The Effects of Physical and Non-physical Investments of Government Expenditure in Education and Health Sectors on Human Development Index in Pekanbaru City (original) (raw)

The Role of Public Spending on Education, Health, and Economic Growth toward Human Development Index in the Local Economy


This study investigates the effect of economic growth, education expenditures, and health expenditures on human development index (HDI) in Jambi Province. This study used panel data of 11 district/cities from 2012 to 2019. The analytical approach was quantitative by applying panel data regression models. The findings of the study indicated that the economic growth, education expenditure, and health expenditure had a significant and positive influence on the human development index. The implication of the model in this study shows that the efforts made by the Jambi provincial government are effective and optimal in allocating education and health spending to encourage increased human capital as measured by a high human development index. This is input in structural reforms in the education and health sectors to ensure that skilled human resources are developed in areas critical to economic development.

Government Investment in The Education Sector for Human Capital Development

The Indonesian Journal of Planning and Development, 2020

An indicator is considered more representative to be used as a benchmark for development, namely the Human Development Index (HDI). The Human Development Index is another alternative to the definition of development that it is not only economic resources as a means to achieve development goals. The government has made various efforts to improve the quality of education to develop quality human resources. One of the components in the education budget is the education budget through transfers to the regions and village funds. Transfers to regions and village funds consist of general allocation funds and special allocation funds. This study aims to examine the effect of the government’s investment in the education sector through the education budget, particularly Special Allocation Funds-Physical (SAF Physical) and Special Allocation Funds-Non-Physical (SAF Non-Physical) on the Human Development Index (HDI). The study consists of two independent variables, i.e., Special Allocation Fund...

The Influence of Regional Expenditure In The Education, Health, And Investment Sectors On The Human Development Index In Eastern Indonesia Region

Return : Study of Management, Economic and Bussines

This study aims to analyze the effect of Regional Expenditure on Education and Health derived from the APBN and APBD, Domestic Investment, and Foreign Investment on the Human Development Index in Eastern Indonesia. This study uses the panel data analysis method. The research data use time series data from the 2015-2019 period and cross-section data on 13 provinces in Eastern Indonesia. The variables used in this study are the HDI as the dependent variable, then the Education and Health Deconcentration funds, Education and Health Function Expenditures, DDI and FDI Investment Realization as independent variables. The results showed that regional expenditure in the field of education originating from the APBN had a significant negative effect on HDI in Eastern Indonesia, regional expenditure in the field of education originating from the APBD had a significant positive effect on HDI, regional expenditure in the field of health originating from the APBN had a negative and insignificant...

The Effect of Capital Expenditure and Economic Growth on the Human Development Index of the District City in North Sumatera

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal

This study aims to analyze the effect of capital expenditure and economic growth simultaneously on the Human Development Index (HDI) in districts/cities in North Sumatra. This type of research is a descriptive-quantitative approach that suppresses its analysis of numerical data that is processed by the statistical method. Sources of data in this study were taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics of North Sumatra for the HDI data. The sample in this study is all districts/cities in North Sumatra for the period 2013-2017. The data analysis technique used in this study uses panel data regression with Eviews 7 because, in this study, there are characteristics of cross-section and time-series data simultaneously. The results of this study indicate that capital expenditure partially has a positive and significant effect on the Human Development Index in districts/cities in North Sumatra. Economic growth partially has a positive and significant effect on the HDI in districts/cities in ...

The Analysis Of Economic Growth, The Government Spending Educationsector, Health Sector, And Infrastructure Sector On Human Development Index In East Java

East Java province in the 2011-2018 period had spread of the Human Development Index (HDI) which is not evenly distributed in each district and the city. So this causes East Java province is in the classification of Medium Human Development (medium human development). It is thus important to know the factors that affect the Human Development Index in the province of East Java. In this study will be seen how the variables influence economic growth, government expenditure education sector, health sector, and infrastructure to the Human Development Index in the province of East Java in 2011-2018 and Local Government's strategy to improve the Human Development Index of East Java Province.

A Panel Approach: How Does Government Expenditure Influence Human Development Index?


This study investigates the influence of government spending on education index, health index, income index of regional, under-develop and develop governments in East Java, Indonesia. In addition, this paper estimates the influence of government spending on the development of cities and districts in East Java. This study applied a quantitative approach by using the Fixed Effect Model and Random Effect Model as the panel data analysis method. There were 38 cities and districts used as the analysis units during 2010-2015. The findings showed that government spending on education, health, and economic has a positive significant influence on every component of human development index. In addition, government spending on infrastructure has a significant influence on the education index and income index yet it does not significantly influence the health index. Furthermore, this study provided the different results of government spending on under-developed and developed regions. Keywords: ...



This paper examines the impact of human capital development on the growth of the Nigerian economy. The study employed the ordinary least squares technique due to its scintillating features and reliability in measuring of linear relationship between variables included in the model (BLUE) and data for the period 1986-2017 were used. The model for this study will be theoretically stated as: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a function of Government's Expenditure on Education (GEE), Government's Expenditure on Health (GEH) as well as Oil Revenue (OILRV). Changes in Gross Domestic Product, Government's Expenditure on Education, Government's Expenditure on Health, and Oil Revenue were used as variables. The results indicate that human capital development in Nigeria is severely underdeveloped resulting into high rate of unemployable graduates and poverty-stricken population in the economy. The study found that there is a positive and significant relationship between government expenditure on education and economic growth. Similarly, it was found that there is a positive and significant relationship between oil revenue and economic growth. The study also found that allocations to education and health in Nigeria have fallen below 18% for the past decades, which is quite low and fall below the recommendations of the United Nations. Given the preceding discovery, these results imply that Nigerian government should implement the strategies enshrined in the NEEDS document with reports provided of progress made at each stage. The Government should increase not just the amount of expenditure made on the education and health sectors but also the percentage of its total expenditure accorded to these sectors. The ten percent bench mark recommended by the present national plan should be adopted. In particular, The Nigerian government should encourage private sector participation in the provision of private schools and hospitals. While these are already available, efforts should be made to make these services more affordable (at least cost) to the general public. Furthermore, Government should provide better infrastructural facilities for the existing schools and hospitals while establishing new educational and medical institutions to provide affordable quality education and health care for the populace.

Investigating the Effect of Government Spending on the Human Development Index in Simalungun Regency, Indonesia

International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities

This research aims to analyze the effect of government spending on health, education, and infrastructure on affecting the human development index (HDI) in Simalungun Regency partially and simultaneously. This research uses multiple linear regression analysis models. Sources of data used in the form of secondary data obtained from the publication data of the Central Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and data Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) Simalungun Regency with the period 2003-2020. Partially, the variables of government spending in the health, education, and infrastructure sectors have a positive and no significant effect on the human development index in Simalungun Regency. Meanwhile, simultaneously, government spending variables in the health, education, and health sectors have a significant effect on HDI in Simalungun Regency. And then Government spending in the infrastructure sector has the most dominant effect on HDI in Simalungun Regency compared in health and educat...

Impacts of Government and Household Expenditure on Human Development Index

JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan, 2017

The objective of this reseach are to: (1) analyze the factors affecting human development index and household expenditures for health, education and others, (2) predict the impacts of government expenditure policy in the field of education, health, and infrastructure on human development index in Central Java. The model was built using econometric approach in the form of a system of simultaneous equations, including five blocks i.e. government's revenue, expenditures, input, output, and performance. The system of simultaneous equations consisted of 26 equations (19 structural equations and 7 identity equations). The estimation method used Two Stage Least Squares with SYSLIN procedure. Prediction simulation used the stepwise Autoregressive method. The model simulation used Newton's method and SIMNLIN procedure. The results of policy simulation concludes that the combination of the increase in government expenditure for education and infrastructure lead to better performance in increasing income per capita, disposable income and HDI compared to the combination of the policy of the increase in government expenditure for education and in both municipalities and district, but municipalities receive greatest impact compared to the district.

Analisis Human Capital Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia

JIM UPB: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Universitas Putera Batam, 2019

The objective of the present study is to analyze the influence of Government Expenditure on Education and Health, Unemployment Rate, Literacy Rate, to GDP Growth of Indonesian Population. This type of research is quantitative, using ordinary least square method (OLS). The data used are secondary data. Data type is yearly time series data between 2001-2017 period. The results of the study indicate that :(1) Government Expenditures for Education and Health have positive and significant impact on the GDP growth of Indonesian Population, (2) Unemployment rate has a negative and significant effect on the GDP growth of Indonesian Population, (3) Literacy rate positively and significantly to GDP Growth Population Indonesia.