Character of Education in Pesantren Perspective (original) (raw)

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Pesantren sebagai bingkai Pendidikan Karakter Cover Page

Karakteristik Pendidikan Dan Unsur-Unsur Kelembagaan DI Pesantren

POTENSIA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam, 2016

Pesantren is basically a traditional Islamic education where the students lived with and studied under the guidance of one (or more) teachers are better known as kyai. Although pesantren was considered traditional, but still exist and survive in modern age and global era. Obviously because this institution has its own characteristics and maintain institutional elements that have formed since former. The characteristics of education in pesantren classified to two: (1) the general pattern of education, which are pesantren institutions introducing levels, from that teach simple texts until sublime pesantren that teach high level texts. (2) Teaching systems are the sorogan system and bandongan system. As for the institutional elements in pesantren are cottage, mosques, students, kyai, classical islamic books

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Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Pesantren Cover Page

Pendidikan Karakter DI Pondok Pesantren

Al-Hasanah : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis artikel ilmiah dengan tema penelitian pendidikan karakter di pondok pesantren. Analisis penelitan ini menggunakan VosViewer melalui pendekatan bibliometrik, referensi artikel diperoleh dari database google scholar dengan aplikasi publish or perish. Pendidikan karakter di pondok pesantren menjadi acuan dalam proses pencarian. Ditemukan 996 artikel yang dianggap relevan topik terkait. Periode penelitian yang digunakan sebagai dokumen yang terindeks google scholar adalah dari 2019-2022. Hasil penelitian difokuskan untuk mencari dan menganalisis topik/tema yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan karakter di pondok pesantren dan analisis data lainnya. Kata Kunci tentang pendidikan karakter di pondok pesantren dikaitkan dengan 4 Cluster, dan 189 link dengan total link strength 1754. Hasil analisis perkembangan publikasi dalam periode 2019-2022 penelitian tentang pendidikan karaker di pondok pesantren cenderung populer dan banyak dil...

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Pendidikan Karakter DI Pondok Pesantren Cover Page

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Pendidikan Karakter Guru di Pondok Pesantren Cover Page

Pendidikan Karakter Pesantren Dan Problematika Islamic Studies


Islamic Boarding school is a place of education which emphasizes to the classic books from the basic one to higher and deeper, from the beginning to the advance. Islamic Boarding school can create the character of students. However, the building character is not significantly sufficient in boarding school because many of them are shocked with some phenomena such as their attitude and discourse understanding which make them much more Flexible and bring them to the opposite thought to tafsir (supplying additional information of holly qur’an) which they got in boarding school. The university is a higher level of education will give them more varieties of thoughts ‘discourse. This essay tries to explain how is thought discourse developed in universities especially in debatable of Islamic universities? Keywords: Pesantren, Karakter, Problematika, Studi Isla

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Pendidikan Karakter Pesantren Dan Problematika Islamic Studies Cover Page

Eksistensi Pesantren Dan Kontribusinya Dalam Pendidikan Karakter

Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2017

Historically, boarding schools (pesantren) since its inception has never silent in face of religious social problems. Activities pesantren in response to global problems has been demonstrated since the early days of glory. Involvement of schools in globalized world has been proved by historical facts are not possible to be denied. Pesantren with various elements of education has been able to develop character education to be maximal. This is reflected in planting of theoretical value obtained from studies book in form of real practices in daily life. Habit can form a good character to students, and process naturally without forced. Success of schools in shaping character invites many other institutions to emulate design of schools, ie educational boarding. Many education experts believe that concept of a boarding education such as that implemented by schools actually capable of shaping students’ character.

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Eksistensi Pesantren Dan Kontribusinya Dalam Pendidikan Karakter Cover Page

Peran Pendidikan Pesantren dalam Membentuk Karakter Santri

Journal of Education and Instruction (JOEAI)

This study aims to improve children's speech ability through the floortime approach and to test the floortime approach to the ability to speak with autistic children in the Pediatricia Mojokerto children's growth and development clinic. This study uses a single subject research (SSR) method, known as single subject research. Provision of Baseline for 8 meeting sessions and intervention for 8 session sessions. The author took a sample of 5 autistic students who have the same characteristics and abilities. The data of this study focuses on the results of the ability to speak autistic children. The results of the study, from the analysis of speech data development in autistic children show a change in tendency from unstable to stable and changes in positive direction. The level of change increased by 40 points indicated on the material labeling objects. Conclusion, there is a significant increase in the ability and speech development of autistic children after being given an in...

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Peran Pendidikan Pesantren dalam Membentuk Karakter Santri Cover Page

Peran Pesantren dalam Membentuk Karakter Santri

Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology), 2019

The purpose of this study was to find out the role of the Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School in the Pangkalan Susu District of Langkat in the Form of Santri Character The approach used is case study. The object of this research is religious Islamic education institutions. Data sources are people who are directly and indirectly involved with pesantren. To collect these data, the author uses several techniques in data collection, namely documentation, observation and interviews. Data analysis in research uses interpretive patterns that aim to achieve a correct understanding of facts, data and symptoms. In this study researchers focused on two curricula, namely the pesantren curriculum and the general education curriculum. used in the Darusa'dah Islamic Boarding School which is related to character formation. The Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School curriculum accommodates students who focus on learning two curricula, namely the pesantren curriculum and the general educatio...

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Peran Pesantren dalam Membentuk Karakter Santri Cover Page

Kontribusi Pendidikan Pesantren dalam Pembentukan Karakter Religius Siswa

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan

Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengenai Pembentukan Karakter Religius Siswa melalui Kontribusi Pendidikan Pesantren di SMK Terpadu Ad-Dimyati. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik dan pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumetasi. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menunjukan kontribusi besar Pendidikan pesantren dalam pembentukan karakter religius siswa di SMK Terpadu Ad-Dimyati, Dalam pembentukan karakter religius siswa sekolah menerapkan kurikulum Pendidikan pesantren yang terdiri dari beberapa program pembiasaan seperti kajian kitab ta’lim muta’allim, sholat dhuha berjamaah, Hapalan al-qur’an surat-surat pilihan, pembacaan tawasul dan isthighosah, sholat dzuhur berjamaah, Pelatihan ceramah, Dan sebagainya. Ada pula program tambahan sekolah berupa kegiatan safari pesantren dan seminar keagamaan yang bekerja sama dengan Lembaga-lembaga luar sekolah. Faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan Pendidikan karakte...

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