Reconstruction of the retroactive principle in the Indonesian criminal Law code based on the value of religious wisdom (original) (raw)

Dynamics of Legality Principles in Indonesian National Criminal Law Reform

Journal of Law and Legal Reform

This study aims to find out the dynamics of the legality principle in the renewal of criminal law laws in Indonesia. The type of research used is doctrinal research. All data obtained were analyzed qualitatively juridically. This study examines and examines secondary data about the dynamics of the legality principle in reforming criminal law laws in Indonesia. The principle of legality according to Paul Johan Anslem von Feuerbach is nulla poena sine lege; nulla poena sine crimine; nullum crimen sine poena legali. These three phrases then become the adage Nullum delictum, nulla poena sine praevia legi poenali, which means that no act can be punished except for the strength of the criminal rules in the legislation that existed before the act was committed. The results of this studystates that if an act does not meet the formulation of an offense in a written law, the judge can impose a sentence if the act is considered disgraceful, contrary to justice and other social norms in people&...

Islamic Criminal Law Review on the Duality of Principles of Legality in the Draft of Indonesia Criminal Law Code

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2020

Renewal in the field of criminal law provides various breakthroughs including the recognition of the law that lives during society as a source of law. Therefore, the principle of legality experiences a shift in meaning from what was originally only a formal legal principle and is now coupled with the material legal principle. This normative research aims to examine the principle of material legality from the perspective of Islamic criminal law. Therefore, this study uses normative juridical methods that prioritise secondary data, namely primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. Secondary data were collected by library techniques and analysed by an analytical descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that the duality of the principle of legality is compatible with the concept of the principle of legality in Islamic criminal law. This suitability lies in the balance between two interests, namely, individual interests and public interests.

Development of Perspective Criminal Law Indonesian Noble Values

Legal Standing : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2020

The existence of criminal law is to protect and maintain central values insociety. As an independent nation, the applicable criminal law should be in accordancewith the noble values that live and develop in Indonesian society. KUHP (WvS) is aproduct of western colonial law, of course it carries the spirit of colonialism,individalism, and liberalism that is not in accordance with the noble values of anindependent Indonesian nation. The development of Indonesian criminal law must bebased on Indonesian philosophy, spirit, and values, in terms of ideology (Pancasila),religious/religious, social, political, economic, and cultural aspects that live anddevelop in society (customary law). Nor should it ignore international developments,because the Indonesian state is part of a civilized international community. Colonialinheritance criminal law that adheres to the teachings of positivist legal law, must beintegrated with the teaching of legal historism which is a legal understanding that isc...

Policy Formulation of the Crime Offenses Againts Religion and Religious Life in the Effort of Indonesia Nasional Penal Code Reform

Jurnal Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum, 2014

Pasal 156a KUHP yang dikategorikan "Tindak Pidana terhadap Agama" (offenses againts religion), perlu reformulasi karena perumusan normanya masih terlalu umum dan multitafsir, yaitu kata "permusuhan, penyalahgunaan dan penodaan". Sedangkan kata "agama" sebagai kata benda hukum abstrak, perlu rincian yang menjadi objek penghinaan, yaitu Tuhan, Rasul, Nabi, Kristus, Awatara, atau tokoh-tokoh suci dari agama yang dianut di Indonesia, Kitab Suci atau ibadah keagamaan, seperti yang dirumuskan di Massachussets, Pakistan, dan Yunani. Pasal 156a, huruf (a) KUHP bisa direformulasikan menjadi beberapa pasal: (1) Tindak Pidana terhadap Agama secara umum (di beberapa negara disebut "Outrage to Religious Feeling and Insult to Religion"), yang objeknya perasaan keagamaan; dan (2) Tindak Pidana terhadap Agama yang objeknya langsung ditujukan langsung terhadap pokok-pokok ajaran agama (di beberapa negara disebut "Blasphemy"). Selain itu, dalam KUHP ada pasal-pasal yang dapat dikategorikan "Tindak Pidana terhadap Kehidupan Beragama" (offenses related religion) , yaitu Pasal 175-177 ayat (1) dan (2) dan 503 ke-2, namun belum diatur tindak pidana Perusakan Bangunan Tempat Ibadah. Padahal secara sosiologis, kejahatan ini dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat di Indonesia. Di beberapa negara sudah diatur tindak pidana perusakan tempattempat ibadah dan benda-benda sarana ibadah, antara lain India, Pakistan, dan Israel, bahkan kriminalisaisi atas perbuatan ini berakar pada budaya bangsa Indonesia sendiri, terbukti telah diatur dalam Canto 55 Undang-undang Ādigama Majapahit. Dari segi sanski, pasal-pasal yang digolongkan "tindak pidana terhadap kehidupaan beragama" dalam KUHP, apabila dibandingkan dengan negera-negara lain, tergolong sangat ringan, sehingga tidak lagi memenuhi rasa keadilan masyarakat. Berat atau ringannya sanksi yang diterapkan untuk Tindak Pidana terhadap Agama dan Kehidupan Beragama di beberapa negara, tidak dapat dilepaskan dengan filosofi masing-masing negara yang melatarbelakangi perumusan tindak pidana tersebut. Pada umumnya negara yang manganut teokrasi, seperti Pakistan, menjatuhkan pidana yang lebih berat dibandingkan dengan negara-negara sekuler. Untuk tindak pidana perusakan tempat Ibadah dan benda yang digunakan dalam beribadah, jenis sanksi ganti kerugian relevan diterapkan, khususnya ditinjau dari perspektif korban kejahatan. Meskipun RUU KUHP Konsep 2010 sudah mengatur tindak pidana perusakan tempat ibadah (Pasal 348), namun sanksinya belum memenuhi rasa keadilan, khususnya secara victimologis dari kepentingan korban kejahatan.

Legal Policies Regarding Religious Delict in the Indonesian Criminal Code


The Indonesian nation consists of ethnic groups consisting of many tribes, races, classes, religions, and cultures that demand Indonesian people. The reality that occurred in the community was found about the contradictions between religious communities who demanded that Indonesia overcome it with formulation policies or which were part of the action through criminal law policies (criminal policy. This research aims to describe the formulation policy regarding religious offenses in Indonesia. normative that puts forward secondary data in the process of finding conclusions Article 156 and Article 156A of the Criminal Code is a state policy to assist with religious fish interest policies that have succeeded in solving the Indonesian nation, protecting the integrity and national defense of the Indonesian nation.


In this article we describe underlying values and viurutes unearthed from researching the criminal policy of reforming Indonesian exsisting criminal law towards a new ndonesian Criminal Law as manifested in the Preliminary Criminal Law or the Bill 2018. At the time of writing this article, the Bill is still under deliberation by the Indonesian People Representative (DPR-RI). The drafting of this Law, called the Draft Criminal Code or we will named it the Bill for this article, is to replace Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning Regulation on Criminal Law (KUHP ) with all changes. This design is one of the efforts to realise an idea of a developing national criminal law (code) of the Republic. From the perspective of Dignified Justice Theory the reform effort is carried out in a directed and integrated manner (systemic) so that it can support national development in various fields, in accordance with the demands and the level of legal awareness and dynamics that have been emerged in the community or the nation.

Formulation Policy against Religious Offenses and Insult to God in the Effort to Reform Criminal Law

Proceeding of The International Conference on Environmental and Technology of Law , Business and Education on Post Covid 19, ICETLAWBE 2020, 26 September 2020, Bandar Lampung Indonesia , 2020

There is no special chapter that regulates offenses against religion and offenses related to religion. Based on this, several problems can be formulated, namely how to formulate policies against religious offenses and insult God in Indonesian positive law today and how to formulate policies for religious offenses and insult God in the future. This research uses a normative juridical approach which refers to secondary data and is supported by a historical juridical approach and a comparative juridical approach. The results of the study concluded that currently the formulation of criminal law policies against religious offenses is contained in the Criminal Code and special laws outside the Criminal Code. Meanwhile, the Criminal Code Bill, which is currently being discussed, has formulated the religious offense in a firm and detailed manner, so that it can accommodate deficiencies in the current legislation if it is passed in the future. Keywords: formulation policy, religious offenses and insulting God, criminal law reform

Hadith Interpretation of Law and Justice and Its Implementation as an Alternative Solution Rule of Law Enforcement In Indonesian

Muslim heritage, 2023

this article wants to explain the interpretation of hadith on law and justice and its implementation as an alternative solution to upholding the supremacy of law in Indonesia. this aims to address the social gap in law enforcement in Indonesia which is characterized by the increasing number of law violations due to a lack of firmness in law enforcement itself. This research is library research, namely library research, because all primary data is written data, especially those related to the Prophet's hadith about law and justice and their interpretation in the context of upholding the supremacy of law in Indonesia. the main sources are hadith books which are also featured in other cases relevant to the research. the results of this research indicate that the Prophet's hadith regarding law and justice can be implemented in the context of law enforcement in Indonesia because law enforcement during the time of the Prophet as described in the Prophet's hadith contained the principles of justice in society. When a crime is committed by a lawbreaker, the law can treat it as fairly as possible. Abstrak Artikel ini ingin menjelaskan tafsir hadis hukum dan keadilan serta implementasinya sebagai alternatif solusi tegaknya supremasi hukum di Indonesia. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menjawab kesenjangan sosial dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia yang ditandai dengan semakin banyaknya pelanggaran hukum akibat kurangnya ketegasan dalam penegakan hukum itu sendiri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yaitu penelitian kepustakaan, karena seluruh data primernya merupakan data tertulis, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan hadis nabi tentang hukum dan keadilan serta penafsirannya dalam rangka penegakan supremasi hukum di Indonesia. sumber utamanya adalah kitab-kitab hadis yang juga ditampilkan dalam kasus-kasus lain yang relevan dengan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hadis nabi tentang hukum dan keadilan dapat diimplementasikan dalam konteks penegakan hukum di Indonesia karena penegakan hukum pada masa 8

Gagasan Reaktualisasi Teori Pidana Islam dan Relevansinya bagi Pembangunan Hukum di Indonesia

Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam, 2018

This paper describes the reform efforts of Islamic Criminal Law theory which initiated by Moslems theorists. Throughout this renewal, the author sees the potential to be the development of the development of Islamic Criminal Law in Indonesia. As far as we know that the transformation of Islamic Criminal Law (fiqh jinayah) into the National Law as still results in theories and epistemological debate in transformation effort. This paper is elaborate research with a juridical-normative approach. The analysis methods used is the general methodical elements such as interpretation and deductiveinductive also personal reflection. This paper concludes: through out the renewal of the theory in the fiqh, jinayah can be developed the theory of contemporary punishment by reactualization Islamic penalization theory. Then Islamic Criminal Law will be more down to be applied in Indonesia