JETIR, 2018

It is well known that the quality and extent of learner achievement are determined primarily by teacher competence, sensitivity and teacher motivation. NCTE generally related to improvements in quality of teacher education programme. The general interest of any commission or committee is to produce teachers of dynamic personality. Indian Education Ministry established NCTE on 21st May 1973. The headquarters of NCTE is in Delhi. NCTE has four regional centres namely Jaipur, Bangalure, Bhubaneswar & Bhopal. The main activities of NCTE are Research-Extension services, Development Programmes, Training, & Evaluations. The fundamental objectives of NCTE are to achieve planned and coordinated development of teacher education system throughout the country & proper maintenance of Norms and Standards in the teacher education system. The NCTE in recent years emphasized the need for duration of courses by strengthening pedagogy and practice in taking programme with the incorporation of internship. The proposed period was two years. In order to concretize the imperatives of NCF-2005 and also to fulfill the concerns of RTE Act 2009, the NCTE brought out the latest National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) in early 2010. Finally, the dream of a learning society can become reality only when the dream teachers are well equipped with moral, professional intellectual, practical and communication skills to convince the students through their efficient teaching.

Teacher Education in India: Innovative Strategies to Strengthen A Critical Analysis of NCFTE-2009

Policy documents are much helpful in translating dreams into realities and goals into actions. A policy document gives motivation and direction to the programme and fi nally leads the programme into success. Teacher Education plays instrumental role in imparting quality education. Teacher Training is an integral component of an educational system. It is intimately connected with society and is controlled by the ethos, culture and character of a nation. In the light of Right to Education Act-2009, National Curriculum Framework 2005 and National Knowledge Commission Report 2007, the scene of education has entirely changed and the fi eld of teacher education in India is confronting paradigm shift. Towards Preparing Professional and Humane Teacher, the National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education 2009 is a vital document in this regard. As a policy document it will directs and guides the policy, planning and programme of teacher education in India in coming years. This article tries to critically evaluate the document NCFTE – 2009 and suggests measures which should be implemented in the teacher education scenario. " The status of the teacher refl ects the socio – cultural ethos of the society; it is said that no people can rise above the level of teachers " (National Policy on Education 1986)


NCTE was set up by an act of parliament in 1993 and it commenced its statutory functioning with effect from 17 th August 1995. The main objective of NCTE is to achieve planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system throughout the country the regulation and proper maintenance of Norms and Standards in teacher education system. Teacher preparation course for secondary education, generally known as B.Ed, is a professional course that prepares teachers for upper primary/middle level, secondary and senior secondary level.

Modalities of Teacher Education in India

International Journal of Peace, Education and Development, 2016

An educational institution performs a significant function of providing learning experiences to lead their students from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. The key personnel in the institutions who play an important role to bring about this transformation are teachers. As stated by NCTE (1998) in Quality Assessment of Teacher Education in India-The teacher is the most important element in any educational program. It is the teacher who is mainly responsible for implementation of the educational process at any stage. This shows that it is imperative to invest in the preparation of teachers, so that the future of a nation is secure. The importance of competent teachers to the nation's school system can in no way be overemphasized. The National Curriculum Framework 2005 places demands and expectations on the teacher, which need to be addressed by both initial and continuing teacher education.

Teacher Education in India: Problems and Concerns

Education plays a significant role in nation's development and the development of the standard of education is closely connected with the question of teacher education. A teacher should prepare himself for this special task before accepting the responsibility of teaching. The teachers' training institution helps a lot to do this task. In the education policy the quality and importance of the teachers' training is admitted for a long time. A lot of planning and resources has been spent for improving the quality of teacher education. New technologies have been introduced in the field of education. But still our teacher-education could not raise upto the expected level. This paper presents about the teacher education in India by focusing on problems and related concerns.


IJARW, 2021

Teacher education is a continuous process and its pre-service and in-service components are complimentary to each other. Education is instrumental in the preparation of teachers who can in their practice ensure transformative learning, where teacher and learner, learner and learner are co-constructors of knowledge. The aim of the present paper is to improve the teacher education quality in India by focusing on the problems & related concerns. The present structure of teacher education is supported by a network of national, provincial and district level resource institutions working together to enhance the quality and effectiveness of teacher preparation programs at the pre-service level and also through in-service programs for serving teachers throughout the country. Importantly, the teacher education and training institutions must take up the charge of educating policy makers and the general public about what it actually takes to teach effectively both in terms of knowledge and skills that are needed and in terms of the school contexts that must be created to allow teachers to develop and use what they know on behalf of their students. Now teacher has to perform various roles like encouraging, supporting and facilitating in teaching-learning situations which enables learners to discover their talents, to realize their physical and intellectual potentialities to the fullest, to develop character and desirable social and human values to function as responsible citizens. Teacher and his education are very significant aspects of any nation. The education gives a new shape to the individual and the nation as well. It is a well known saying that teacher is the nation builder. The quality of teacher education programme needs to be up graded. Teacher education has not come up to the requisite standards. Teachers are not able to think critically and solve the issue related to teaching methods, content, organisation etc. teacher education programme needs a comprehensive reform and restructuring curriculum of teacher-education programme needs to be revised according to changing needs of society. In the research paper I will discuses the problems of teacher education and provide the some Suggestions of teacher education.

Teacher Education: An Analysis of Concerns and Issues in the Present Context

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2013

Teacher education means professional preparation of teachers. It is not merely training of teachers but it is something deeper than mere teacher-training (Deb, 2004). It means the acquisition of knowledge, skills and ability which helps a teacher to discharge his professional duties and responsibilities effectively and efficiently and also reshaping the attitudes, habits and personality of teacher. But as per NCTE Act 1993 the term "Teacher education" means programmes of education, research and training of persons for equipping them to teach at preprimary, primary, secondary and senior secondary stages in schools and includes non-formal education, part-time education, adult education and correspondence education. Teacher education as a profession has two aspects good as well as not-so-good. Good aspect is that teacher education still exists even after 150 years of its arrival in India when a formal teacher education institution as Normal school was established in Madras in 1826. The development in the field has led to realization of significance of teacher education for teachers teaching at senior secondary, college and university level. It is not a simple achievement. However, the not-so-good aspect is the teacher education as profession has been left demoralized, exhausted, uncertain and fearful about bleak future with the passage of time. To discuss about such developments and shortcomings in the teacher education programme in the country will mean days of discussion without any purposeful achievement. Teaching has always been considered to be essential for preservation and development of all intellectual life. The development of nation depends upon the quality of teachers and quality of teachers depends upon teacher educators further the quality of teacher educators depends upon

A Criticale Review on Quality of Teacher Education in India: Problems and Perspectives

Quality and excellence in teacher education is one of the major initiatives of the government of India. To achieve the better outcomes at all levels of education, government of India has been focusing on quality and excellence in teacher education. Because the quality of the outcomes of education is depends upon the quality of its teachers. Different studies are conducted in this perspectives and most of the studies reveled that there is a positive correlation exist between the quality of the outcomes of education and quality of its teachers. But now a day in India the quality of teacher education was decreased day by day due to some problems. If these problems are resolved in the field of teacher education, then maybe we can reach our determined goal. Through this research, the researchers trying to discuss the problems of teacher education and discuss its possible solution.

Present Scenario and Future Prospects of Teacher Education in India

It's truly said by the great western philosopher and German educationist Pestalozzi, " Education is the natural, harmonious progressive development of man's innate powers. " It has strong association with culture and traditions of society. It is one of the significant factors instrumental to the development of a country. Teacher is the role model, guide, well-wisher and builder of a great realm. Today our way of Teacher Education is completely governed by the people those who have not any vision for its quality except to make it money worthy. The unplanned expansion of Teacher Education opportunities, spiraling trends of the trained teacher unemployed commercialization of Teacher Education, the imbalance of quantity with quality, ignorance equity and excellence are some of the pertinent cases in point which pose continuous threats to Teacher Education of India. In this light, the new reforms in Teacher Education to come must address all the above concerns in it. To meet the futuristic prospects of Indian Teacher Education, Teacher Educators should not be spared in such meaningful reforms since they provide with the best trained manpower for a nation. It is therefore, Teacher Educators too should be empowered as a part of reforms for Indian Teacher Education. It should be transformed to the need of time and changing scenario of the blue globe. In this Research Paper, it is tried to discuss by the researcher to highlights of the " Present Scenario and Future Prospects of Teacher Education in India. "