Seismic Analysis and Design of G+18 Floors Multistoried Building using ETABS 2013

One of the major problems that the country facing is the rapidly growing population, which necessities more facilities in the restricted availability of land. This can be solved to a certain extent with the construction of multistoried building, which can serve many people in available limited area. Hence it is the necessary requirement of multistoried building with all facilities. Hence an attempt is made in the project by SEISMIC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF G+18 FLOORS MULTISTORIED BUILDING USING ETABS 2013. Earthquake Engineering was developed a lot from the early days and seismically analyzing the structures requires specialized explicit finite element analysis software, which divides the element into very small slices and models the actual physics. The seismic analysis of the proposed building was done in the software ETABS 2013, which is one of the most advanced software in the structural design field. The loads applied on the structure were based on IS:875 (part I)-1987 [dead load], IS:875(part II)-1987 [live load], IS:875(part III)-1987 [wind load], IS:1893-2000 [Earthquake load]. Scale factor is calculated from the design base shear (Vb) to the base shear calculated using fundamental time period (Ta). Once the analysis was completed all the structural components were designed according to Indian standard code IS:456-2000. Footing, columns, beams, slab, staircase and shear wall were designed. Ductile detailing of the structural elements were done as per code IS: 13920-1993.

Comparative seismic analysis study of G+ 20 story building with flat slab and conventional slab using ETABS


In the study, three dimensional analytical models of G+20 story buildings have been generated and analysed using CSI ETABS software version 2016. The earthquake zone III in India is considered for buildings during analysis. Here, the analysis and design is done of G+20 story building with flat slab(with drops) and conventional slab system. In earthquake zone the displacement and drift of the structures will be more so to have more stiffness to the structure shear wall is to be provided therefore a study is made by comparing between conventional slab & flat slab (with drops) building. Comparison of various parameters like story drift, story displacement, story stiffness and time period is done. The equivalent static method is used to design and analyze the structures, as categorized by Indian Standard Code for earthquake resistant structures. The study shows that story drift is 10% more in conventional slab as compared to flat slab; story displacements is observed linearly increasing with height of the building and is 11% more in conventional slab as compared to flat slab .

Analysis and Design of G+4 Residential Building Using ETABS

ETABS stands for Extended Three Dimensional Analysis of Building Systems. The main purpose of this software is to design multi-storeyed building in a systematic process. The effective design and construction of an earthquake resistant structures have great importance all over the world. This project presents multi-storeyed residential building analysed and designed with lateral loading effect of earthquake using ETABS. This project is designed as per INDIAN CODES-IS 1893-part2:2002, IS 456:2000. This analysis is carried out by considering severe seismic zones and behaviour is assessed by taking type-II Soil condition.

Design and Analysis of (G+4) Residential Building Using ETABS

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022

Structural analysis is a branch that involves determining the behaviour of a structure to predict the response of different structural components due to loading effects. Every structure will be subjected to a load or set of loads, the various loads usually considered are dead load, live load, seismic load and wind load. In our project, we use ETABS software to analyse various loads such as dead load, live load, seismic load. The main objective of the project is to acquire sufficient knowledge of architectural planning, analysis and design. Practical knowledge is an important and essential skill that every engineer needs. For the analysis and design of multi-story buildings, concepts of structural engineering are required, as well a basic concept of theoretical and practical knowledge of planning and design. In this project, we mainly deal with (G+4) residential building using ETABS, and attempt to analyse and design multi-storey building using ETABS. The analysis is performed by static methods and the design is carried out according to IS 456:2000 guidelines. Drawings of plans, elevation, section, site plan, service plan, etc.. are done using AutoCAD software.


IRJET, 2021

Multi storey Rc structure are most dangerous earthquake it was found that main reason for failure of Rc building is irregular distribution of mass and strength stiffness or due to irregular geometrical configuration. in reality many existing buildings contain irregularity due to functional and aesthetic requirements .However fast Aspects in formulating. the seismic methodology by the seismic codes (IS 1893-2002).The review of seismic design codes and reported research codes studied show that the Irregularity .The principal objectives of this project is to study the structural behaviour of multi story RC structure for different plan configuration such as rectangular building along with L-shape, C-shape, H-shape in according with seismic provisions code (IS 1893-2002) using ETABS Software. The analysis involved load calculation and analyzing the whole structure on the of dynamic Response spectrum analysis and time history analysis confirming to Indian standard code of practice .For time history analysis past earth quake ground motion record is taken to study the response of all the structure. These analysis are carried out by the different seismic zones(zone1 zone 2) .


Neither the earthquake can be predicted nor it can be stopped as it is natural phenomenon. The only thing is effect of earthquake can be minimized. Earthquake itself is not vulnerable but the fragile and un-engineered structure cause the serious problems during earthquake. So to cope with this problem we need to take care for the construction of earthquake resistant construction. We can't construct earthquake proof structures as term engineering itself depicts economic i.e the project should be completed within the minimum budget including all the facilities. So we should think about minimizing the risk during such phenomenon. So the role of Civil/Structural engineers is to analyze and design of earthquake resistant structures. Here in India there are four seismic zones " zone II, zone III, zone IV and zone V". the paper aims to collect the information for design and analysis of buildings in different seismic zones and interpretation of the results obtained by ETABS software.

Analysis and Design of Multi Storey Residential Building Using ETABS


U. G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, U. V. Patel College of Engineering, Ganpat University 3,4 Abstract Present study represents the analysis and design of ten storey residential building with basement. The building is considered in Ahmedabad (Gujarat) region. The sizes of various structural elements are decided after optimization. For analysis and design, building model is generated in ETABS 2013 software. The various parameters like centre of mass, centre of stiffness, displacement of building, storey drift and rotational displacement are considered for analysis purpose. It is observed that centre of mass and centre of stiffness are depending on the orientation of column. It is also observed that eccentricity in Y-direction is very high as compared to Xdirection due to unequal mass distribution at top floor. According to design report provided by ETABS all the values of stresses and storey drift are under limit as mentioned in IS 456:2000 and IS 1893:2002.

IRJET- Seismic Analysis of High-Rise Building G+24 Using ETABS

IRJET, 2020

Earthquake in the past decade is observed to be more devastating, so it is now important to consider the effect of earthquake for the construction of medium to high rise buildings. Due to scarcity of space caused by migration of people from rural to urban area, hence it is necessary to construct high rise buildings. In high rise buildings earthquake forces should be considered before determining the safety of a structure. Hence stiffness of columns must be ensured to stay safe during an earthquake, it was found that for providing high stiffness in the columns, the size of columns increase drastically and it is difficult to construct large size columns due to congestion of space. Hence an alternative is found for high rise building. Shear wall behaves as a wide column. It carries heavy load and provides resistance against lateral forces. Shear walls when placed in the most appropriate locations in the building, they resist the lateral loads caused by earthquakes. A 3-D analysis of shear wall structures has been carried out using ETABS software, two models are analyzed viz., model-1 as the uniform grade of concrete in all floors of structure, model-2 as different grades of concrete. Response spectrum method analysis have been used according to IS: 1893(Part-1). The seismic analysis of the frame models has been analyzed for various load combinations according to IS: 1893(Part-1). Different parameters studied are deflection, vertical irregularities, storey drift and storey displacement. Based on these parameters, best model has been suggested.

Comparative Earthquake Resistant Design Study of Thin Rectangular 20 Storey Structure in Zone 1 and Zone 3 Using ETABS

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022

An earthquake occurs in the form of seismic waves due to sudden release of energy and results in ground shaking. During earthquake, seismic waves propagate through the soil which results in structural damage due to movements within the earth's crust. It impacts the behavior of interaction of components like building, foundation, underlying soils and also overall system behavior. When earthquake occurs, the behavior of a building depends on distribution of mass, strength and stiffness. Generally, the buildings are subjected to various types of forces throughout their existence. The forces can be static forces due to dead and live loads and dynamic forces due to earthquake. In this study, the analysis is carried out for seismic response of 20 Storey Commercial office building for Zone-I and Zone-III regions through response spectrum method in ETABS. The design details such as reinforcement area for beams, columns and shear walls and resultant parameters like storey displacement, storey drift, storey shear, base shear, PMM Interaction curves, D/C ratios are observed for specified zones.


The main objective of this project is to analyze & study the comparative seismic performance of conventional & flat slab structures with and without shear wall using Etabs. In earthquake zone the displacement and drift of the structures will be more so to have more stiffness to the structure shear wall is to be provided therefore this project is compared between conventional slab & flat slab (with drops) building with and without shear wall. The report includes detailed analysis of a multi storey G+9 Commercial building using software ETABs. All the structures were subjected to various kinds of loads such as dead load, live load, earthquake load. This study is mainly based on Response spectrum analysis which is linear dynamic analysis to know the seismic performance of the structures. Analysis were done as per IS:1893-2002, and all the RCC members were designed as per IS: 456-2000. Load Calculations were calculated as per IS: 875 Codes. The results provide best information on storey drifts, displacements, stiffness and storey shears and show its performance on different conditions of the structure