Teaching and learning Chemistry: the perception of high School Teachers (original) (raw)

Knowledge of Teaching Chemistry of Higher Education Teachers

Química Nova, 2016

KNOWLEDGE OF TEACHING CHEMISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHERS. This study aims to investigate the pedagogical knowledge of Higher Education Chemistry teachers. From the perspective of qualitative research, questionnaires were given, there was documentary analysis and were interviewed twenty-six teachers of the Institute of Chemistry of an institution of state public higher education of São Paulo. Discussed the relevance of pedagogic disciplines in Postgraduate courses and participation in monitoring programs and teacher training in higher education teacher formation. It was found that most teachers lack pedagogical training and some do not show interest in the subject, but look for ways to overcome the difficulties encountered. The results obtained demonstrate the urgency to rethink and reorganize the PostGraduate courses before the real need for training of teachers for higher education.

Teaching chemistry in Adult Education: relationship between Thought Styles and teacher training

Investigações em Ensino de …, 2009

RESUMO: Este artigo discute os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre um processo de formação de professores de Química que atuam na EDUCAÇÃO DE JOVENS E ADULTOS (EJA) em escolas públicas do Paraná, organizado a partir de pressupostos teórico-metodológicos freireanos. A coleta de informações ocorreu em um curso de extensão universitária no qual os participantes discutiram, organizaram e desenvolveram aulas de Química. Os pressupostos analíticos da pesquisa referenciam-se na "reflexão crítica" sobre a prática docente na perspectiva freireana e na epistemologia de Ludwik Fleck. Nesse curso, foram investigados os possíveis estilos de pensamento que o coletivo docente possuía sobre o papel social do ensino de Química e de como este deveria ocorrer na EJA. Foram identificados alguns dos problemas comuns à formação docente e outros à formação permanente freireana. ABSTRACT: This article discusses the results of a research on the process of formation of Chemistry teachers who work in YOUTH AND ADULT EDUCATION (YAE) at public schools in the state of Paraná, Brazil, organized based on Freire's theoretical and methodological assumptions. Data collection took place in a university extension course in which the participants discussed, organized and developed Chemistry classes. The analytical assumptions of the research make reference in the "critical analysis" on the teaching practices in Freire's perspective and epistemology of Ludwik Fleck. In this course, possible styles of thought that the collective of teachers had on the social role of Chemistry teaching and how this should occur in the YAE were discussed. Some of the common problems for teacher training as well as for Freirean continuing education were identified.

Being a chemistry teacher is": perceptions about teaching and its social role


A interface dialógica entre a universidade e as escolas de Educação Básica é um espaço-tempo investigativo privilegiado para a formação docente. É neste campo inter relacional que acontece a necessária fusão entre os construtos do conhecimento acadêmico e o universo escolar, pois é no contato entre os pares que os licenciandos se identificam e se reconhecem como profissionais do ensino. Em face ao exposto, apresentamos neste artigo os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre Ser professor de Química realizada com sete estudantes de um curso de licenciatura de uma universidade baiana. O grupo investigado respondeu ao questionamento sobre Ser professor de Química, trazendo suas justificativas. As expressões elencadas foram submetidas à aplicação Web WordClouds, para criação da nuvem de palavras, evidenciando as evocações mais expressivas. O resultado obtido evidenciou os termos Conhecimento, Ensino, Ciência e Autonomia. Conforme Bardin, realizamos a análise de conteúdo das justificativas de t...

The Experimentation in Chemical Education: An Exploratory Study on Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers' Perceptions

Revista Virtual de Química

The experimentation has been considered as a central tool and specific for Teaching of Chemistry while the studies of ways it is understood and used in the classroom have been gaining importance. The objective of this work was to make an initial survey of the perceptions of pre-service teachers on pedagogical function of experimentation. For this, questionnaires and interviews were implemented according to a qualitative and exploratory perspective research. The results suggest that although there is a confirmatory perception of experimentation, which its objective is to confirm previously addressed theories, in pre-service teachers who were at the beginning of course, a critical and investigative perspective characterized the majority of pre-service teachers' perception who were in later stages of course, suggesting that curricular activities may be favoring this process of change. This perspective of experimentation was based on ideas categorized in motivation, quotidian and minds-on, showing a multiple and mixed character of this teacher's knowledge. The profile of perceptions about investigative experimentation suggests that a research based on follow-up of pre-service teachers' pedagogical practice is promising, both to explore absent aspects in the survey, and to advance in facing the difficulties encountered during the implementation of experiments.

Um One day of work of the Teacher of Chemistry: narratives of college students about teaching activity

Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação, 2021

The aim of this study was to investigate the process of teaching learning, priorities, desires and difficulties experienced by academics in Chemistry, when describing a day of class as a high school teacher. For this, on the first day of class of the Supervised Internship, of the Chemistry Degree course, academics were asked to produce a narrative text imagining what a working day as a Chemistry teacher would be like. This activity gave rise to 15 narratives, which were analyzed based on content analysis. Such an analytical procedure allowed the identification of two main categories, which were divided into subcategories. To discuss the results, the first category was selected: Image of a Chemistry teacher, which encompasses ideas about different methodologies, planning and time control, interpersonal relationships between teacher and student and between students, the profession as a job exhaustive and the teacher's clothes. In view of the results, it was possible to highlight m...

Conceptions chemistry teachers on the development of competencies in the school)


This paper reports a research carried out chemistry teachers group of high school education in order to investigate as they conceive the approaching by competencies in the school. The methodology involved the following stages: conceptions of the teachers about competence, using as research instrument a questionnaire; it analyses and validation of the answers of the teachers to the questionnaire; discussion about competence in the school, using as instruments a Perrenoud s text and video. The results showed that there is not mobilization of the teachers and schools to relation with approaching of competencies. Besides that, this approaching will be possible if the educational system to be concerned salary best, recourses, available time and a continued formation introduced in the school pedagogical project, that propitiate the cooperation between teachers and university and contribute to the discussion about chemistry subjects, methodology and evaluation. And, the same time, the cons...

Research with Chemistry Teachers from the High Schools of Uberaba/MG: School Laboratories and Teacher Training

Revista Virtual de Química

The reality of public schools in the city of Uberaba, state of Minas Gerais, elucidated in this research analyzed the ability of chemistry teachers to teach their classes, as well as the occurrence of experimental classes, infrastructure and availability of materials in laboratories. The proposal addresses the educational and structural context of teaching chemistry in schools, with information collected through questionnaires with chemistry teachers from 19 different state schools with secondary education. The study examined the teacher profile, the knowledge of educational guidelines, the presence and infrastructure of the laboratories, the frequency of practical classes in chemistry, the availability of materials for the classes and the existence of a laboratory technician. The results revealed the lack of structure, materials and professionals in the chemistry laboratories, besides the lack of training of the teachers in experimental activities; needing improvement of the graduates to improve their pedagogical methodologies.

Reflections on the Importance of Experimentation in Chemistry Teaching in Secondary School

Resumo A Química é uma área do conhecimento humano que trata com o mundo microscópico e macroscópico. Sendo assim, a vivência de situações reais é de grande relevância para a compreensão e correlação dos diversos con-teúdos por ela apresentados. Neste contexto, a utilização de atividades experimentais é uma ferramenta que pode auxiliar na construção de conceitos. Destarte, este artigo tem o objetivo de verificar a importância da experimentação no ensino escolar da Química no Ensino Médio para que a produção do conhecimento dentro desta área do conhecimento aconteça de maneira mais construtiva e reflexiva. Para tanto, o trabalho tece reflexões sobre: a história da Química, o processo ensino aprendizagem, o conceito de aprendizagem significa-tiva, o papel do professor e a perspectiva interacionista. Palavras-chave: Experimentação; Ensino de química; Aprendizagem significativa; Perspectiva interacionista. Introdução Para entender a importância da uti-lização de atividades experimentais...

Construction of teachers' identity in the Chemistry Teaching Training Course of a Federal Institute of Professional Education

Química Nova na Escola, 2014

Construction of teachers' identity in the Chemistry Teaching Training Course of a Federal Institute of Professional Education. In this study, we investigated how teacher identity has been constructed by three students from a Chemistry training course, focusing on the meanings they attribute to "being a teacher" and to their formative process and at the same time, on what the role PIBID played in this process. We took their narratives as utterances and conducted a Bakhtinian analysis of discourse. The students gave different meanings to educational experience lived inside and outside the course, thus giving different meanings to what is to be a teacher. Despite the statements of the three have been related to the disciplines, only Ada mentioned the school reality experienced in PIBID. Marie's statement dialogues with the theoretical knowledge studied in the course and shows identification with the role of mediator while Irene's and Ada's statements dialogue with values and representations formed in school experiences, indicating that previous models can resist to the formation process.