Principals' Leadership Styles and Teachers' Job Performances in Secondary Schools of Omdurman locality, Sudan

the Faculty of Teacher training and education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), 2022

Leadership style is a particular behavior applied by a leader to motivate subordinates to achieve the objectives of the organization. Therefore, a leader in an institution can take any type of leadership style via the circumstances on the ground to reach the effective and efficient work in an organization. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between principals' leadership styles and teacher's job performances in secondary school of Omdurman locality, Sudan. In doing so, a descriptive research was employed. A sample size of 160, (85) male, and (75) female was responded. The data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed quantitatively using SPSS. The study showed that secondary schools principals frequently practice the democratic leadership style. There is strong significant relationship between leadership styles and teachers' job performance. The researchers recommended that, principals should adopt democratic leadership style in their schools so that can lead to better performance.

Correlates of Managerial Practices of Principals in Private Elementary Schools in Four Western Towns of Tarlac

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022

This study was conducted to describe the principals' personal attributes and managerial practices, and the job satisfaction and job performance of teachers in private elementary schools. It also determined the extent of difference between the self-ratings of the principals and the ratings of the teachers in terms of principal's managerial practices and the relationship of principal's managerial practices to their personal attributes and to the job satisfaction and job performance of their teachers. It also described the problems encountered by the teachers in terms of principals' managerial practices.

Impact of Management Style by the Principals on the School Environment: A Survey Study

Management in education cannot be exaggerated as without good management of available resources, the objective of a standard education cannot be achieved. Effective management is very important to accomplish the national educational objectives. The purpose of this research work was to investigate the effects of the democratic managerial style of principals regarding the school environment. Beside the multiple parameters of measuring the effects of the democratic managerial style on the school environment, the study focused only the conducive environment in democratic management style for teachers. Population of the study constituted all secondary school teachers (male and female) of district level. In this regard, only one district i.e., district Narowal was taken to choose the respondents of the study. The secondary school teachers i.e., total 200 (100 male and 100 female) were selected as sample of the study, using stratified sampling technique from boys and girls schools respectively. A self-made questionnaire, consisting ten items, was utilized as an exploration instrument for the accumulation of the data from the secondary school teachers. Reliability was also checked before applying the questionnaire to the teachers. SPSS (software package for statistical analysis) was used to interpret the results collected after the circulation of questionnaires. After gathering of the information, it was arranged and investigated by utilizing Chi Square and checked noteworthiness of the announcement at alpha worth 0.05 level of significance. It was concluded that democratic managerial style of head teachers increases the motivational level of teachers that has positive effect on the teaching learning process.

School Administrators' Management Styles in Relation to Their Teachers' Performance

This study intended to determine the extent of use of management styles and its relationship to teachers' performance of the public elementary school administrators. The descriptive-correlational design was used in this study which covered fifty-two (52) public elementary school administrators in the Division of Bayawan City for the school year 2014-2015. The management styles questionnaire of Steve Raybould was used to determine the type of management styles of the administrators and revealed that the extent of use of bureaucratic, paternalistic and democratic styles is "high" and "moderate" for laissez-faire and autocratic styles. In addition, the following findings were revealed: There is a "slight" negative relationship between the administrators' use of democratic style and their teachers' performance; There is a "slight" negative relationship between the following: administrators' age and their use of paternalistic style; and administrators' educational attainment and bureaucratic and laissez-faire styles; There is negative relationship between administrators' educational attainment and democratic style.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the managerial leadership styles of school principals for school effectiveness at secondary schools of the Dutywa Education District in the Eastern Cape Province of the Republic of South. The literature review reflects theories concerning the managerial leadership styles of school principals for school effectiveness. In order to attain the aims and objectives of the study, the researcher used the qualitative research method, both in collecting and analyzing the data. The case study design was used to describe and access the phenomenon and the purposive sampling method was used to select (6) secondary school principals. An open ended interview schedule was used for the face-to-face in-depth interviews on the managerial leadership styles of school principals for school effectiveness at secondary schools of the Dutywa Education District. Themes were drawn from the responses of the participants and analysed. Some of the findings were: Democratic and participatory leadership styles were used by the school principals to achieve maximum cooperation from both experienced and beginning teachers and the learners in the schools. Laissez fair and autocratic styles of leadership appeared to be undesirable for the management of schools. For school principals' effective management, they need to do proper planning, organising and scheduling of activities, assigning duties to teachers and delegating some of their work to competent teachers. The reasons for school principals' ineffectiveness in this study were: favouritism, over-familiar relationships with some teachers, ignoring teachers' personal problems, workload, lack of support and cooperation from teachers. Incorrect interpretation of educational policies were seen to lead to chaotic situations, poor performance of both teachers and learners, division between learners and teachers, a lack of unity between school stake-holders, poor job satisfaction and lack of trust and respect for the principals concerned. Factors contributing to principals' incorrect interpretation of educational policies and execution of management roles were: negligence, lack of knowledge and ability to interpret educational policies, lack of proper induction programmes and training of principals and lack of support on policy matters from the Department of Education. Contributing factors resulting in barriers to principals' ineffectiveness in the management of schools were: failure to give proper instructions to teachers and learners, failure to effectively use of available funds in the school, failure to implement all educational programmes in the school including co-curricular and extra mural activities, lack of experience, lack of support from both the Department of Education and the parents, lack of resources, high staff turnover, favourtisms and failure to hold teachers accountable for poor work done. Mechanisms deemed to overcome the factors leading to barriers to principals' execution of their management roles at schools were: making the effort to be knowledgeable about educational policies, timely responses to problems in the school, regular consultation with stakeholders, employment of SGB teachers, taking direct supervision of instructions in classrooms and endeavoring to have good relations and gaining support from the SGB and the parents. The researcher made some recommendations on the managerial leadership styles of school principals for school effectiveness at secondary schools of the Dutywa Education District.

Comparative analysis of administrative leadership styles of principals in public and private schools in Oriade Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria


The study compared the administrative leadership style of principals in public and private secondary schools in Oriade Local Government Area, Osun State Nigeria. The study employed the comparative research design. Respondents were two hundred secondary school teachers selected using the purposive sampling technique from twenty randomly selected schools in Oriade Local Government Area, Osun State Nigeria. Two valid and reliable instruments; Administrative leadership style Questionnaire, and Teachers’ Effectiveness Questionnaire (TEQ) was used to collect data from the respondents. Independent sample Test (t-test) statistical tool was used to analyze the data obtained. The results indicated significant difference in the administrative leadership style of principals in public and private schools for democratic leadership style (t=3.838,p≤0.05); laissez-faire leadership style (t=2.746,p≤0.05); While autocratic leadership style(t=0.363,p≥0.05) did not differ significantly. The results fur...

Influence of Principals’ Management Practices on Teachers’ Job Performance in Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria


This study examines the influence of principals’ management practices on teachers’ job performance in secondary schools in Kaduna State. To guide the study, two (2) research questions and two (2) null hypotheses were raised. Descriptive research design was used for the study with the total population of 15,135. Purposive sampling technique was used to select three hundred and seventy-eight (378) respondents. Based on the theoretical and empirical constructs of the study variables, the researcher designed a close-ended questionnaire on five-point Likert scale which was administered to the 378 selected respondents randomly. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the two (2) hypotheses postulated for the study at 0.5 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that Principals used record keeping as a viable tool for monitoring teachers’ job performance, decision-making process provided guidelines on how teachers perform their duties in secondary schools in Kaduna S...



The study was designed to investigate leadership type and principal managerial effectiveness in secondary schools in Ibadan metropolis. It adopted the descriptive research design of the survey type. Simple random sampling technique was adopted for selecting (300) three hundred public secondary school teachers. While stratified sampling technique was used to select (10) ten secondary schools in each of the (5) five local government areas used for the study (Ibadan North, Ibadan Northeast, Ibadan Southwest, Ibadan Northwest and Ibadan Southeast). A questionnaire titled "Leadership Type and Principals Managerial Effectiveness (LTPME)" was the research instrument developed and used to collect data for the study. Face and content validity of the instrument were ensured. The cronbach's alpha method was used to ascertain the reliability of the instrument and was found to be 0.87. Frequency counts, simple percentage, means, standard deviation, as well as multiple regressions were used in analyzing the data collected for the study. The results were held significant at 0.05 probability level. The paper revealed that democratic leadership type had the highest and significant contribution to principal managerial effectiveness. The results equally indicated that democratic, autocratic, liaises-faire, transactional and pseudo-democratic leadership types jointly contributed to principal managerial effectiveness. Based on the findings, it was recommended that, school principals should not limit themselves strictly to one particular type of leadership style but, should adopt a leadership style that is in line with the dictate of the situation confronting their schools; they should also encourage the use of democratic leadership style since it has the highest contribution to principal's managerial effectiveness. This is to enhance better job satisfaction among teachers and better supervision of instruction and which invariably may lead to effective management of schools.

Relationship between Principals’ Management Experience and Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya


The study sought to establish the relationship between principals, management experience and students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Kericho County, Kenya. Kericho County public secondary schools have had a small portion of its schools performing relatively well while some perform on the average, the majority performs poorly. The study was guided by this hypothesis: H 0 : There is no significant statistical relationship between principals' management experience and academic performance in public secondary schools in Kericho County. The study adopted survey research design as a framework for data collection. Targeted population was two thousand four hundred and ninety nine teachers posted and working in one hundred and nineteen secondary schools in Kericho County. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to select fifty three secondary schools in the County. Out of this target population, one hundred and nineteen were head teachers. Simple random sampling was used to select one thousand and sixty teachers, while stratified sampling was used to select the head teachers from the targeted schools to participate in the study. The reliability of the instruments was established by computing a test re-test reliability coefficient. This was done by administering the test twice, but allowing an interval of one month between them. The pre-testing of the instrument was done in ten non-participating schools in Kipkelion Sub-county The test yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.78 for the principals' questionnaire and 0.72 for the teachers' questionnaire. Two sets of questionnaires known as the profile of leadership behavior (form LB) and profile of own behavior (form OB) for head teachers and teachers respectively and Interview Schedule were used as the primary tools for data collection. This research embraced an eclecticism paradigm. The findings revealed that the head teachers' leadership styles had a strong relationship with the schools' K.C.S.E results. The study recommends that head teachers' training in school policy and management should be strengthened and supervision of the teachers should be objective. Head teachers should use a balance of autocratic and democratic leadership styles to achieve better K.C.S.E results. This research is vital in its contribution to understanding effective school management in the light of leadership styles and student academic performance.


International Journal of Vocational Education, 2017

The research examined the management strategies applied by principals and business subject teachers 'job performance in public secondary schools in Cross River State, Nigeria. To guide the study, two objectives were raised. Two research questions were asked, and two hypotheses were formulated. The study adopted Ex-post facto research design and stratified random sampling technique in selecting the sample for the study. The population of the study was 1070 teachers from public secondary schools in the state. Two hundred and fourteen (214) teachers from 271 public secondary schools formed sample of the study. Two researcher-made instruments "Management Strategies of principals Questionnaire (MSOPQ)" for the teachers and "Teachers' Job Performance Questionnaire (TJPQ)". The statistical analysis technique employed to test the hypotheses was One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. Findings indicated that principals' staff development, motivation strategies all had significance influence on teachers' job performance, in terms of lesson presentation, classroom management and students' evaluation. It was therefore recommended among others that adequate supervision, compensation, professional training and development programmes be organized by the government regularly for principals to improve on their management strategies, and that adequate supervision be carried out periodically by the school principals and should be guided by a well-defined format devoid of victimization.