Integration of Behaviour-Based Safety Programme into Engineering Laboratories and Workshops Conceptually (original) (raw)
Related papers
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
This study examined engineering students' self reported intention and behaviour in practising safety at workshops and laboratories by using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) with extension of Safety Knowledge as research framework. Eighty eight (n=88) participants from three engineering departments of a completed a survey questionnaire measuring their responses to five constructs of the framework. The multiple regressions results show that subjective norms were the most significant predictors of behavioural intention towards practising safety followed by perceived behavioural control and safety attitude. The second block of multiple regressions found that safety behaviour can be significantly explained by using the constructs of safety knowledge and behavioural intention. Overall, this study has shown that three explanatory variables in the TPB can explain behavioural intention of practising safety with 52 % of variance and safety knowledge as an extension construct of the TPB model with behavioural intention can explain the young adults' safety behaviour in the laboratories and workshops with the variance of 40%.
Safety Science, 2018
Strategies for incorporating proper training in occupational safety at secondary schools are important, since young workers are more likely to be injured at work. However, for a successful educational intervention, an effective Occupational Safety Programme (OSP) with appropriate training methods should be designed and implemented. This study intends to analyze and compare the effects of an OSP in students from diverse school settings, when different training methods are applied. An OSP was designed focusing on the risks related to handling machinery and maintenance tasks and delivered to 301 students from two secondary schools and two vocational schools from the North of Portugal. The sample was divided into three groups, and for each group, a different training method was applied: theory-based; demonstration-based or testimonies-based. To assess its effectiveness, a questionnaire was developed for evaluating the following dimensions: risk acceptance, safety commitment, intended safety behaviors and safety knowledge. The questionnaire was applied two weeks before and after the OSP. A significantly positive effect of the OSP was identified in all dimensions. Comparisons between the three methods showed a greater effect of the testimonies-based intervention in risk acceptance and intended safety behaviors; however, for safety knowledge and safety commitment this was the least effective method. The influence of school type was observed for the safety behaviors and safety commitment dimensions. In conclusion, this study's results suggested that more engaging methods had larger effects on student risk acceptance and intended safety behaviors, while expositive and demonstrative methods were more suitable to improve safety knowledge and commitment.
Young workers’ occupational safety knowledge creation and habits
The problem of young workers'safety culture is important because of the unfavorable demographic trend occurring in the European Union and determinants of competitiveness and innovativeness of the economy. The paper presents the concept and the importance of safety culture and goals of the research program, the aim of which is the construction and verification of the model based on the transfer of knowledge regarding the safety and methods of its implementation.Safety culture is a derivative of the organizational culture and its emanation. During the preliminary research, the key factor affecting the occupational safety was identified. This factor is young workers safety culture or safety culture present in firms they work for.Man is effective only if in addition to the knowledge and skills have adequate habits. Habits developed in the area of occupational safety can greatly contribute to its improvement. Shaping habits should be systematically rather than spontaneously. Its practical implementation would have a major impact not only on the quality of teaching students, but also on the teachers professional development (teacher training center as the center forming positive habits) and the management of educational administration (board of education as a center for development of positive habits headmasters).In the light of recent discoveries in the field of neurology, human behavior and life decisions are not only determined by the knowledge and competence. The technology that is used to teach, plays a secondary role and is used rather to increase the decision makers ambition than to increase the efficiency of the learning process.There are a lot of ways to increase the effectiveness of education. One of them is widely understood digitization, which provides solutions such as e-books, interactive whiteboards, gamification (use to study the mechanisms of the game). The main goal of this type of action is to improve the knowledge and skills of school students.It is assumed that the results of the project will be used by vocational schools and companies in order to increase the effectiveness of the education and development of young professionals pro safe behavior in the workplace. It can be assumed that the results of the project will be implemented in at least 20 vocational schools educating 3,000 future employees. Within one year of the completion of the project may be able to increase the frequency of making pro safe behavior among young workers associated with cooperating schools.
Technical laboratory safety; relation to lecturers’ safety practice
With regard in increasing awareness of Occupational Safety and Health issue in Malaysia, lecturer in technical institution are not exempted to give consciousness towards their students. Lecturers are bear with climate of accountability and liability for the safe conduct of laboratory process. With careful practice, most of the dangers in technical laboratory can be avoided. Therefore, this paper is attempted to focus technical laboratory safety related to lecturers’ safety practice. The study giving emphasis on supervision, present proper safety and laboratory instruction and maintain equipment and facilities. By using stratified random sampling, survey questionnaires were distributes to engineering students who have been engaged in technical laboratory in one of the polytechnic in northern region. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version13.0). The Pearson Correlation was use to measure the association between the variables. The study shows that there is a significant relationship between lectures’ safety practice toward technical laboratory safety. Hence, safety practice adopted by lecture is a vital in realizing technical laboratory safety.
International journal of engineering research and technology, 2016
This study was conducted to assess the level of awareness on safety and health among staffs and students when using the workshops and laboratories of an engineering technology university campus. A survey was done on132 respondents which included staffs and students. The main instrument for collecting data in this study was Questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed by using Statistical Package for Science (SPSS) software based on frequency, percentage and mean in order to determine the level of awareness of the respondents towards occupational safety and health factor. The result obtained from the analysis provided that respondents had a high level of awareness of work safety based on their overall mean score of 4.13. The overall mean for staff is 4.19 is higher that overall mean for students which 4.07. The details of the level of awareness toward safety and health that were taken into considerations were safety policy, safety procedure, safety training, safety tools and equipment, OSH committee, commitment and attitude and working environment. The lowest factor in the analysis was OSH committee with medium level of awareness 3.30. As a conclusion, to raise the level of awareness into OSH, the management of this institute should increase the role of OSH committee, increase the number of training program, increase the safety program through campaign and safety talk, conduct spot check, and increase signage and posters around workshop and laboratory.
Due to the various transformative activities carried out in different technical training institutions (workshops and laboratories), the safety and physical integrity of students and teaching staff are constantly compromised due to the risks involved in these activities. If we consider each area as a natural environment, it is almost immediate to relate it to well-being and safety, as everyone must feel comfortable in the place where they perform any activity. It is very common for incidents to occur in workshops and laboratories of technical education schools at the upper secondary level, given that students rarely have previous experiences, and monitoring groups of teenagers can become complicated for teachers. That is why it has become essential to have the confidence of being safe within these environments. To achieve this, there are rules that govern procedures and safety measures. Unfortunately, these rules are generally broad and do not focus on specific aspects. That is why it is proposed to design a standard safety manual for the different workshops and laboratories of upper secondary level educational institutions.
Security and safety are becoming one of the priorities of each organization. Organizations focus on factors that affect their security and safety and strive to influence them. One of these factors is the safety culture. The organization's safety culture greatly influences the safety culture at the individual's level in an organization that includes safety awareness. Employees of organizations affect the organization's safety and the functioning of the organization by their safety awareness, which underlie their safety behavior. Therefore, employers are concentrating on the potential to increase such safety awareness. Safety awareness of an individual can be built, shaped and influenced during his studies at a secondary or high school, so it is necessary to start to elaborate it as soon as possible. The goal of the process of increasing the safety awareness of secondary and high school students is to enhance their adaptation to the new work environment that awaits them af...
Objectives and Early Results of the Centre for Study on Safety Culture and Prevention
Chemical engineering transactions, 2015
In the present paper the framework of a complex research activity carried out in the field of occupational accidents is described. The activities are here introduced with their early results related to: a) the analysis of large database of occupational accidents, with the aim of identifying, through the clustering of similar events, the more critical features to be used in risk assessment and prevention; b) the in-depth analysis of occupational accidents, that through a combination of Event Tree and Fault Tree Analysis, leads to focus step by step the intermediate and root causes of work-related accidents; c) the collection, classification and analysis of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions as precursors of occupational accidents, in order to identify the measures to be adopted to minimize their recurrence. The set of procedures, tools and data retrieved are intended to help different end-users to maximize the effectiveness of occupational accident prevention.
Safety education impact and good practice: a review
Health Education, 2012
The aim of this literature review was to examine recent evidence of the impact of safety education for children and young people on unintentional injury rates and to update an earlier review. Evidence was sought that linked safety education for children and young people in schools, centres and other settings with changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and reductions in injury. The relevance of 10 principles of effective safety education to the papers was considered. Design A range of bibliographic databases was searched for potentially relevant papers. Titles and abstracts, and then full copies of papers were examined and retained if considered relevant. Findings From 495 potentially relevant papers, 12 papers were retained that met the aims of the review. The papers covered a range of topics including home safety, use of all terrain vehicles and pedestrian safety. While the majority of papers described the effect of an intervention on injury prevention, several described the development of an injury prevention programme. Several papers provided evidence of the impact of safety education on knowledge, behaviour, risk and skills. No papers provided evidence of the impact of safety education on injury rates.