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Quality of life of post-menopausal women residing in rural and urban areas of Sikkim, India
Background: Menopause is an inevitable reproductive phase during midlife when various physical and mental changes may impair the quality of life of women. The presence and severity of symptoms vary tremendously from woman to woman and can last from months to years during this transitional period. This study was conducted to assess the quality of life and menopause related problems among post-menopausal women residing rural and urban areas of Sikkim. Methods: Descriptive explorative study was done in East Sikkim among 120 rural and urban post-menopausal women who were in the age group of 45 years and above, had attained natural menopause and didn't have menstruation from last one year, were selected through purposive sampling technique. Women with induced menopause, hysterectomy, receiving hormonal treatment were excluded. Along with collection of socio-demographic data, the Menopause Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire was used to assess the Quality of life based on experience of the symptoms through interview technique. Results: The mean menopausal age was 48±3.649 years in rural area and 47±3.831 years for urban area. The mean scores in quality of life between post-menopausal women in rural areas (M=136.6, SD=28.78) were found significantly impaired and the difference was found statistically significant (t=5.75 p<0.001) which shows that rural women were having impaired quality of life as compared to urban women during post-menopausal period. The findings also revealed that factors affecting the quality of life of postmenopausal women were the history of menopause, occupation of women, in urban women and time of attending menopause, in rural women. Conclusions: The present study shows that menopause related symptoms had a negative effect on the quality of life of the post-menopausal women. Such studies can help in creating awareness and in educating women on the early identification of the common menopausal symptoms.
Introduction: Menopause means permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life. With the increase in life expectancy, women spend one-third of their life in menopausal period. Menopausal women face problems like hot flushes, feeling accomplished, poor memory, tiredness, joint pain, weak physical strength, lack of energy, avoiding intimacy, and vaginal dryness. Due to these the physical, psychosocial, and sexual health-related aspects get deteriorated. Aim: To assess the effect of postmenopausal symptoms on health-related quality of life among women. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional research design was used, and 168 postmenopausal women, were selected following home visits at selected rural areas of Central Gujarat and Saurashtra, India. Women in the age group of 40-60 years, who had completed seven years of natural menopausal period were eligible for the study. The Menopause Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire was used and statistical analysis was done ...
Quality of life among menopausal women in an urban area of Siliguri, West Bengal, India
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 2019
Background: Women who lay the foundation of the whole society are most neglected in our society, especially in their mid-life. Physical and psychosocial symptoms among post -menopausal women had a positive relation with the quality of life.Methods: A total of 110 women of an urban area of North Bengal region of West Bengal, India were interviewed with help of schedule to obtain information regarding the personal characteristics and MENQOL tool to assess four domains means on the basis of 29 symptoms.Results: The mean menopausal age was 44.58±3.11 years. The means and standard deviation found in different domains are, vasomotor domain (5.35±2.94), physical domain (27.95±10.25), psychosocial domain (13.81±4.70) and sexual domain (1.99±2.91). In the vasomotor domain, muscles ache, joint ache and low back ache were the common symptoms. In psycho-social domain, 99% of the women suffered from poor memory and 97.2% of them felt depressed or down/blue. In sexual domain, 33.6% were bothered ...
Background: Menopause, a universal phenomenon is defined as generally cessation of periods for 12 months or a period equivalent to three previous cycles or as time of cessation of ovarian function resulting in permanent amenorrhoea. Importance is always given to reproductive health from menarche to menopause. Problems related to menopause are given scant attention. Menopause brings psychological and biological changes that effect women’s health. Menopausal health demand is a priority in Indian scenario due to growing population of menopausal women. Objectives: 1. To study the age at onset of menopause and the prevalence of menopausal symptoms. 2. To study and analyse the menopausal symptoms and the treatment seeking behaviour for it. Materials and methods: The present study is a community based, cross sectional study carried out in the field practice area of Urban Health training centre of the Department of Community Medicine, M V J Medical College and Research Hospital. The study w...
National Journal of Medical Research, 2012
Background: Health issues of postmenopausal women pose a significant challenge to public health, considering the facts like; there hasn’t been a specific health program for such women in the country and the rising geriatric population. Objectives: To find out the health problems among rural post-menopausal women and to compare the results with few of the studies in the past with different settings. Methods: Design: Cross-sectional study, Participants: 147 post-menopausal women residing in Piparia village of Vadodara district were involved in the study, based on sample size calculation and necessary assumptions. Information was filled up in a pre-tested questionnaire. Results: Most of them suffered from physical symptoms of tiredness (88.4%) and headache (74.8%). This was followed by vasomotor symptoms like hot flushes (40.1%), night sweats (40.8%) and palpitations (37.4%) as well as psychological symptoms like insomnia (57.1%), anxiety (38.1%) and lack of concentration in the work (33.3%). Conclusion: The rural post-menopausal women suffer from variety of health problems and it has also some relevance to the settings they come from.
Menopause-specific quality of life of a group of urban women, West Bengal, India
Climacteric, 2014
Objective To fi nd out the association of menopause-specifi c quality of life of women with menopausal status. Methods In this cross-sectional study, we involved 250 Bengali-speaking women of Hindu ethnic group (118 perimenopausal and 132 postmenopausal), aged 40-65 years from urban areas of North 24 Paraganas, a district of West Bengal, India. The Menopause-Specifi c Quality of Life questionnaire (MENQOL) consisting of 29 menopausal symptoms, grouped under four menopausal domains (vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual), was used to assess menopause-specifi c quality of life. Scores of four menopausal domains generated a composite score of ' Quality of Life '. Additionally, participants were also interviewed for their sociodemographic characteristics. Results Bivariate analyses showed signifi cant difference in all the domains of menopause-specifi c quality of life (barring vasomotor domain) when compared for menopausal status. Results of ANCOVA showed that menopausal status was signifi cantly associated only with the physical domain after removing the effects of sociodemographic characteristics. Conclusion Menopausal status had a signifi cant association with the physical domain of menopause-specifi c quality of life of women.
National Journal of Community Medicine, 2016
Context: Women in peri-menopausal age group experience physiological changes, when they reach midlife. During this transition from pre-menopause to menopause, they may experience changes which may affect their quality of life. The study was conducted to assess the quality of life among the peri-menopausal women. Methodology: This Community based cross-sectional study was carried out among 214 peri-menopausal women (40 to 60 years) during April-May 2014, in the rural field practice area of a Medical college in Davangere, Karnataka. A pre designed, pretested questionnaire based on Menopausal Specific Quality of Life (MENQOL) was used to collect information on Quality of Life. Statistical analysis used: The data was analysed using epi info 7. A Comparison was made between mean QOL score of each domain for premenopausal and post-menopausal women using Wilcoxon Mann Whitney test. Results: The mean age of study participants was found to be 51.01± 5.9 years. The mean age at menopause was 44.06±3.065 years. Physical symptoms (98.6%) like aching in muscles or joints, decrease in physical strength were the predominant symptoms experienced by peri-menopausal women. Conclusions: The quality of life of postmenopausal women was poor when compared to pre-menopausal women.
Quality of life among menopausal women: A community-based study in a rural area of West Bengal
Journal of Mid-life Health, 2017
Introduction: During menopausal transition, there is a lot of fluctuation in the hormone levels making the peri and postmenopausal women susceptible to various mental and physical disorders. There is considerably lack of awareness about the effects of the menopausal symptoms in women in India. Studies on issues relating to menopause, especially among rural women, are also lacking. With this background, the current study was carried out in a rural area of West Bengal with the objective to assess the quality of life (QOL) of peri-menopausal women. Methodology: The study was carried out among 100 peri and postmenopausal women (40-60 years) in Dearah village of West Bengal which is the rural field practice area of All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health during February-March 2014. The questionnaire used as study tool had two parts-Part 1: Sociodemographic characteristics. Part 2: About QOL due to menopausal symptoms based on four domains (vasomotor, psychosocial, physical, and sexual) using the 29-item Menopause-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire. Results: Occurrence of vasomotor symptoms was average with 60% of them reporting hot flushes and 47% sweating. Most prevalent psychosocial symptoms reported were feeling of anxiety and nervousness (94%) and overall depression (88%). Physical symptoms were quite varying in occurrence with some symptoms such as feeling tired or worn out, decrease in physical strength and lack of energy occurring in 93% of the women to only 5% suffering from growth of facial hair. Overall sexual changes were reported among 49% who reported of avoiding intimacy with a partner and 26% complained of vaginal dryness. Conclusions: The results support that menopause causes both physical and psychiatric problems. Education, creating awareness and providing suitable intervention to improve their QOL are important which should be imparted to menopausal women at both individual and community level.
National Journal of Community Medicine, 2016
Background: The word menopause literally means cessation of menstrual cycle. It is derived from Greek word ‘Meno’ or month and ‘pausis’ means a pause or cessation. A variety of physiological changes takes place in the body, some of these are the result of cessation of ovarian function and related menopause events while others are a function of the ageing process. This study was done to determine the average age at menopause and to study menopause associated health problem in them. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in the Rural field practice area of K.S. Hegde medical academy, Natekal from Jan 2013-Dec 2013. Results: Mean age at menopause was found to be 45.32 with SD of +/-2.79. Muscle and join pain (39.25%), vasomotor symptoms (21%), urological symptoms (20.5%), vulvovaginal symptoms (19.25%).Hot flashes were experienced more by postmenopausal women (64%) as compared to perimenopausal women (36%). Conclusion: Menopausal symptoms are either ignored or not spoke of. It is suggested that establishment of menopausal clinic within the current primary health care system can centralize attention to menopausal women and their needs.