Trovas lemosinas or Llengua catalana: Majaderos de Castilla and the Many Names for the Catalan Language (original) (raw)
Related papers
Catalan Language: brief considerations on external and internal history
Revista Todas as Letras, 2017
The purpose of this research is to present brief considerations (given the objective and extension) on internal and external history of Catalan. In order to present this subject, this paper will be supported by classical philological studies. The interest of this paper, under the historical nature, is also to bring up again the importance that Catalan statute has been trying to restore still today with its people fighting for independence. This work will observe the history of Catalan since the establishment of Latin as official language when Rome was founded and to present how Cata- lan could be understood under Romance languages branch. Having Catalan under this mentioned root, a brief comparison among this language with Lat- in, Spanish and Provençal will be pointed out. The historical interest is also to reveal some particularities of the Catalan and how it could reinforce its statute as language. Considering all languages are under a historical and social dimension, some aspects of external history of Catalan will be described.
3 Language as Archive: Etymologies and the Remote History of Spain
After Conversion, 2000
In 1592 the Jesuit historian Juan de Mariana (1536-1624) articulated a devastating and lengthy critique against scholars who employed etymological proofs to trace the origins of people.1 He took issue with the idea that the names of places contained immutable traces of their founders. It was incorrect to assert, for instance, that the Portuguese region of Setubal was first established by the Biblical king Tubal, the grandson of Noah, on the basis of the name alone. 'What else is it' , Mariana asked, 'but nonsense and error, to reduce the origins of Spain to Latin derivation and in this way tarnish its venerable antiquity with lies and nonsensical dreams as these [scholars] do?'2 His contemporary, the grammarian Bernardo de Aldrete (1565-1645), also expressed his disapproval disparaging the etymological method as a 'risky business' , since placenames, like languages, were always subject to unpredictable change.3 Indeed, by the early seventeenth century doubts emerged in Spain regarding the reliability of the study of etymologies and their uses in historical writing. Detractors, like Mariana and Aldrete, condemned the practice, arguing that the corre-1 'Lo mismo me parece ha acontecido á muchos historiadores asi de los nuestros como de los estraños: que donde faltaba la luz de la historia, y la ignorancia de la antigüedad ponia uno como velo á los ojos para no saber cosas tan viejas y olvidadas, ellos con deseo de ilustrar y ennoblecer las gentes cuyos hechos escribian, y para mayor gracia de su escritura, y mas en particular por no dexar interpolado con lagunas el cuento de los tiempos, antes esmaltallos con la luz y lustre de grandes cosas y hazañas, por sí mismos inventaron muchas hablillas y fabulas'; Juan de Mariana, Historia general de España compuesta enmendada y añadida, por el padre Juan de Mariana; con el sumario y tabla [Lat. 1592; Spa.1601] (Madrid: Joaquín de Ibarra, 1780), vol. 1: book I, ch. VII, pp. 13-14. 2 '… porque qué otra cosa es sino desvario y desatinar, reducir tan grande antigüedad como la de los principios de España, á derivacion Latina; y juntamenta afear la venerable antigüedad con mentiras y sueños desvariados como estos hacen?' Mariana, Historia general, vol. 1: book I, ch. VII, p. 13. 3 'es negocio lleno de riezgo, i peligro tratar desto porque se camina con solo indicios, i pruevas inciertas, dependientes de palabras tan ligeras de mudarse'. Bernardo de Aldrete, Del origen y principio de la lengua castellana, ò Romance que oy se vsa en España (Rome: Carlo Vulliet, 1606), book III, ch. III, p. 284.
Fe de llengua. El català dels notaris catalans als inicis de l'època contemporània
espanolThis work addresses the relationship between notarial institution and Catalan language in the early contemporary times, both as regards the use of Catalan in the documentation generated by notaries as regards the type of language and models used. Language uses of notaries in modern Catalonia have been little studied, especially because since the second half of the 19th century Spanish became the exclusive language of notarial documents; this has led to disseminate misconceptions about the linguistic behavior of notaries. But when sources are examined and assesses the impact of its activities, you can understand the importance of notaries at a key moment of the linguistic history in last centuries, and the role played in the preservation of a linguistic heritage of extraordinary value. EnglishAquest treball aborda la relacio de l’estament notarial amb la llengua catalana en els inicis de l’epoca contemporania, tant pel que respecta a l’us del catala en la documentacio generada...
The standardizations of Catalan: Latin to present day
In this study, using Haugen’s (1972) model of language standardization, we argue that the standardization of Catalan is best understood to be two distinct processes of standardization following a common trajectory, with the second process being informed, though not determined, by the first. While much ink has been spilt discussing the nineteenthcentury “re-birth” of Catalan and the linguistic normalization following the death of Franco, comparatively little work has been done on the early development of Catalan as the standard language of the medieval Kingdom of Aragon and less still examining both of these processes.
Les lleis de Carles III a Mallorca: ideologia i llengua en l’acció funcionarial
Revista de Llengua i Dret, 2017
Aquest article estudia els efectes que les lleis de Carles III tingueren en la fisonomia institucional mallorquina, en la seva cultura i llengua catalanes. Alhora, examina el pes dels funcionaris, ambaixadors de la voluntat reial, en el reeiximent del projecte borbònic; el paper que aquests empleats públics, especialment de l'àmbit fiscal, exerciren en l'execució de les lleis borbòniques, i l'afectació sobre la llengua catalana, el seu ús i la seva consideració, a la Mallorca d'aquest període; i també la resposta, entre la desídia, la incúria i la resistència, que des de les institucions municipals i locals es donà a l'afany centralitzador. La pretensió última és aportar a la historiografia lingüística material de base inèdit que contribueixi a la revisió del paper de les nostres institucions locals al llarg d'aquest període tan intens per a la biografia catalana. Paraules clau: Lleis; Mallorca; Carles III; llengua i cultura catalanes.
Differential Object Marking in Romance - The third wave, ed. by Johannes Kabatek, Philipp Obrist & Albert Wall. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021
The existence of Differential Object Marking (DOM) is well-established in a number of Romance languages and varieties, such as Spanish and Romanian, where its use extends to several types of direct objects. For other languages in the Romance family, like Catalan, DOM is often considered to be absent, except for personal pronouns and a few other cases-at least from the perspective of normative grammar. However, in most varieties of Catalan, DOM applies to human direct objects generally, including proper names, definites and some indefinites, and even occasionally extends to bare plurals or inanimates. Although an exhaustive dialectal survey on the exact prevalence of DOM has yet to be carried out, it is clear that it is widespread and features in many dialects. While one might initially assume that this is the result of the influence of Spanish, such instances (at least partially) might in fact have arisen from the internal evolution of Catalan. Crucially, instances of DOM were remarkably abundant in Old Catalan, although this has sometimes gone quite unnoticed. That is, instances of DOM with proper names and human NPs are found in earlier Catalan texts (in the 13 th to 15 th centuries), and increase quite significantly from the 16 th century on, reaching very high percentages of occurrences in some texts. The aim of this paper is to offer an account of the emergence and development of DOM in Catalan over time, showing the commonalities with neighbouring Spanish, as well as the important differences that distinguish these two languages. This is a large corpus study, based on the Corpus Informatitzat del Català Antic, and comprising the period from the first written texts to the 16 th century, with some notes on the 17 th century too.