The Origin of the Color Charge into Quarks (original) (raw)

The colours of quarks as new degrees of freedom


The origin of the colours of quarks has been explored and the number of colours equal to three has been derived from the fractal properties suggested in the statistical model.The quark gluon coupling constant has been reproduced and the properties of the intrinsic electric charges of quarks have also been studied.

Color" as a classification symmetry and quark charges

Physical Review D, 1976

We discuss the problem of defining a residual global symmetry for classification purposes in the context of a spontaneously broken gauge theory of strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions, where strong interactions are associated with a local color SU(3)' group. We show that a weakly broken SU(3), [different from but related to SU(3)'] can always be realized as a good classification symmetry for a class of models with integer-charge quarks and massive gluons. For fractionally charged quark models, the symmetry SU(3)c is exact even for massive gluons, only if the full theory contains an Abelian U(1) symmetry associated with electric charge. If there is no such U(1) symmetry in the theory, and we wish to preserve a three-color classification symmetry in the fractionally charged quark model, then the gluons must be left massless.

On Quarks and Gluons

This article gives the potential energy function of quark in the gluon field, derives the wave function of quark in stationary state and the quark confinement and asymptotic freedom, shows that a quark is composed of two different color gluons, expounds the formation mechanism of the quark confinement and asymptotic freedom and the physical substance of “colors” of quark, and discusses the stability of hadrons in the end.

The colour of quarks


It is shown that colour can only be defined on gauge invariant states. Since the ability to associate colour with constituent quarks is an integral part of the constituent quark model, this means that, if we want to extract constituent quarks from QCD, we need to dress Lagrangian quarks with gluons so that the result is gauge invariant. We further prove that gauge fixings can be used to construct such dressings. Gauge invariant dressed quark states are presented and a direct approach to the interquark potential is discussed. Some further aspects of dressing quarks are briefly discussed.

The substructure of a Quantum Oscillator field

Hadronic Journal, 2012

An oscillator (IQuO) more elementary than the quantum one is formulated. This is expressed by quantum operators (a, a+), with two-components and it is composed of sub-oscillators, each with "semi-quanta" (1/2h). The commutation relation of the (a,a+) "semi-quanta" operators is then calculated and the structure by IQuO of the scalar fields is defined with and without electric charge. Processing a coupling mechanism of electrically neutral IQuO that produces a pair (matter-antimatter) with electric charge and not. Through the IQuO-structure it is possible to interpret the electric charge and the isospin (in hadrons) as rotations in an inside space in the particle. Finally, a sub-structure of the quarks is conjectured and one define in probabilistic terms the non-integer value of their electrical charge.

The glue around quarks and the interquark potential

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 1999

The quarks of quark models cannot be identified with the quarks of the QCD Lagrangian. We review the restrictions that gauge field theories place on any description of physical (colour) charges. A method to construct charged particles is presented. The solutions are applied to a variety of applications. Their Green's functions are shown to be free of infra-red divergences to all orders in perturbation theory. The interquark potential is analysed and it is shown that the interaction responsible for anti-screening results from the force between two separately gauge invariant constituent quarks. A fundamental limit on the applicability of quark models is identified.

A Model of Lepton and Quark Structure

Physica Scripta, 1980

We propose a model of particles with two very massive fundamental constituents, maxons. One of them is a fractionally charged color triplet and the other is neutral color singlet. Leptons, quarks and the weak bosons are quasiparticles in the system of interacting maxons. Some implications of the model are discussed. This is a typo corrected manuscript reconstruction (

An introduction to the quark model

arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2012

This document contains a review on the quark model, prepared for lectures at the Niccolo Cabeo School at Ferrara in May 2012. It includes some historical aspects, the spectral properties of the 2-body and 3-body Schrodinger operators applied to mesons and baryons, the link between meson and baryon spectra, the role of flavour independence, and the speculations about stable or metastable multiquarks. The analogies between few-charge systems and few-quark bound states will be underlined.