King’s camera erotica: Naser al-Din Shah and his collaborators inside the royal harem (original) (raw)
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The Classified Forest of Upper Alibori (CFUA) is one of the favorite destinations of national and foreign transhumant who are attracted by its availability of water and forage resources. The agricultural and pastoral pressures on the biological resources of this reserve forest are intensifying, and it is important to develop the transhumance map and the pastoral calendar. The semi-structured and structured interviews with 300 actors of transhumance were conducted. The surveys had shown that transhumance within CFUA was mainly due to fodder and water research (81%), and the avoidance of conflicts between farmers and herders due to field damage (16.1%). The calendar, the itinerary followed and the length of stay of transhumant were depended on the availability of pastoral resources (61.1%) and the frequency of forest patrols in the CFUA (8.5%). The period of departure or return in transhumance remained variable according to the rainfall of the current year. Thus, the cattle herd movem...
Editor's Note 2017, HHSS 2 (2)
Horizons in Humanities and Social Sciences: An International Refereed Journal HHSS-CHSS-UAEU, ISSN 2413-6301, 2017
Welcome to Volume 2 Issue 2 of Horizons in Humanities and Social Sciences: An International Referred Journal (HHSS, published by the CHSS, UAEU). In the 1980s, the Journal of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences was established at the United Arab Emirates University. Since its inauguration in 2015 as a free open access online journal, the HHSS has attracted scholars, readers and reviewers from different academic fields and differ-ent academic institutions. The journal has published new and original research articles in all areas of the arts, humanities and social sciences. Issue 2 features five articles addressing global, regional and local issues related to a variety of different disciplines including Islamic art, geography and psychology, and 3 book reviews.
20171128 Anthropology The Middle East.pdf
I passionately believe in a One Earth Nation; our survival and that of the earth is clearly reflected in the Qur'an. That we as human beings are the vice regents given the responsibility to take care of the earth and all within it. And that we originate from One Soul and we must come to know one another and solve whatever ails us and the earth as one diverse and pluralistic community. And so i write to raise awareness on anthropology - creation, evolution, politics, faith, culture, economics, social issues, environment, ethics...- observe, no judgments, learn, discuss, wishes
VOLUME 1 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2018 CONTENTS Editorial
AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN is a refereed journal published twice a year in April and October. It covers all subjects in the humanities including history, art, archaeology, architecture, geography, numismatics, literature, religion, social sciences and contemporary issues from the pre-Islamic and Islamic periods. Articles are not restricted to the present borders of Afghanistan and can include the surrounding regions, but must relate to Afghanistan.
20171128 Anthropology The Middle East
I passionately believe in a One Earth Nation; our survival and that of the earth is clearly reflected in the Qur'an. That we as human beings are the vice regents given the responsibility to take care of the earth and all within it. And that we originate from One Soul and we must come to know one another and solve whatever ails us and the earth as one diverse and pluralistic community. And so i write to raise awareness on anthropology - creation, evolution, politics, faith, culture, economics, social issues, environment, ethics...- observe,no judgements, learn, discuss, wishes