Українська мова в етномовному просторі України / Ukrainian language in the ethnolinguistic space of Ukraine (original) (raw)
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Ukrainian Ethnos and Language (ukr.)
The present study completes the research of Slavic ethnic genesis, in particular, the origin of Old Ukrainian ethnos and its language which go back to common Indo-European social and linguistic environment described in the two preceding studies (2004, 2009). The conclusions of the three studies make it possible to state that the development of nations had a converging character. The Proto Slavic people, having spread from the Aryans, initially represented an ethnically and linguistically heterogenic population which eventually, due to their territorial proximity formed a unified ethnos and a parent language, both known as Slavic. The first chapter presents an analysis of Slavic ethnonyms as viewed through the prism of their development from Indo-European with its differentiation of tribal names related to husbandry and cattle breeding. The second chapter is devoted to a linguistic analysis of common features pertaining to Slavic languages. The final third chapter describes the migration of Carpathian tribes to the north, up to the Baltic Sea, where habitations of Hutzuls, Boikos, Lemkos and Ukrs can be traced. Those tribes constituted the basis of old Ukrainian ethnos, and their respective dialects and migration to the East resulted in the formation of the Old Ukrainian language. The study has revealed that the embryonic elements of what can be named “Ukrainian” go back to the time of the Proto Slavic language which existed 2 thousand years B. C. With the appearance of the enthnonym uckri these elements gave rise to the formation of the Ukrainian ethnonym. From here it follows that the name “Ukrainian” comes from the tribal name ukri meaning ‘highlanders-cattle breeders’.
Ethnolinguistic regionalization of Ukraine
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, 2009
On the basis of analysis of linguistic situation territorial features in Ukraine two ethnolinguistic regionalization variants are offered. Five ethnolinguistic provinces (Western, Central, Siversk-Slobojansk, Dnieper-Donetsk and South), 18 ethnolinguistic areas and 81 ethnolinguistic district are selected in the first variant. 12 ethnolinguistic regions are selected in other variant. Offered ethnolinguistic regionalization of Ukraine territory can be a basis for other types of regionalization, which take into account an ethnic factor. Key words: ethnolinguistic regionalization, linguistic situation, linguistic composition of population, census, mother tongue.
Видавництво географічної літератури "Обрії" 2004 УДК 910.001 (911.0+528.9(477) ББК 26.8(4 Укр) У 45 Україна: географічні проблеми сталого розвитку. 36. наук, праць. В 4-х т. -К.: ВГЛ Обрії, 2004. -Т. 2. -390 с. У збірнику наукових праць розглядаються питання глобальних процесів та ролі і місця в них України, які були висвітлені на IX з'їзді Українського географічного товариства. Зокрема в II томі викладені новітні досягнення географічної науки в дослідженні природи України, а також розглянуто питання географічного різноманіття регіонів України через призму природної, демографічної та виробничої сфер. Для науковців, аспірантів, студентів, вчителів та усіх, хто цікавиться географією.
The question of different forms of real and/or presumed mixed speech, a consequence of the interaction between Ukrainian and Russian and widely known as “Suržyk,” remains central in much of contemporary Ukrainian and, more widely, East Slavic sociolinguistic and language contact research. This article pursues a twofold aim: first, I intend to reaffirm my personal hypothesis on the formation process of this mixed speech, which has at times been cited without attribution in the scholarly literature. Second, the paper aims to examine the functioning of Ukrainian-Russian Suržyk within a broader sociolinguistic framework that takes into account other forms of language interaction. Ukrainian-Russian mixed speech in fact has to be assessed and separated from other factors, such as the Ukrainian variety of Russian, dialects, etc. This approach has rarely been applied in previous studies on the topic. The role played by current language ideology is a further essential aspect in establishing which language elements should be attributed to Ukrainian-Russian Suržyk. This undoubtedly affects the average speaker’s judgment about the degree of authenticity of Ukrainian forms. One can note a tendency to restrict the synonymic potential of Ukrainian in favor of lexemes and constructions that are dissimilar to Russian. This situation tends to alter the language consciousness of younger generations of Ukrainian speakers, who are likely to perceive as Russian (and therefore part of the Ukrainian-Russian mix) elements that are in fact authentic Ukrainian speech elements. These and other related aspects will be the object of my discussion.
Тенденції мовної ситуації в Україні / Tendencies of the language situation in Ukraine
Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, вул. Дорошенка, 41, м. Львів, 79000, Україна На підставі аналізу мовних показників, реєстрованих переписами населення, досліджено тенденції мовної ситуації в Україні на початку ХХІ ст. Простежено зміну в останнє десятиріччя суспільної ролі двох найпоширеніших в Україні мов, української та російської, виявлено територіальні особливості розподілу показників мовної ситуації, схарактеризовано найсуттєвіші етнолінґвістичні процеси.
On cultural dialects in Slavic ethnolinguistics
Juznoslovenski filolog, 2016
In the article the author considers the basic ideas of the Moscow ethnolinguistic school on the basis of several examples from the South Slavic cultural dialects. The methods are similar to the technique of isolating certain linguistic dialects and cultural dialects; much attention is paid to justification of the concept ?cultural dialect.? Eastern Serbia and western Bulgaria were taken as an example for the analysis of dialects based on phonetic, grammatical features and those that are observed in folk culture and which are reflected in its terminological vocabulary. Research was carried out into one of the main arealogical regularities that is linked to the interaction between cultural and language contexts of its functioning (in the sphere of beliefs and rituals, in folklore texts - legends, stories about encounters with supernatural beings, etc.). For example, ?bear?s day? shows the areal scheme of concentric circles, according to which the central place belongs to the terminolo...