Leadership in organizations (original) (raw)
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Leadership Theory and Research
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
IASET, 2020
This study provides a discussion on the basis of data collected with the help of a survey and a summary of the results of the data analysis. It also presents the research questions in context to their respective hypothesis and the analytical techniques to arrive at the conclusion. 360-degree leadership style feedback, readiness matrix software, and composite profile were used as a statistical analysis by the Centre for Leadership Studies Inc.
This short paper analyzes four leadership theories: XY, transformational, servant, and authentic leadership. Scholarly references and examples of each are given to shed light on their respective view of leadership.
A Handbook of Leadership Styles A Handbook of Leadership Styles
Organizations need a leader who has the required characteristics and skills to sustain their existence, to grow and develop and to achieve their goals. Leadership is the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts and influencing others to achieve common goals. Leadership represents a process, while the leader refers to an individual. A leader can be defined as an individual who changes the paradigms of people, creates a vision, motivates followers with internal resources, engrains the idea that everyone has something to contribute to the shared goal, leads them and directly affects the flow of events and results. When the literature is examined, many studies on leaders and leadership exist, and the common purpose of these studies is to reveal facts and models about effective leaders and leadership. Many models have been developed on a theoretical basis to find an answer to the question of what makes leadership effective. In this section, within this scope, the nature,...
Leadership Theories and Comparison of Them
The objective of this term project was to distinguish leaders and managers and to compare the concepts of classical leadership and modern leadership. Styles of leadership that are vital for current businesses were investigated; differences in classical and modern management styles were presented, responsibilities of a leader for the concept of modern leadership were identified; and differences between a manager and a leader were introduced.
A Systematic Review of Various Leadership Theories
Shanlax International Journal of Commerce, 2020
Leadership is an essential element in the success of any organization. The style of leadership used has a great influence on the behavior of employees, and thus their productivity directly relates to it. There are several theories developed which defines leadership in its way, and there is continuous development in this field. The current study examines the theories that emerged in leadership literature. Various theories like trait, behavioral, contingency, and emerging theories are described briefly in a systematic way. It is found that as time passed, the way to see leadership also changed, styles like transformational, transactional, authentic, ethical, servant emerged as new dimensions which suit to the changing business environment.