The role of yoga physical exercise in maintaining health and wellness for years (original) (raw)
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Physical activity of elderly people
The aging is attended with changes in different physiological systems and body organ. This is the cause of worsening of movement activity for old adults. The review of age-related changes, their impact on human body functioning and development of activities strategies for seniors' health preservation was the aim of the paper. The scientific literature review showed that the decreasing of functional possibilities is the cause of working capacity and social activity limitations. Physical activity is one of the methods for improving of fitness. It was proposed to choose physical exercises according to biological age of elderly person, their aging profile, the presence of disease and physical activity level. Optimal intensity and character of exercise were established for the old adults with and without chronic pathological disease. The feeling of well-being or heart rate indexes can be used for control by physical training. Streszczenie Procesom starzenia towarzyszą zmiany w wielu układach i narządach, które istotnie wpływają na aktywność rucho-wą osób starszych. Celem pracy jest przegląd specyfiki zmian związanych z wiekiem i ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie różnych układów organizmu człowieka, oraz opracowanie szeregu środków mających na celu poprawę stanu zdro-wia osób starszych. Wyniki analizy danych zawartych w literaturze przedmiotu wykazały zmniejszenie funkcjonowa-nia głównych układów organizmu starszych osób, co znacznie ogranicza ich operatywności oraz aktywność społecz-ną. Podstawową metodą zwiększenia kondycji fizycznej jest wzrost aktywności fizycznej. Programy ćwiczeń powin-ny być zgodne z wiekiem biologicznym ludzi starszych, profilem starzenia, obecnością choroby i aktywnością fizycz-ną. Należy ustalić optymalny czas trwania, intensywność i charakter ćwiczeń dla starszych osób w kontekście ewen-tualnych chorób przewlekłych. Poczucie komfortu i wskazniki hemodynamiczne mogą być używane w celu kontroli treningu fizycznego. Słowa kluczowe: osoby starsze, tlenowa praca fizyczna, ćwiczenia rozwijające siłę mięśniową tion of medical, social and psychological aspects of old age is important today. The number of seniors which take active part in economic and social life increases rapidly. Thus it is necessary to develop such methods that would support the maximal long and full life. The review of age-related changes, their impact on human body functioning and development of activities strategies for seniors' health preservation and improvement was the task of the paper. The aging process has an individual character. The dominance of degradation changes in a particular physiological system determines the type of aging – cardiovascu-lar, endocrine, nervous or metabolic. Typically aging profile is determined by the parameters of the cardiovascular, respiratory , muscular system, nervous and mental performance , the state of analyzers system. If the causes, mecha
Forms of physical activity of the elderly
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2020
Introduction. Physical activity is known to be an important factor influencing health throughout human life. This issue has become crucial for public health due to the aging of the population in both developed and developing countries. Aim. is to present a literature review on the forms of physical activity undertaken by the elderly, as well as on issues related to physical activity and the population aging. Material and methods. The study was prepared on the basis of a review of Polish and foreign literature. The following databases and data sources were used: EBSCO, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar. An additional source of data were the websites of the Central Statistical Office. Strictly defined key phrases were used during the collection of literature. The work has been divided into thematic subsections on the aging of the society, the impact of physical activity on health and the main topic, i.e. forms of physical activity selected by the elderly. Analysis of the literature. Th...
Physical Activity in Aging Population
European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2019
It is known that worldwide populations are aging, and also that physical activity can play an important role in minimizing impairments characteristic of old age. Adopting a more active lifestyle and doing regular physical activity, including aerobic and resistance exercises, daily walking etc. have been demonstrated to improve cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal parameters in older adults. We assessed a potential participant from Elbasan (Albania), 67 years, for eligibility to participate in a 5 month training program. The subject gave written informed consent before inclusion.The following parameters were measured at the beginning (baseline) and end of the training period: BMI, body fat percentage, hand grip strength, lower/upper limb and trunk flexibility and range of motion, heart rate, balance, pain intensity, as well as VO2 max, directly and/or an estimate using the Rockport fitness test estimate. An initial evaluation was carried out just before starting the train...
Meaning of Physical Activities for the Elderly: A Review
American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2018
Aging is a process of inherent change that has separate or joint effects on the individual identity. Aging brings about physiological, psychological and other kinds of changes to the human body. The frail elderly people present a clinical syndrome which comprises of unintentional body weight loss, muscle weakness, slow walking, self-reported exhaustion and low level of physical activity among the elderly people who are over the age of 65. When these changes occur the health benefits of fitness are retained and regress slowly. It is of importance to note that although some of the changes brought by aging can’t be controlled some can be controlled feasible in many of the body organs through exercise. The increasing use of preventive care, better medical management of mobility and changing lifestyles in older persons, exercise has beneficial effects on health and longevity. Psychological care plays useful part in coping with these situations. It also boosts self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worthy and therefore the purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of exercise to the aging persons and how the same helps reduce the effects of aging. This will be done by elaborating how exercise affects different body systems with age. In conclusion, the findings of this paper provide empirical evidence for the importance of supportive environments for the elderly people to continue performing meaningful occupations outdoors
Physical Activity in the Elderly People
Empowering Health Learning for Elderly (EHLE) Project aims at improving skills and competences of professionals working with elderly people, by creating innovative training models; it is also intended to share knowledge and experiences between partners in order to obtain wide-scope results in the field of lifelong learning for elderly; finally, these results will be implemented through the production and distribution of training material and training aids on the territory. EHLE Project is funded by the European Commission under Lifelong Learning Programme - Grundtvig. The main objective of this Training Concept (Physical activity) is to gradually increase the levels of physical activity until reaching what has been recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine).
Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies
In the current era, the population is getting old at a fast speed. According to the World Health Organization, the share of the population aged 65 and over has increased from 6 percent in 1990 to 9 percent in 2019. According to projections, the proportion of people over 65 years of age will increase to 16 percent by 2050, making one in six people worldwide senior citizens. Based on WHO data, these numbers were compiled. Within a few years, this number will double, resulting in a massive increase in the amount of elderly. With an increasing population of elderly people, society is more likely to need to provide care for them. In order for them to stay in nursing homes for the rest of their lives, they will have to spend a lot of money. Can fitness be a part of a healthy lifestyle if people start doing it when they are adults or even when they are getting older and older? It occurs to us that this may be of assistance to them. Using a survey of research, we will examine what researche...
Sağlıklı yaşlanma ve egzersiz Healthy aging and exercise
The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 2022
“Old age” is “ageing and experiencing the effects of increased age”. In terms of biological functions, it is defined as the process of change and transformation that occurs between the end of the adult period, that is, the end of the reproductive period, and death. There is a distinction between the concept of ‘ageing’, which refers to an increase in life expectancy, and the concept of "old age", which refers to a distinct stage of life. Lifestyle medicine is an effective tool for promoting healthy ageing, and “Physical activity” is one of its components. Perspectives on healthy ageing and exercise are discussed in this review
Development and evaluation of a yoga exercise programme for older adults
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2007
Title. Development and evaluation of a yoga exercise programme for older adults Aim. This study reports the development and evaluation of a new yoga exercise programme for older adults, called the Silver Yoga Programme. Background. Yoga practice is associated with numerous health improvements, including reduced cardiovascular risk, body mass index and blood pressure. Yoga is also associated with improved respiration, psychological health and pain management. Studies have suggested the beneficial effects of yoga in the older population. Method. The study was conducted in 2005 and it had two phases. Phase I consisted of sending a survey to 10 experts to help develop the Silver Yoga Programme. A hard copy and a video containing detailed descriptions and demonstrations of the programme were then sent to the experts for review and critique regarding the clarity and feasibility of the yoga postures. Phase II was an enquiry into older adults' views on the programme using a quantitative evaluation and semi-structured qualitative inquiry. Fourteen women participants from a senior activity centre were interviewed individually after 1 month of Silver Yoga group practice, three times per week, 70 minutes per session. They were asked to evaluate the appropriateness of postures based on the criteria of difficulty, acceptability, feasibility and helpfulness. Five open-ended questions asked participants to reflect on their yoga experiences. Results. Participants' mean ratings of the acceptability, feasibility and helpfulness of the four aspects of the programme (warm-up, Hatha yoga, relaxation and guidedimagery meditation) ranged from 8AE8 ± 1AE9 to 9AE3 ± 1AE5; mean ratings of the difficulty of the programme revealed that relaxation and guided-imagery meditation were fairly easy to follow (0AE1 ± 0AE3 and 0AE1 ± 0AE3 respectively), but the postures in the Hatha yoga were relatively challenging (2AE1 ± 2AE6). Conclusion. The Silver Yoga Programme should undergo further pilot-testing with larger samples of older adults before it is taken up internationally as a healthpromotion activity for older adults.
Acta Gymnica
on the physical, mental and social quality of life of elderly people over 65 years (Ni Chronin, Ni Chronin, & Beveridge, 2015). Additionally, these problems also have a high cost of treatment. Since 2000 in the Czech Republic, similarly as in other European countries, the number of persons aged 65 and over has been continuously increasing and as a consequence, treatment costs have become higher. Motor performance and learning issues are specific in the elderly due to the potential dysfunction of the central and peripheral nervous system as well as the neuromuscular system. These specifics manifest themselves as coordination difficulties, lack of fitness, slower and less precise movements, balance and gait difficulties (Gilleard & Higgs, 2005). These limits may have a negative effect on the ability of the elderly to carry out routine daily activities, including self-care activities. Balance problems during walking with the consequence of a fall are the main source of injury and morbidity in the elderly: 20-30% of the elderly who
The purpose of this research was to discuss the effects of stability and cognitive yoga exercises on certain kinematics of gaiting and life quality among active elderly women. The population of this research includes 100 women aged between 61 and 88 years who inhabit in Karaj’s Kahrizak nursing home. Among the population, 30 individuals matched our research criterions and therefore, they were selected as the sample of the research in a random sampling method. The age of subjects ranged between 63 to 83 years. In addition, their height ranged between 139.5 to 160 cm and also their weight ranged between 48 to 88 kilograms. Kinematics of gaiting was evaluated beforehand to participation in exercise protocols. Afterwards, the subjects of the experimental group were administered 24 sessions of exercise and after the exercises, the kinematics of gaiting was measured again. On the other hand, the control group also undertook morning exercises under the supervision of the coach of the facility. The collected statistical data were processed with independent and dependent t-tests and also for the purpose of assuring a normal data distribution, the Shapiro test was performed at a confidence level of P= 0.05. Results indicated that after eight weeks of performing stability and cognitive yoga trainings, the lengths of the right and left paces and also the pace speed were significantly improved and increased among elderlies. The variables of life quality, stance time and swing time and pace frequency were also significantly increased among the experimental group. However, this increase was not significant compared with the control group.