Knowledge, attitude and practice of elders about sexuality (original) (raw)
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Aging Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Scale: Turkish Validity and Reliability Study
Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work, 2021
Sexuality, which can be the cause or result of health problems, changes dimension in old age and continues until the 80s. The fact that healthcare professionals have information about the sexual lives of the elderly can give an important clue about their general health status. This study aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Aging Sexual Attitudes Scale in Turkish. The sample of the study, which was carried out with a methodological research design, consisted of a total of 616 students studying at different departments of a state university's health sciences faculty. The data of the study were collected between April and May 2020 using the Internet-based data collection technique, the Personal Information Form, and ASAS. As a result of the factor analysis made for ASAS, a single factor structure that explains 34.62% of the total variance was obtained. The mean score obtained from the scale is 40.18±.20.14; internal consistency coefficient 0.905; The item-total correlation coefficient was found to vary between 0.352 and 0.717. In addition, the Spearman-Brown, Guttman split-half and Cronbach α reliability coefficients, which were performed to calculate the two-half test reliability coefficient of the scale, were found to be sufficient. Turkish adaptation of ASAS which is a tool that can be used to determine sexual attitudes in old age, can be applied easily, has sufficient internal reliability and validity for healthcare professionals.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the scientific publications pertinent to the perception of elderly persons about sexuality. Method: Integrative Review of Literature, held in databases: Latin American and Caribbean in Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific electronic Library Online (SciELO), Nursing Database (BDENF), Electronic journals in psychology (PePSIC). For the search of the articles, three keywords indexed in the descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) were used: perception, sexuality (sexuality), elderly (elderly). The descriptors were crossed through strategies 1 and 2; In strategy 1, all possible crosses were accomplished through the AND icon; And in Strategy 2, the keywords were crossed through the OR icon. Results: The sample of the revision was composed of 10 studies. The variables associated with the perception of the elderly on their sexuality identified: the fear on the part of the elderly from inadequacy to the social standards, concerns with the body with the incorporation of a role considered respectable that does not give right to feelings nor desires, dependence on sons who develop caregiver function by changing the social roles. Conclusion: The study made it possible to show that sexuality is experienced according to age, going beyond the sexual act and that social patterns affect the sex life and sexuality of the elderly.
Aging brings together a wide combination of anatomical, physiological and behavioral variables in the face of a remarkable morphofunctional involution in the sexual level of life. Given this context, the objective of this work was to carry out a systematic review based on the concept of sexuality, its care and development during old age from the medical point of view. For this, a bibliographic survey was carried out with key words guiding the theme. The research carried out showed that the attention given to the elderly person must also value sexuality; given that it is an essential tool that needs to be cared for and developed with knowledge. Thus, validating the UN proposal of SDG 3 of the 2030 Agenda, which seeks to promote well-being, mainly, as advocated in goal 3.7, which has the expected configuration of universal access to sexual health services by the elderly. However, it was found that there are flaws in the integrated medical execution, such as the lack of information explored by professionals about the sexuality of the elderly person, given the delicate content that covers the reality of the same, as a sexual figure, permeating spheres of imprint. both biological and psychosocial.
The aim of this study is to investigate the knowledge and the attitude of registered nursing students regarding elderly sexuality, in order to raise the awareness of sexual needs of the aging. This study also aims to identify attitude towards elderly sexuality among registered nursing students from different cultural backgrounds. The research questions of this thesis are: What is the attitude towards elderly sexuality among students from different cultural backgrounds? To what extent does registered nursing students" knowledge influence on attitude towards elderly sexuality? The quantitative method using a questionnaire has been used utilizing descriptive statistics as a method of analyzing. The main finding shows that over 50% of the students present negative attitudes and limited knowledge toward elderly sexuality. The students that have more knowledge reflect a more positive attitude toward elderly sexuality. The students who are further along in their studies are predicted with a more acceptance of elderly sexuality but show a restrictive attitude towards sexual needs of the cognitively impaired elderly, and students with living grandparents hold a more positive attitude; however deeply religious students hold a more negative attitude.
Bioscience Journal, 2017
The objective of this study was to analyze the knowledge of elders regarding HIV/AIDS and the sexual quotient of both genders in a Social Center in a town in the countryside of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is a descriptive, transversal and quantitative study, involving 457 elders who belong to social groups offered by the Facility for the Care of the Elderly (UAI, in the Portuguese acronym), in the town of Uberaba, MG. In this study, the following instruments were used: MEEM to select those with a minimum level of cognition, QHIV3I to evaluate their knowledge, and QS-F/QS-M to measure the sexual quotient. Data was analyzed with the "Statistical Package for Social Sciences" (SPSS), version 20.0. Females represented 74% of participants, 40.5% between 70 and 79 y/o. 51.8% stated not to have a partner. Questions regarding transmission by needles and syringes, had the greatest number of right answers 96.2%. Only 45.1%, however, answered correctly the question about transmission through mosquito bites. 90.2% of the elders know it is possible to detect the virus through laboratory exams. And 88.2% of them stated to have never used a condom in sexual intercourses. Regarding the sexual quotient, 57.7% of the female elders stated to have a bad or null sex life, while only 7.6% of the male stated to have inactive sex lives. Campaigns targeted at this population are necessary, as well as an increase in the awareness of the health professionals, since that would make it possible for them to recognize the sexuality of the elder, and the risks inherent to it.
The Meaning of Sexuality in Advanced Age: A Qualitative Study in Turkey
This study was planned as a qualitative study to identify the changes in the sex life and problems of 15 married women 60 years or older who presented to Family Health Centers affiliated with Istanbul Besiktas Community Health Center. Study data were collected using the questionnaire prepared by the researchers based on the literature, via face-to-face interview method. Based on the participants' perceptions and expressions of sexuality, the findings of the study were discussed using themes such as marital harmony, lack of sexual desire due to the feeling of loss, fraternity, feelings of friendship, dyspareunia due to vaginal dryness and lack of sexual desire because of the culture. Participants and their statements were codified in the order they were included in the study. The mean age of the participants was 66.53 and the mean duration of marriage was 43.6 years. It was found that the participants who stated that their marital harmony was good perceived sexuality as a positive issue while those who had poor marital harmony perceived it as a negative issue; and that those who experienced loss had problems such as lack of sexual desire and dyspareunia due to the cultural environment and physical shortcomings. We propose that in order to improve health and enhance the quality of life at the advanced age, nursing and counseling services specific to that period are required.
Knowledge and attitudes about sexuality in the elderly with HIV/AIDS
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, 2012
Objectives: Assess the knowledge and attitudes about sexuality in the elderly with HIV/AIDS served in a specialized ambulatory clinic; and identify the epidemiological profile of these patients. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study with a sample of 148 people aged 50 years and over. The Aging Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Scale was used to assess the knowledge and the attitudes about sexuality of the elderly. Results: The study included 148 elderly, male gender (63.5%), single (30.5%), retired and pensioners (53%), low socioeconomic class (60%), only 21% have completed the Secondary Education, monthly family income 3.3 minimum wages, time since diagnosis 156 months and predominant form of infection via sexual (66.2%). ASKAS knowledge score was 32.2 and attitudes score was 15.5. There was significant association between the knowledge ASKAS with the female gender, being a widow and more than one comorbidity; and between the attitudes ASKAS with complete Secondary Education and physical activity. Conclusion: Patients with HIV/AIDS showed favorable knowledge and attitudes about sexuality in the elderly, and women that were housewives showed significant knowledge.
Sexual Functioning Among Elderly Population in Tehran, Iran
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 2012
This study aims to demonstrate the sexual functioning of elderly Iranian retirees who reside in Tehran, Iran. The participants’ sexual interests are also reviewed in association with their physical and mental health status. The authors recruited 390 elders (199 men, 191 women) by convenient sampling from 4 retirement organizations in Tehran from April 2007 to October 2008. Tools for evaluation included use of a demographic questionnaire, modified Brief Index of Sexual Functioning for Women, Brief Sexual Function Inventory for Men, and the General Health Questionnaire. Sexual activity was “important/very important” in 56.6% and 17.0% of men and women, respectively (p < .005), but their satisfaction from sexual life was similar. Sexual desire and activities were more common among men than among women (p < .05). Impotency and ejaculatory problems were 40% and 33%, respectively, among the male study participants. This study indicated that having a sexual partner was the most important variable for sexual activities. This study provides a profile of sexual behaviors among elderly people in Iran and shows that although sexual decline and dysfunction are seen in both genders, both groups express satisfaction with their sexual affairs when they have a partner available.
Sexual Functioning Among the Elderly Population in Tehran, Iran
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 2012
This study aims to demonstrate the sexual functioning of elderly Iranian retirees who reside in Tehran, Iran. The participants’ sexual interests are also reviewed in association with their physical and mental health status. The authors recruited 390 elders (199 men, 191 women) by convenient sampling from 4 retirement organizations in Tehran from April 2007 to October 2008. Tools for evaluation included use of a demographic questionnaire, modified Brief Index of Sexual Functioning for Women, Brief Sexual Function Inventory for Men, and the General Health Questionnaire. Sexual activity was “important/very important” in 56.6% and 17.0% of men and women, respectively (p < .005), but their satisfaction from sexual life was similar. Sexual desire and activities were more common among men than among women (p < .05). Impotency and ejaculatory problems were 40% and 33%, respectively, among the male study participants. This study indicated that having a sexual partner was the most important variable for sexual activities. This study provides a profile of sexual behaviors among elderly people in Iran and shows that although sexual decline and dysfunction are seen in both genders, both groups express satisfaction with their sexual affairs when they have a partner available.
Sexuality and Older People: Myths, Misinformation, and Misconceptions
Many social stigmas and myths surround the topic of sexuality and its expression in the elderly. Though it is recognised that the need for physical and emotional intimacy does not end as we become older, contemporary society seems to hold the mistaken belief that appropriate sexual expression can only be found in "the young and the beautiful" (or is it "the restless?") In the seemingly sophisticated world in which we live, in a world in which by the year 2000, almost 10% of world's population will be over 60, we find ourselves living in a culture that is often uncomfortable discussing sexual issues. This is particularly so when we deal with issues of touch, intimacy, and sexual interpersonal experience as they relate to the elderly. In order that we understand the positive and holistic dimensions of sexual activity in later life, we must be challenged to confront possible negative societal and personal attitudes that surrounds this topic.