CfA: The Sixth International Conference on Climate, Tourism and Recreation - CCTR 2021 (original) (raw)
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Dear Colleagues, The 4th International Conference on Climate, Tourism and Recreation will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, on 17-19 September, 2015, in collaboration with the Istanbul Policy Center – Sabanci University – Stiftung Mercator Initiative, Bogazici University, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN), and the Commission on Climate, Tourism and Recreation (CCTR) of the International Society of Biometeorology (ISB). We heartily welcome you to the event. In order to register your interest, please see the call on attachment or visit the conference website at Best regards, Cenk
Dear Colleagues, Here is the second call for The Fourth International Conference on Climate, Tourism and Recreation with updates regarding our distinguished Keynote Speakers; Daniel Scott, Stefan Gössling, and Robert Steiger, and the venue, Orka Royal Hotel, right in the historical down town of Istanbul. We heartily welcome you to the event. In order to register your interest, please see the second call on attachment or visit the conference website at Best regards, Cenk
Developments in Tourism Climatology–A. Matzarakis, CR de Freitas, D. Scott, 2007 7 CLIMATE, TOURISM AND RECREATION: A DECADE OF THE ISB'S COMMISSION ON CLIMATE, TOURISM AND RECREATION CR de Freitas1, A. Matzarakis2 and Daniel Scott3 1School of Geography, Geology and Environmental Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
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Founded in 1999 at the 15 th International Congress of Biometeorology, the Commission on Climate, Tourism and Recreation (CCTR) is an international working group that seeks to advance the current state of knowledge in the field of tourism/recreation climatology. Beginning in the 1970s, climatologists explored how climate impacts a myriad of economic sectors, including tourism, with research predominantly centered on how climatological information could be used within the context of tourism planning processes (Lamb 2002). After a brief decline in research activity in the 1980s, a new phase of research growth, propelled by climate change, emerged in the 1990s (Scott & Lemieux 2010). As noted by de Freitas (2017), the field is now truly multidisciplinary, with a range of disciplines contributing diverse methodologies to understand the climate and tourism nexus. Over the past five Announcement: The sixth CCTR event, with support from the Arctic Research Centre at Umeå University (ARCUM), will take place virtually in the spring of 2021. For further information, please go to www.
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