Comparative Analysis and Design of Regular and Irregular Building and its Behaviour at Different Earthquake Zone by Using Etabs and Rcdc Software

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development

In civil structure static analysis is perform for R.C.C frame regular and irregular building upto G+15 storey by using "Response Spectrum Method". The problems introduced due to discontinuity in stiffness, mass and geometry of structure.IS codes are used for design of various civil engineering structures and their specification. These elements are designed by using software ETABS. And consider seismic load and wind load. For load combination use code IS 1893:2002. Irregular building is compared in all four zones. The designing has been carried out in ETABS software (software that deals with analysing and designing of structures. This software is easy to understand for user). All the building structure and modelled analysed and then designed for all four zones. All model are analysis in ETABS so design in RCDC software and their results are obtained in all seismic zones. The base shear force, volume of concrete, weight of steel and cost effectiveness have been calculated to depict all the differences in structure behaviour when analysed design in all four zones by using ETABS and RCDC software.


The Seybold Report, 2022

The modern reports and research showed that the buildings with more irregularity are less safe in facing earthquakes. This study aims to study the behavior of regular and irregular building in seismic matter. Three irregular shapes (L-Shaped, T-Shaped and C-Shaped) having two types of plan irregularity (accidental torsion and reentrant corner) were compared with rectangular regular one in three seismic hazards (Low, Moderate and High). ETABS v19 is used to model and analyze 12 different models with 15-story and 20-story RC frame structures using dynamic response spectrum method to obtain the maximum displacement, story drift, maximum drift and accidental torsion committing to ASCE7-10 code. The purpose of the study is to alleviate the seismic risk on the irregular structures and make our buildings safer, less cost and more Sustainable. at the end, we provide a table to guide the architectural engineers choosing the best building configuration based on the area seismicity and seismic hazard in order to match the purposes and the structural design in addition to provide some solutions to avoid structural design problems. The results were as follow: In the 15-story RCC frame structures with special moment resisting frame, the L-Shaped buildings are not safe to use in high seismic hazard areas, and the T-Shaped buildings are not safe to use in low and high seismic hazard areas. In the 20-story RCC structures with special moment resisting frame, the L-Shaped buildings are not safe to use in high seismic hazard areas, and the T-Shaped buildings are not safe to use in all seismic hazard areas. The comparison between the irregular shapes and regular one was predicted in L-Shaped and T-Shaped building which have worse seismic behavior than regular shape, but the comparison with C-Shaped was different, the C-Shaped gave a better behavior compared to the rectangular regular building.


Neither the earthquake can be predicted nor it can be stopped as it is natural phenomenon. The only thing is effect of earthquake can be minimized. Earthquake itself is not vulnerable but the fragile and un-engineered structure cause the serious problems during earthquake. So to cope with this problem we need to take care for the construction of earthquake resistant construction. We can't construct earthquake proof structures as term engineering itself depicts economic i.e the project should be completed within the minimum budget including all the facilities. So we should think about minimizing the risk during such phenomenon. So the role of Civil/Structural engineers is to analyze and design of earthquake resistant structures. Here in India there are four seismic zones " zone II, zone III, zone IV and zone V". the paper aims to collect the information for design and analysis of buildings in different seismic zones and interpretation of the results obtained by ETABS software.


IRJET, 2020

Behavior of a building during strong earthquake motion depends on structural configuration. Irregular configuration either in plan or in elevation is recognized as one of the major causes of failure during earthquakes.In the present work the RC buildings with +, C, L & Square shaped plan have proposed attempts to evaluate the effect of plan configurations on the response of structure by Time History Analysis.The Indian Standard Code (IS-Code) of practice IS-1893 (Part I: 2002) guidelines and methodology are used to analyze the buildings. In this project,the comparisons between the four RCC buildings with different plan shape (Square, C, L, +) having same height with different storeys (G+11) & (G+14) of buildings is considered to analysis. The time history analysis method has been used to evaluate seismic performance of building. The analysis is carried out using Etabs. This method determines maximum story drift, overturning moment & natural period. The C shape building is more vulnerable than other shapes.

IRJET- Seismic Analysis of Multistory R.C. Building by using Indian Code and United State Code

IRJET, 2020

This study involve seismic parameters required for seismic analysis of building by using international codes. For study selected international codes are Indian Code (IS 1893:2002) and ASCE 7-10 (American Society of Civil Engineers). This study helps to understand seismic parameter which helps to improve the behaviour of structures so that they may withstand the earthquake effects without significant loss of life and property. The model consist of G+10 RC building and modeling of structure is done by using ETABS 2016 software. Time period for analysis of structure is taken as per software calculated for both Indian code and US code. In this study base shear, maximum story displacement, maximum story drift, Maximum story moments is calculated in X direction and Y direction for Indian code and US code, also differentiation in graphical representation of maximum base shear, maximum story displacement, maximum story drift, mode vs period for Indian code and US code.


IRJET, 2021

From the recent earthquake studies, it is concluded that not only non-engineered but also the engineered structures are affected by earthquake. In these days constructions are fitting increasingly narrow and extra inclined to sway and consequently detrimental within the earthquake. Researchers and engineers have worked out within the past to make the constructions as earthquake resistant. So it is necessary to consider and analyze the effect of seismic load in design of a structure. The main objective of this project is to analyze and design a G+10 building in three dimensions for different seismic zones of India. In this work the structure is analyzed including load calculation using ETABS. Various parameters like Storey Drift, Storey Stiffness, Lateral Load and Storey Displacement of the building in different seismic zones are calculated and compared. Limit state method of design is adopted here and IS 1893:2002 is used for seismic analysis and detailing.

IRJET- Earthquake Behaviour of Irregular Building by Linear Static Analysis using ETABS

IRJET, 2020

India is prone to strong earthquake shaking and hence earthquake resistant design is essential. Seismic codes help the designer to improve the behavior of structures to withstand the earthquake effects without significant loss. The new IS 1893:2016 on Criteria for Earthquake resistant design of structures has included many changes like separate response spectra for Equivalent Linear static method and Response spectrum method for 6.0s period, Importance factor of 1.2 for residential buildings and new expression for Natural Time period for buildings with RC structural walls etc. This paper presents a case study in which seismic performance of a G+7 residential tower in zone III designed as per the earlier version of the code is checked for recommendations made by the revised code. Secondly this paper aims at the seismic load estimation and comparison for the multistory building designed as per IS 1893:2002 and IS 1893:2016 by Equivalent linear static method. Thirdly the effect of zone factor on the seismic performance of the building is studied as per IS 1893:2016 by Equivalent Linear Static method. The seismic behavior of the test building is evaluated using the structural software ETABS. The process gives a set of five individual analysis sequences for the building and the results are used to study the effect of changes made in the latest version of IS 1893.

IRJET- Dynamic Analysis of G+15 Multi-storied RCCCommercial Buildings with Different Plan Configuration in Seismic Zone V using ETABS 2018

IRJET, 2021

Buildings in present scenario are having asymmetry in both in plan and elevation, which may subject to hazardous seismic ground vibrations causing collapse of building structure. Therefore, it is required to find out the behavior of the structures to survive against seismic forces in order to prevent the loss of life. This paper looks at the study of seismic response of the buildings with six different plan configurations. Response Spectrum Analysis has been carried out for six G+15 multi-storied RCC commercial buildings with different plan configuration (Rectangular, L, I, O, T and U) in seismic zone V using ETABS 2018 software. The analysis is carried out as per the latest Indian seismic code 1893(Part-1):2016"Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures". The responses obtained for each structure are compared. It is observed from the results that, all the buildings exceed the permissible limit for drift by about 36% and permissible limit for displacement by about 96%.

Seismic Analysis of a Multi-Storeyed Building with Irregular Plan Configuration Using ETABS

It is an attempt to investigate the effect of Irregular plan configuration for multistoried reinforced concrete building model.This paper mainly emphasizes on analysis of a multi-storey building (G+25) which is irregular both in plan and elevation. Modelling of 25 storeyed R.C.C. framed building is done on the ETABS v13.2.0 software for analysis. Post analyses of the structure such as Maximum Storey Displacement, Base Shear, Storey Drift, Maximum base reactions, Torsion and Over-turning moments are computed and then compared for all the analysed cases. ETABS is an engineering software product that caters to multi-story building analysis and design. ETABS stands for Extended Three dimensional Analysis of Building Systems. Basic or advanced systems under static or dynamic conditions may be evaluated using ETABS. Design of steel and concrete frames (with automated optimization), composite beams, composite columns, steel joists, and concrete and masonry shear walls is included, as is the capacity check for steel connections and base plates. ETABS provides an unequaled suite of tools for Structural Engineers designing buildings, whether they are working on one-story industrial structures or the tallest commercial high-rises.

Seismic Performance Analysis of RCC Multi-Storied Buildings with Plan Irregularity

Science Publishing Group, 2016

Bangladesh is one of the most earthquake prone areas in South-Asia and Sylhet is the most seismic vulnerable region in Bangladesh. Seismic performance analysis is highly recommended to ensure safe and sound building structures for this region. To get better performance from reinforced concrete (RCC) structure, new seismic design provisions require structural engineers to perform both static and dynamic analysis for the design of structures. The objective of the this study is to carry out static and dynamic analysis i.e. equivalent static analysis, response spectrum analysis (RSA) and time history analysis (THA) over different regular and irregular shaped RCC building frame considering the equal span of each frame as per Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC)-2006. In this study, four different shaped (W-shape, L-shape, Rectangle, Square) ten storied RCC building frames are analysed using ETABS v9.7.1 and SAP 2000 v14.0.0 for seismic zone 3 (Sylhet) in Bangladesh. Comparative study on the maximum displacement of different shaped buildings due to static loading and dynamic response spectrum has been explored. From the analyzed results it has been found that, for static load analysis, effects of earthquake force approximately same to all models except model-1(W-shape).W-shape has been found most vulnerable for earthquake load case. It is also found from the response spectrum analysis that the displacements for irregular shaped building frames are more than that of regular shaped building. The overall performance of regular structures is found better than irregular structures.