Konflik Tenurial DI Pulau Padang Dan Isolasi Ekonomi Lokal (original) (raw)
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Mereka yang Dikalahkan: Perampasan Tanah dan Resistensi Masyarakat Pulau Padang
M. Nazir Salim, 2017
Kami melakukan aksi-aksi termasuk jahit mulut dan rencana bakar diri bukan karena ketakutan, karena kami benar melawan sesuatu kezaliman dengan keyakinan. ... Kesadaran bersama menjadi kunci bahwa kami berhak mempertahankan tanah kami, dan itu kami anggap sebagai jihad, cara kami dalam menterjemahkan ajaran dari kyai-kyai kami di kampung. Sejengkal tanah kami adalah hak kami dan tidak boleh dirampas dengan alasan apapun.” ... Aksi-aksi kami ke sana ke sini bersama masyarakat Pulau Padang waktu itu bukan berarti tidak berhasil, ya berhasil... ya itu tadi salah satunya dikeluarkannya SK 180/2013, setidaknya revisi SK 327 dilakukan. Bayangkan kalau kami tidak melakukan aksi protes, konsesi mereka itu sampai ke belakang rumah kami, tetapi setelah direvisi, mereka sebagian keluar dari wilayah desa kami. ... Lihatlah, kelapa kami mulai satu per satu mati, kebun karet kami kebanjiran dengan sedikit hujan, tanah-tanah kami kekeringan dengan sebentar panas, kami sudah minum air sungai yang sebelumnya tidak pernah kami lakukan. Kalau sagu kami juga kena serangan hama, maka habislah kami, tak ada lagi yang bisa kami makan.
Menjarah Pulau Gambut: Konflik dan Ketegangan di Pulau Padang
M. Nazir Salim, 2013
The article was saimed at describing the conflicts between the community, peasants at Pulau Padang, Meranti Islands Regency, and PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP). The conflict started from the policy of The Minister of Forestry which allowed concession of HTI to RAPP at Pulau Padang. The problem was the permission itself as it took not only the area of farming lands but also the areas of settlement. The other problem was the environment itself. This was a result of RAPP. Various researches showed that Pulau Padang had thick peat. However, the permission for RAPP was to build industries and canals needing a lot of water. This would damage the environment whereas the peat ought to be protected. If tis is done, the serious damage of ecosystem at Pulau Padang will take place. Keywords: Pulau Padang, RAPP, agrarian conflicts, peasants’ struggle. Intisari: Artikel ini mencoba melihat konflik antara warga dan petani Pulau Padang, Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti dengan PT RAPP (Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper). Konflik bermula dari kebijakan Menteri Kehutanan yang memberikan izin konsesi HTI kepada RAPP di Pulau Padang. Izin itu dipermasalahkan karena luasan wilayahnya yang mengambil lahan warga, bukan saja lahan pertanian, namun juga pemukiman. Persoalan lain adalah isu lingkungan yang akan menjadi perhatian warga jika RAPP beroperasi di wilayah tersebut. Berbagai kajian menunjukkan bahwa Pulau Padang merupakan wilayah tanah gambut dengan ketebalan yang cukup tinggi, sementara izin konsesi RAPP untuk tanaman industri membutuhkan banyak air dan pembangunan kanal-kanal, selain tentunya tanah gambut dilindungi undang-undang. Jika hal itu dilakukan maka ancaman kekeringan dan kerusakan ekosistem di Pulau Padang menjadi serius. Kata kunci: Pulau Padang, RAPP, konflik agraria, dan perjuangan petani.
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas proses teritorialisasi taman nasional dan faktor penyebab konflik nelayan di Taman Nasional Bali Barat (TNBB) terutama kawasan laut. Teritorialisasi berakibat pada pembatasan akses dan konflik. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, dan dengan studi kasus di konflik nelayan. Hasilnya, teritorialisasi perairan laut di TNBB dengan perubahan rezim open access menjadi state property dan pembagian zona-zona TNBB. Pembentukan Taman Nasional dan zonasinya merupakan salah satu langkah teritorialisasi negara terhadap kawasan tertentu. Teritorialisasi tersebut berdampak pada pembatasan akses, dan menimbulkan konflik. Konflik antara nelayan dengan Balai TNBB disebabkan faktor kepemilikan sumberdaya dan faktor pengelolaan sumberdaya sedangkan faktor pengelolaan sumberdaya berakibat munculnya konflik nelayan dengan perusahaan pariwisata. ABSTRACT The research aims to analyze territorialization processes of national park and factors caused of fishers' conflict at The National Parks of West Bali (NPBB) especially in the marine area. As consequence of territorialization is access restriction and conflict. Research method used qualititave approach, and fishers' conflict as a case study. The result are marine territorialization processes at NPBB with changing property right from open access to state property, and dividing area of NPBB into separate parts of zones. National park and its zoning were established as one of the steps of state territorialization for some sites. The territorialization drove of access restrictions and raising conflicts. Conflicts between fishers and NPBB caused by some factors such as resources property right and management, while resource management factor create fihers conflict with tourist bussiness.
Konflik Keruangan DI Wilayah Pesisir Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat
Jurnal Arsitektur dan Perencanaan (JUARA), 2021
This study aims to deeply understand the occurrence of spatial conflicts and their implications for the use of coastal areas on Gili Trawangan. The study begins by identifying interest groups in the use of coastal areas on Gili Trawangan. Next, an analysis of the forms of conflict between interests and places that are vulnerable to spatial conflicts. This study uses a qualitative research methodology and inductive data analysis. This study found that spatial conflicts in the coastal area of Gili Trawangan occurred due to efforts to meet the needs and control of access to coastal natural resources, especially land. This situation causes spatial conflicts between interest groups in the utilization of their coastal areas. This is due to an increase in tourism activities in the coastal area of Gili Trawangan, which is followed by an increase in the escalation of interests therein. This is especially true between the interests of tourism with the interests of fishing settlements. Specifically, spatial conflicts found are mutual land ownership claims between communities and entrepreneurs, land privatization especially in coastal areas for tourism accommodation purposes, and social segregation and the emergence of social disparity phenomena between tourism activities and fishermen settlement activities in the coastal area of Gili Trawangan
Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini memotret secara gamblang bagaimana model konflik sosial terjadi antara korporasi besar dengan masyarakat yang relasi sosialnya sangat solid, kuat dalam memegang teguh adat istiadat. Konflik ini dimulai pada perebutan sumber daya ekonomi berupa tanah masyarakat/adat yang akan dijadikan lahan untuk pembangunan perusahaan yang terletak di bagian selatan Kabupaten Kerinci, Provinsi Jambi. Di tempat lain, konflik selalu saja melibatkan masyarakat dan korporasi secara langsung. Konflik terjadi head to head. Berbeda yang terjadi di Kerinci, PT Kerinci Merangin Hidro di Desa Pulau Pandan tidak lagi berhadap-hadapan atau berkonfrontasi langsung ketika menguasai tanah untuk kepentingan proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan Penelitian: Penulis mengumpulkan data riset ini melalui proses wawancara mendalam, kajian literatur, analisis dokumen termasuk informasi di surat kabar. Untuk menganalisis temuan ini penulis menggunakan ...
Semen Padang Dan Politik Ekonomi Kolonial
This article looks at the history and development of Padang Cement Fabric in its relationship with the Dutch economic policy by the end of the 19th C. and in the beginning of the 20th C. The foundation of the oldest cement fabric in Indonesia had a close relationship with political-economic policy introduced by the Dutch colonial government, which gave many opportunities to the foreign investors to exploit its colony. Padang Cement Fabric itself only one of several fabrics, minings, and big plantations in which the investors invested their capital during the liberal era in West Sumatra. The construction of Padang Cement Fabric also represented colonial government policy in urban planning in Padang municipality. In the beginning of the 20th C., the development orientation of Padang was directed to the eastward and southward of the city. Besides that, to encourage the investors and to implement its urban planning policy, colonial government provided special supports, such as introduci...
Mimbar Keadilan, 2023
The purpose of this research is to describe China's unilateral claims in the South China Sea through the nine-dash line map that intersects with Indonesia's EEZ in accordance with UNCLOS 1982 where Indonesia finally took a stand on China's unilateral claims in the South China Sea in the northern sea of Natuna. It is hoped that this research can be useful as a basis for the development of science, especially in the field of international maritime law. This research uses a normative legal research method with statue approach and a case approach where various literature is related as secondary data that will strengthen the research arguments. Indonesia's relationship with China is heating up because China's unilateral claim in the waters of the South China Sea through a nine-dash line map is intersecting with the territory of Indonesia's maritime zone, the Exclusive Economic Zone of Indonesia in the Northern Natuna Islands of Riau Islands Province which has been recognized according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982. The results showed that the nine-dash line claims by China did not comply with UNCLOS 1982, a misunderstanding between Indonesia and China led the two countries to mediate and requested that China respect the provisions of international law, especially UNCLOS 1982 as the world maritime constitution.