Challenges Facing Implementation of Inclusive Education in Public Primary Schools in Nyeri Town, Nyeri County, Kenya (original) (raw)
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The thrust of this study was to investigate the challenges facing the implementation of inclusive education programme in public secondary schools in Rongo Sub-County, Migori County. The study had two fold objectives, namely (i) To analyze the factors hindering the implementation of the inclusion process for all the school-going-age children and, (ii) to examine the copping strategies to challenges facing implementation special needs education curriculum. It was premised on the classical liberal theory of equal opportunities advanced by Sherman and Wood (1982). The study sample comprised of 5 students with special educational needs per school from all the types of school as boarding, day mixed, yielding a total of 170 students, all school principals, three teachers per school and the Sub-County Quality Assurance and Standards Officer .Data was collected using questionnaires for students and teachers and interview schedules for school principals and the District Quality Assurance Standards Officer. The main research instruments used were questionnaires, interview guides and observation checklists. The major findings were that, first, physical and critical teaching learning resources were either inadequate or were quite dilapidated. Secondly, there were inadequate specialized teachers to handle the special needs education curriculum. Third, there were several socioeconomic and cultural variables that constraints effective teaching and learning in most sampled schools. It was recommended that the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of education should put in place adequate and appropriate physical and human resources to enhance the implementation of SNE not only in the in the study locale but all other areas experiencing similar constraints.[257 words].
Journal of Education and Practice, 2014
This study sought to examine the constraints hindering effective provision of inclusive education with the objective of devising strategies to be employed to cope with these bottlenecks. The study was premised on classical liberal theory and social Darwinism which asserts that every citizen should be given opportunity through education. Descriptive research design employing multi-case studies was adopted. Purposive sampling was utilized to draw 170 subjects comprising of students with special education needs, teachers, school principals and Ministry of Education officers (MoEs) in the study locale. Data was collected using questionnaires for students and teachers and interview schedules for school principals. Quantitative data from questionnaires was analyzed using descriptive statistics while qualitative data from interviews was analyzed using thematic approaches and reported in narrative and direct quotes. The major findings were that the secondary schools that have embraced inclusive education were experiencing a myriad of interrelated constraints ranging from lack of physical and instructional facilities suitable for inclusive education, lack of qualified teachers to handle the inclusive education and negative attitudes by parents regarding disabled learners, amongst others. It was recommended that for the success of inclusive education to be realized pragmatic copying strategies should be introduced. These strategies should include aggressive sensitization campaigns to enable all stakeholders in education understand their roles and debunk the idea that the Government is the only body that should take full responsibility in the provision of effective inclusion education in the study locale of Rongo District, Migori County, Kenya .
Problems of Management in the 21st Century
This study assessed the effectiveness of the use of selected teaching/learning resources in the implementation of Inclusive Education (I.E) for Special Needs Education (SNE) learners in mainstream primary schools. Focusing on the organisational effectiveness of the school management in meeting the needs of Special needs Learners, research questions explored the following: the availability of the selected teaching/learning resources, effectiveness of the use of available teaching /learning for Inclusive Education, challenges in the use of available teaching/learning resources and possible improvements with regard to the implementation of Inclusive Education for Special Needs Learners in mainstream primary schools. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Out of 150 schools that had integrated Special Needs Learners in Bungoma Count, Kenya, 20% were stratified, proportionately and randomly sampled. Purposive sampling was used to obtain the participants; head teachers, regular, a...
The central problem of this study was to investigate and give an understanding of the situation on the ground about the efficiency in inclusive education at the secondary school level in Kenya. The objective of this study was to find out the approaches used in handling students with special needs in integrated regular classrooms to uncover the efficiency and effectiveness of the strategies used in teaching and to evaluate these strategies. The research adopted a case study of secondary schools in Rongo district and targeted all the 34 public secondary schools in the district.• The sample consisted of 5 students with special educational needs per school. This is 10.0% of the target population. The study involved principal, teachers, students with special needs and an interview for the district education officer (DEO). Data was collected using interviews for the principals, questionnaires for the students with special needs and an interview for the education officer (DEO). Data collected was analyzed through the use of statistical package for social science (SPSS). Qualitative data was analyzed by arranging them according to the main objectives, research questions and after that inferences, conclusions and recommendations were drawn according to the research questions and objectives. The study established that school heads were facing major challenges in the implementation of inclusive designs, lack of text books for special education needs, inadequate funds and lack of trained teachers in the required special educational skills as teachers have not been trained on such skills. This has affected efficiency in the provision of inclusive education. .-' v '" 38 3.6.2 Reliability 39 3.7 Data Collection 39 3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation~'" 40 vii ..' '" .42 4.3 The enrolment trends of students with special educational needs in regular schools ..43 4.4 Retention and completion rates of students with special educational needs .46 4.5 Readiness of teachers and students for inclusive education , 53 • 4.6 Training and deployment of teachers .' 61
Inclusive education is a process of adjusting the home, school and the larger community to accommodate persons with special needs. In respect to preschool learners, it is a means by which centers accommodate all learners regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic challenges. UNICEF notes that some 150 million children with disabilities lack access to child care services, schools, recreation and other social services, and are likely to remain illiterate and untrained, ultimately unable to join the labor force. Children with special needs are still perceived negatively by society. Most of the learners with special needs do not enroll in preschool centers in Nyamira North Sub-county and if enrolled, they drop out before the year ends as per the report from Education Office. The study aimed at finding out whether availability of teaching and learning resources influenced implementation of inclusive education in preschool Centers in Nyamira North sub-county. Efforts have been made to integrate the learners with special needs although the programme has encountered a lot of challenges; policies have been put in place to provide for the achievement of universal education and the realization of vision 2030. However, Inclusive education experiences a pyramid of challenges at preschool level in the world and Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The target population was 134 head teachers in 134 preschool centers, 402 preschool teachers, 12 Education officers and 938 preschool parents in Nyamira North Sub-county. Sample size was 40 preschool centers and 40 head teachers which were randomly sampled to represent 30% of the centers. Further, 134 preschool teachers and 270 preschool parents were sampled through stratified random sampling and 12 Education Officers sampled by census sampling. Data was collected using questionnaires and observation checklists. Descriptive statistics of means, percentages and weighted averages was used in analyzing the data. Findings revealed that there were inadequate teaching and learning resources at preschool centers in Nyamira North sub-county. 78 percent of the respondents revealed that inadequate resources affected the implementation of inclusive education. The study recommends that adequate teaching and learning resources should be provided to ensure effective implementation of inclusive education and more funds to be allocated for procuring teaching and learning materials for Special Needs Education (SNE) learners. Background of the Study According to Owoko (2010), the term resources refers not only to teaching methods and materials but also the time available for instruction, the knowledge and skills of teachers acquired through training and experience. Teaching pupils with special needs in the inclusive classroom deviates from the " regular " programme. Pupils with special needs may require more instruction time, other learning methods and professional knowledge. This can be achieved by an increase in resources or by rearranging available resources. Children with special needs are not required to meet the classroom standards rather the classroom meets the individual needs of all children (Bargsma, 2000). Puri and Abraham (2004) argues that school management and teachers should make efforts to identify and attend to learners with special learning needs for instance dietary needs especially preschool .
The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of inclusiveness on the quality of education. This research adopted mixed methods design specifically the explanatory sequential design. The study was carried out in Nairobi and Kajiado Counties. The sample size comprised of 25 head teachers, 150 teachers, 300 pupils and 4 QASO's. Purposive sampling was used to select pupils and QASO's while stratified random sampling was used to select teachers. Data was collected by use of questionnaires, interview guide and observation checklist. Qualitative data was analysed thematically while Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics namely, means and percentages. For inferential statistics, simple linear regression was used. The major finding of this study was that implementation of inclusion of learners with special needs in regular schools positively influenced the quality of education. The study recommends that the government provides regular schools with funds to support inclusiveness.
Trends in the educational provision for children with disabilities have, since the past two and a half decades, continued to focus on their education in the same setting as that for their peers without special needs. Despite the many benefits of inclusion, difficulties inherent in this process are major setbacks to wider implementation of inclusive education. Many teachers of regular schools and other stakeholders doubt the workability of the strategy and resist the idea of having children with special needs in regular classrooms. This paper is premised on the findings of a study that sought to establish the influence of teachers’ perceptions on the implementation of Inclusive Education (IE) in Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) curriculum among rural public primary schools in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Adopting a mixed design approach, the study sampled 221 teachers. Stratified and proportionate sampling was used to select schools (ECDE centres) and teachers while was col...
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This study assessed the effectiveness of school administrative support in the implementation of Inclusive Education for Special Needs Learners in mainstream primary schools. Focusing on the organizational effectiveness of the school leadership in meeting the needs of Special needs Learners, research questions explored the following: school administrative support in implementation of inclusive education values, administrative support on creation of inclusive school environment, administration support on staff development and collaboration in inclusive education practices between special and general educators. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Out of 150 schools that had integrated Special Needs Learners in Bungoma County, Kenya, 20% were stratified, proportionately and randomly sampled. Purposive sampling was used to obtain the participants; head teachers, regular, and special teachers. The sample comprised of 30 head teachers, 120 regular teachers and 8 special teachers...
I dedicate this work to Jehovah the Almighty and ever living God who takes care of all of us, reveals and inspires into us the works of our hands and my family members whom I love very much. I am grateful to Wambugu wa Gaciuri for patience, moral and financial support as well as others who contributed in one way or another in the realization of the desired goal. Also I am indebted to the family of Rt. Rev. Bishop Henry T. N. Kathii, Gecklia Njiriri and Cianjau Mwarwa Mugai who inspired me during my early schooling and always with a big caring heart. To my colleague Robert Njuguna and his beloved family (Patience, Prudence and Faith), your support, insightful thoughts and encouragement are highly appreciated. Lastly, Jane Wegutu, Vanessa Mwikali and Susan M. Wanjohi should not go unmentioned for very timely moral support.