING COMMUNITY : (Study of Pattern Relationships Between Indigenous Karampuang Communities and the Government Tompobulu village sub Bulupoddo Sinjai District

This study aimed to determine how the relationship pattern between the village government with self governing community in Karampuang village. This study used qualitative method. The results showed that relationship pattern of self-governing community with the village government Tompobulu run in form of accommodating, complementary and substitution. The concept of Accommodating relationship runs in aspects of socio-economic and governance systems due to the institution capacity owned by traditional tribal elders and natural resources that give a bargain for the village government. For relationship pattern of complementary, it runs only on aspects of the social system. This is due to the formal governmental functions which not implemented. For the relationships pattern of substitution and social aspects of government, the village government has conducted substitution toward the village government by raising the head of indigenous peoples to be chief of general purpose of village Government Tompobulu. The involvement of informal institutional actors in the implementation of a formal government is due to the village government Tompobulu need the tribal to run rule functions. The relationship pattern of competing here is not readily apparent, but the realization of the competencies existed in relationships is to make accommodatings, complementer, and the substitution of the relationship between the government and the self-governing community. These methods of formal institutions are not able to cover up flaws to be their responsibility. Formal institutions are not able to present itself as a single force but rather submit to informal institutions, through a form of relationship patterns, e.g., accommodating, complementer, and substitution. This showed the existing weak formal institutions in the provision of public services. Keywords : Self Governing Community, Indigenous Karampuang Communities and Pattern Relationships.

Relationship, Structure, Values and Social Norms of Maiyah Juguran Syafa'at Community in Banyumas (Community Study)

https://www.ijrrjournal.com/IJRR\_Vol.8\_Issue.10\_Oct2021/IJRR-Abstract063.html, 2021

This research is based on a phenomenon of the Maiyah community in Banyumas, it is Juguran Syafaat who conducts recitation activities of a Sinau Bareng. This community is held 9 years ago so there are many worshipers who joint in these activities and they come from various background. Then the researcher interested in conducting research entitled the relations, structure, values and social norms of the Maiyah Juguran Syafaat community in Banyumas. The purpose of this study to reveal social relations, organizational structure, and social values and norms that exist in the Juguran Syafaat Community. This study uses a qualitative research method with a qualitative descriptive approach. This research is a community study with data using interviews, participatory observation, text review and documentation in the routine activities of Sinau with Juguran Syafaat. The purpose of this research to reveal how the relationships, structures, values and social norms that exist in the jamaah maiyah (Juguran Syafaat). This type of qualitative approach, with data analysis, data reduction and data triangulation. The population of this research is the Juguran Syafaat community (activists, administrators or sedulur from other congregations). The results of the research, are the internal structure of the activist consisting the chairman and activists, while the social structure of the Jamaah Maiyah Juguran Syafaat; includes students, political officials, businessmen, artists, and others. The results of the analysis, there is no structural distinction between the congregation, are not based on their role in work or economic strata, they discussed with "lesehan bareng". Social relations, they make relations with all elements of society they meet, during their sinau activities or, their daily activities. Values and norms have always been instilled by the maiyah community in Juguran Syafaat. Intercession is a religious value of sangkan paraning dumadi. The social value of the juguran intercession community to communicate & socialize with all levels in a society. The norms that are always instilled are the customs and norms that exist in Java and Indonesia, for example, always using courtesy and respecting everyone.

Warga Madura DI Kota Makassar (Studi Antara Solidaritas Sosial Mekanik Dan Solidaritas Sosial Organik Warga Madura Dalam Wadah Perkim Kota Makassar)


This study aims to determine the driving factors of social solidarity in PERKIM organizations and forms of social solidarity in PERKIM organizations in Makassar City. The results showed that the driving factor for social solidarity in the PERKIM organization was the economic factor, which was to help each other in meeting the needs of migrants. The religious factor is encouraging friendship, and please help. The cultural factor is that they have the same habits and also the same language so as to make them comfortable and foster a sense of solidarity between them. The form of social solidarity that is mechanical solidarity seen from the lack of interdependence of one another in terms of work, they can cover each other, and the high sense of mutual help to help between them if there is a disaster, and organic solidarity seen from applicable law is restitution where each member who violates will not be immediately sanctioned but will be given a warning first, as well as the existence ...

Pelayanan Kesehatan dalam Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial di Kecamatan Gandus Kota Palembang

Jurnal Publisitas

This study discusses how public services provide social welfare to the community. In the study of public service analysis for the social welfare of the community related to local government policies with minimum service standards originating from central policy. This study aims to describe how public services for community social welfare in Gandus District, Palembang City can run well according to the wishes of the local community. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and literature studies. The informants in this study were 13 (thirteen) people, and the sample was taken using the Snowball Sample. The results of the study found that public services related to policies in social welfare services for the community have been going well, this is strengthened by the activities carried out by the Government as much as possible in realizing a good service as a whole for the benefit of society.

A Disadvantaged Tribe in Bajoe Village, Bone Regency: A Phenomenological Research on Bajo Tribe's Social Life in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi

The aims of this research are: (1) to reveal the dimensions of life within Bajo Tribe at Bajoe Village, Bone Regency; (2) to reveal the dimensions of disadvantaged social life within Bajo tribe at Bajoe Village, Bone Regency; (3) to find the right solution for changing the condition of the disadvantaged Bajo Tribe. The approach used in this research is qualitative method, specifically a phenomenological research on nine informants taken by purposive sampling. All data obtained through in-depth interview and observation are then analyzed inductively. The research findings include: (1) the discovery of real disadvantaged condition within the life of Bajo Tribe concerning the fulfillment of daily needs such as: the discrepancy within the expectation achievement and the shifting of social order and culture; (2) the discovery of each pattern's relation and ways of thinking in Bajo Tribe which controlled by the custom; (3) the repairment effort of theoretical solution against two conditions, the first is controlling the social consciousness of Bajo Tribe toward the tendency in current survival, the second is how to enhance Bajo Tribe with active participation and put every activity on rational choice. The theoretical solution in the first condition is dealt with the theory of awareness control by Herbert Blumer, while the second condition is dealt with the theory of rational choice by James Samuel Coleman.



UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND POLITICAL SCIENCE ABSTRACT Septerawati Puji Lestari 2019, 201510030311089, Social services based on participatory in an effort to realize the social functioning of neglected adolescents (Study at UPT. Social Services for Blitar Younth Development) This study focuses on Social services based on participatory in an effort to realize the social functioning of neglected adolescents. In the process of social services young people are involved directly to participate in each program and activity including orientation periods, physical guidance, mental guidance, social guidance and skills training (automotive, carpentry, sewing and embroidery). The purpose of this study is to describe Participation-based social services in an effort to realize the social functioning of neglected adolescents. This study used qualitative research with a descriptive type where the research data was based on data found in the field. The subjects o...


The 2nd International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies, 2018

The conception of female Muslim (thereafter called Muslimah) community "Ummida" under the auspices of the mosque kampung Jogokariyan contributes to the sustainability of urban resource development. This article tried to conduct an investigation on the structural changes within Muslimah community. This research used the life-history method in the formation of historical documentation, observation, and the result of the interview. The main output of this article was the observation on the changes of socio-cultural approach to Max Weber and Norbert Elias’ classical sociology theory. From the historical-sociology studies today it can be seen that the support from husband and religious leaders either men or women encouraged and empower my fellow women to achieve a degree of gender equality. Keywords: female community, Muslimah, socio-cultural change.