A Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Removing Root Canal Sealer Using a Novel Sonic Agitation Device (original) (raw)

The efficacy of ultrasonic irrigation to remove artificially placed dentine debris from human root canals prepared using instruments of varying taper

International Endodontic Journal, 2005

van der Sluis LWM, Wu M-K, Wesselink PR. The efficacy of ultrasonic irrigation to remove artificially placed dentine debris from human root canals prepared using instruments of varying taper. International Endodontic Journal, 38, 764-768, 2005. Aim To investigate the influence of the taper of root canals on the effectiveness of ultrasonic irrigation to remove artificially placed dentine debris. Method Forty-four maxillary and mandibular canines were selected after bucco-lingual and mesiodistal radiographs indicated that their internal diameters were smaller than the diameters of a size 20, .06 taper System GT instrument (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). These canines were divided into three groups and prepared using either size 20, .06 taper System GT instruments, size 20, .08 taper or size 20, .10 taper System GT instruments. Each root was then split longitudinally through the canal, forming two halves. In one canal wall, a standard groove was cut 2-6 mm from the apex, to simulate uninstrumented canal extensions. Each groove was filled with dentine debris mixed with 2% NaOCl to simulate a situation when dentine debris accumulates in the uninstrumented canal extensions. Each canal was reassembled by joining the two halves of the teeth by means of wires and sticky wax. In each canal ultrasonic irrigation was performed with a size 15 K file using 2% NaOCl as an irrigant. Before and after irrigation, images of each half of the canal with a groove were taken using a microscope and a digital camera, after which they were scanned into a PC as TIFF images. The quantity of dentine debris in the groove was evaluated using a scoring system: the higher the score, the larger the amount of debris. The scores before and after irrigation were compared. The differences in percentage of score reduction between the three groups were analysed by means of one-way anova. Results After ultrasonic irrigation, the debris score reduced by 74, 81 and 93%, respectively, in the size 20, .06, 20, .08 and 20, .10 taper groups. However, the difference amongst groups was not statistically significant (P ¼ 0.078). Conclusion There was a tendency that ultrasonic irrigation was more effective in removing artificially placed dentine debris from simulated canal extensions from canals with greater tapers.

Cleaning the apical third of curved canals after different irrigation protocols

Brazilian Dental Journal, 2012

This study evaluated the protocols of sonic and vacuum irrigation regarding the capacity of debris removal from root canal systems. Canal preparations were carried out on 30 mandibular first molars using the ProTaper Universal System. Teeth were divided into two experimental groups (n=15): Group 1: sonic irrigation and Group 2: vacuum irrigation protocol. Subsequently, the mesial roots were sectioned and observed by stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Three independent examiners evaluated images of the apical thirds according to the following scores: 1= small presence of debris, 2= moderate presence of debris, and 3= dense presence of debris. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests (α=0.05). Comparison among the groups revealed that at the apical third, the root halves of Group 1 had significantly less surface debris (p=0.002) than those of Group 2. However, at 2 mm from the working length, Group 2's specimens showed less remaining debris in approximately 75% of the analyzed root canals. At the whole apical third, the sonic irrigation protocol removed significantly more debris than the vacuum protocol. However, in the region at 2 mm from the working length, the second irrigation method demonstrated a better performance.

Efficacy of XP-Endo Finisher, Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation, Vibringe and Conventional Syringe Irrigation on Debris Removal in Oval Root Canals: A Comparative Study

Egyptian Dental Journal, 2017

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of XP-Endo finisher (XP) (FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) on removal of debris from coronal, middle and apical thirds of oval root canals in comparison to passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), vibringe (VB) and conventional syringe irrigation (CSI). Methods: Eighty extracted single-rooted human mandibular premolars were used in this study. Specimens with a standardized length of 16 mm were mechanically prepared with Race (FKG Dentaire) till # 40/4%. Teeth were divided into 4 groups (n=20) according to the final irrigant activation protocol into the following groups: CSI, PUI, XP and VB. Root canals were then split longitudinally. Digital images were acquired to evaluate the amount of debris by using a digital camera mounted on a stereomicroscope at 25x magnification and transferred to the computer and scored in mm2 and recorded as a percentage of the overall canal surface area by using image analysis software. Debris percentage was analyzed by One-way ANOVA. Results: The XP and PUI groups revealed significantly lower debris percentage than the other groups in the coronal, middle, and apical regions (P≤0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between XP and PUI. Regarding all systems the coronal third was cleaner than the apical thirds. Conclusions: In our study, none of the activation systems completely removed the debris from the root canal walls; nevertheless, the XP and PUI showed the best results along all thirds in comparison to the other systems.

Cleaning of Root Canal System by Different Irrigation Methods

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 2015

Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the cleaning of main and lateral canals using the irrigation methods: negative pressure irrigation (EndoVac system), passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) and manual irrigation (MI). Materials and methods: Resin teeth were used. After root canal preparation, four lateral canals were made at 2 and 7 mm from the apex. Root canals were filled with contrast solution and radiographed pre-and post-irrigation using digital radiographic system [radiovisiography (RVG)]. The irrigation protocols were: MI1-manual irrigation [22 G needle at 5 mm short of working length-WL]; MI2-manual irrigation (30G needle at 2 mm short of WL); PUI; EV1-EndoVac (microcannula at 1 mm short of WL); EV2-Endovac (microcannula at 3 mm short of WL). The obtained images, initial (filled with contrast solution) and final (after irrigation) were analyzed by using image tool 3.0 software. Statistical analysis was performed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey tests (5% significance level). Results: EV1 and EV2, followed by PUI showed better cleaning capacity than manual irrigation (MI1 and MI2) (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Negative pressure irrigation and PUI promoted better cleaning of main and simulated lateral canals. Clinical significance: Conventional manual irrigation technique may promote less root canal cleaning in the apical third. For this reason, the search for other irrigation protocols is important, and EndoVac and PUI are alternatives to contribute to irrigation effectiveness.

Influence of the ultrasonic activation of irrigating solutions on sealer penetration into lateral root canals

RGO - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia, 2018

Objective This study analyzed the influence of the irrigating solutions ultrasonic activation on the obturator cement penetration into lateral root canals. Methods Fifty maxillary molars (palatine root) were randomly assigned to 5 experimental groups (Group 1 (EDTA 17% + manual agitation for 5 minutes), Group 2 (EDTA 17% + ultrasonic activation for 15 seconds), Group 3 (NaOCl 1% + Ultrasonic activation for 15 seconds), Group 4 (EDTA 17% + ultrasonic activation for 15 seconds and NaOCl 1% + ultrasonic activation for 15 seconds) and Group 5 (negative control). The lateral root canals were made in the apical and middle third. The obturation occurred in a single session. The radiographic and microscopic analyzes were performed to evaluate the sealant cement penetration degree. Data were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests. Results Apical and middle third radiographic analysis showed that Groups 2 and 4 presented better penetration of the sealant cement. In the microscopic analysis, Group 4 presented superior results in relation to the other groups in both thirds. In the apical third, radiographic and microscopic analyzes showed significant differences in the comparisons between Group 4 and Groups 5 (p = 0.019) and 3 (p = 0.023) and between Group 5 and Groups 2 (p = 0.012), 3 (P = 0.038) and 4 (p = 0.019), respectively. Conclusion It was concluded that the ultrasonic activation of the NaOCl 1% + EDTA 17% irrigation solution provides greater penetration of the endodontic cement in lateral root canals.

Removal of Root Canal Fillings in Curved Canals Using Either Mani GPR or HyFlex NT Followed by Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation

This study compared the efficacy of HyFlex NT (HF; Coltene, New York, NY) and Mani GPR (MN; Mani Inc, Tokyo, Japan) systems followed by a supplementary approach with passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) in removing the filling material from curved root canals during retreatment. The mesial canals from 20 extracted mandibular molars with Vertucci type IV configuration were instrumented and obturated (N = 40). Each mesial canal was retreated using either HF or MN instruments, alternating the system used per canal from root to root. The final preparation size was 40/0.04 for both systems. The volume of canal filling material was assessed by means of micro–computed tomographic (micro-CT) imaging before and after retreatment, and the working time was recorded. Canals still showing remnants of filling material were subjected to a supplementary approach with PUI, and another micro-CT scan was taken. The percentage of filling material removed with MN instruments and HF was similar (95.5% and 92.7%, respectively) (P > .05). MN required significantly less time to remove the filling material (P < .05). The supplementary approach with PUI significantly enhanced the removal of filling material (P < .05). Both systems were equally effective in removing the root canal filling during retreatment. MN was faster than HF. The supplementary approach with PUI significantly improved filling material removal. (J Endod 2018;44:299–303)

Radiographic evaluation of root canal cleaning, main and laterals, using different methods of final irrigation

Revista de Odontologia da UNESP, 2014

Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da irrigação ultrassônica passiva (IUP), utilizando os fluxos intermitente ou contínuo, e da irrigação manual convencional (IMC) na limpeza de canais radiculares, principal e laterais simulados. Material e método: Os canais radiculares de 24 dentes artificiais foram preparados e os canais laterais foram confeccionados nos terços médio e apical. Os espécimes foram divididos em três grupos: G1-IMC, G2-IUP 1 (fluxo intermitente) e G3-IUP 2 (fluxo contínuo). Os canais radiculares foram preenchidos com uma solução de contraste e as raízes foram radiografadas antes e após a irrigação. As imagens digitais foram importadas para o programa Image Tool 3.0 e as áreas do canal totalmente preenchidas com o contraste, e após a irrigação, com remanescente do contraste, foram mensuradas para obtenção de dados percentuais. A análise estatística entre os grupos foi realizada por meio dos testes ANOVA e Tuckey. Resultado: No terço apical, os grupos G2 e G3 (IUP) mostraram melhor limpeza do que o grupo G1 (IMC) (p<0.05). Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos G2 e G3 (p>0.05). Conclusão: Irrigação ultrassônica passiva com fluxo intermitente promoveu melhor limpeza dos canais laterais simulados do que a irrigação manual convencional no terço apical do canal radicular. Não houve diferenças entre os grupos no canal principal e no terço médio. Descritores: Endodontia; irrigantes do canal radicular; ultrassom.

Hard tissue debris removal from the mesial root canal system of mandibular molars with ultrasonically and laser-activated irrigation: a micro-computed tomography study

Lasers in Medical Science, 2017

This study is to investigate the efficacy of different irrigant activation techniques on removal of accumulated hard tissue debris (AHTD) in mesial roots of human mandibular molars. Extracted human mandibular molars with an isthmus between the mesial root canals were selected based on micro-CT (μCT) scans. The mesial canals were instrumented to an apical diameter ISO30 using ProTaper rotary files. Teeth were randomly assigned to three irrigant activation groups (n = 10): ultrasonically activated irrigation (UAI) using a size 20 Irrisafe for 3 × 20 s, laser-activated irrigation (LAI) with an Er:YAG laser (2940 nm) and plain 300 μm fiber tip inside the canal (20 mJ, 20 Hz, 3 × 20 s), and laser-activated irrigation with identical parameters with a 400 μm photon-induced photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) tip held at the canal entrance. All teeth were scanned with μCT before and after instrumentation and after irrigant activation. After reconstruction and image processing, the canal system volume filled with hard tissue debris before and after irrigant activation was calculated. Changes in hard tissue debris volumes were compared between groups using one-way ANOVA. The percentage volume of hard tissue debris (vol%) was significantly lower after irrigant activation in all groups. Although the lowest debris values were observed in the laser groups, no significant differences in the vol% of accumulated hard tissue debris after activation were observed between groups. Accumulated hard tissue debris was reduced significantly in all activation groups. Ultrasonically and laser-activated irrigation regimens performed similarly in this respect. None of the tested methods was able to render the root canal systems free of debris.

Effectiveness of the REvision System and Sonic Irrigation in the Removal of Root Canal Filling Material from Oval Canals: An In Vitro Study


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Endostar REvision system (Poldent, Warsaw, Poland) in the removal of filling materials from oval root canals using sonic irrigation as an additional cleaning method. Thirty human-extracted mandibular premolars with oval canals were prepared using the ProTaper Universal system (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) up to instrument F1 (20/.07), and then filled by the continuous wave vertical compaction technique using pulp canal sealer EWT (Sybron Dental Specialties, Orange, CA, USA). The teeth were randomly divided into two groups (n = 15) according to the instrumentation system and the additional cleaning method, as follows: REvision (30/.08, 25/.06) with EQ-S sonic activation (Meta Biomed, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea), REvision (30/.08, 25/.06) without additional activation. All specimens were sectioned longitudinally at 3 and 7 mm from the apex, and analyzed using digital microscopy (KEYENCE, Osaka, Japan) to measure the t...