Legal Policies Regarding Religious Delict in the Indonesian Criminal Code (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum, 2014
Pasal 156a KUHP yang dikategorikan "Tindak Pidana terhadap Agama" (offenses againts religion), perlu reformulasi karena perumusan normanya masih terlalu umum dan multitafsir, yaitu kata "permusuhan, penyalahgunaan dan penodaan". Sedangkan kata "agama" sebagai kata benda hukum abstrak, perlu rincian yang menjadi objek penghinaan, yaitu Tuhan, Rasul, Nabi, Kristus, Awatara, atau tokoh-tokoh suci dari agama yang dianut di Indonesia, Kitab Suci atau ibadah keagamaan, seperti yang dirumuskan di Massachussets, Pakistan, dan Yunani. Pasal 156a, huruf (a) KUHP bisa direformulasikan menjadi beberapa pasal: (1) Tindak Pidana terhadap Agama secara umum (di beberapa negara disebut "Outrage to Religious Feeling and Insult to Religion"), yang objeknya perasaan keagamaan; dan (2) Tindak Pidana terhadap Agama yang objeknya langsung ditujukan langsung terhadap pokok-pokok ajaran agama (di beberapa negara disebut "Blasphemy"). Selain itu, dalam KUHP ada pasal-pasal yang dapat dikategorikan "Tindak Pidana terhadap Kehidupan Beragama" (offenses related religion) , yaitu Pasal 175-177 ayat (1) dan (2) dan 503 ke-2, namun belum diatur tindak pidana Perusakan Bangunan Tempat Ibadah. Padahal secara sosiologis, kejahatan ini dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat di Indonesia. Di beberapa negara sudah diatur tindak pidana perusakan tempattempat ibadah dan benda-benda sarana ibadah, antara lain India, Pakistan, dan Israel, bahkan kriminalisaisi atas perbuatan ini berakar pada budaya bangsa Indonesia sendiri, terbukti telah diatur dalam Canto 55 Undang-undang Ādigama Majapahit. Dari segi sanski, pasal-pasal yang digolongkan "tindak pidana terhadap kehidupaan beragama" dalam KUHP, apabila dibandingkan dengan negera-negara lain, tergolong sangat ringan, sehingga tidak lagi memenuhi rasa keadilan masyarakat. Berat atau ringannya sanksi yang diterapkan untuk Tindak Pidana terhadap Agama dan Kehidupan Beragama di beberapa negara, tidak dapat dilepaskan dengan filosofi masing-masing negara yang melatarbelakangi perumusan tindak pidana tersebut. Pada umumnya negara yang manganut teokrasi, seperti Pakistan, menjatuhkan pidana yang lebih berat dibandingkan dengan negara-negara sekuler. Untuk tindak pidana perusakan tempat Ibadah dan benda yang digunakan dalam beribadah, jenis sanksi ganti kerugian relevan diterapkan, khususnya ditinjau dari perspektif korban kejahatan. Meskipun RUU KUHP Konsep 2010 sudah mengatur tindak pidana perusakan tempat ibadah (Pasal 348), namun sanksinya belum memenuhi rasa keadilan, khususnya secara victimologis dari kepentingan korban kejahatan.
Formulation Policy against Religious Offenses and Insult to God in the Effort to Reform Criminal Law
Proceeding of The International Conference on Environmental and Technology of Law , Business and Education on Post Covid 19, ICETLAWBE 2020, 26 September 2020, Bandar Lampung Indonesia , 2020
There is no special chapter that regulates offenses against religion and offenses related to religion. Based on this, several problems can be formulated, namely how to formulate policies against religious offenses and insult God in Indonesian positive law today and how to formulate policies for religious offenses and insult God in the future. This research uses a normative juridical approach which refers to secondary data and is supported by a historical juridical approach and a comparative juridical approach. The results of the study concluded that currently the formulation of criminal law policies against religious offenses is contained in the Criminal Code and special laws outside the Criminal Code. Meanwhile, the Criminal Code Bill, which is currently being discussed, has formulated the religious offense in a firm and detailed manner, so that it can accommodate deficiencies in the current legislation if it is passed in the future. Keywords: formulation policy, religious offenses and insulting God, criminal law reform
The Effectiveness of Criminal Law Policies on Religious Abuse and Blasphemy Crimes
Jurnal Al-Dustur : Journal of politic and islamic law
Criminal law policy is one of the instruments of the rule of law-specifically Indonesia-to realize security and order in the lives of every citizen. One of the crimes that often trigger conflicts between the communities is acts related to religion. This is because anthropologically, Indonesian communitiesare known as religious communities. So that if there is an "offended religious" as a consequence of someone's action, it often leads to mass actions. This article focuses on 2 formulations; they are: how is the criminal law policy on religious abuse and blasphemy in Indonesia? How is the effectiveness of criminal law policy on religious abuse and blasphemy in Indonesia? Methodologically, this article uses a qualitative method that will compare existing law policies with Soerjono Soekanto's theory about factors that influence law enforcement. The data source is taken from several applicable laws, news media, and a descriptive analysis of the author. In conclusion, the government has issued a law policy in the form of ratification of Law no. 1 PNPS of 1965 concerning the Prevention ofReligious Abuse and or Blasphemy. At the same time, the effectiveness of criminal law policies against Religious Abuse and Blasphemy (PPA) criminal acts is considered very useful. However, there are deficiencies in the law awareness factor among the community, which in the practice of law enforcement often results in acts of anarchism that violate other legal instruments.
International Journal of Law Reconstruction
Indonesian Criminal Code that comes from Dutch heritage has to be reconstructed, because it is not in accordance with the state of Indonesia which is now already independent. One of the important principles in the Criminal Code that needs to be reconstructed is the retroactive principle contained in Article 1 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code. The law can be retroactive as long as it benefits the defendant, not until the convicted person. The purpose of this research is to evaluate retroactive principle in Criminal Code seen from perspective value of religious wisdom, and ideal reconstruction of retroactive principle in next Criminal Code in accordance with perspective value of religious wisdom. Approach method in this research was done with normative juridical, the data used were secondary data by doing the extracting data bibliography, and data analysis were done by using qualitative descriptive method. Based on the values of religious wisdom, especially from the perspective of I...
Journal of Critical Review, 2020
Certain rights in Indonesia are non-derogable and are protected by the constitution. An example is the right to religious freedom with its scope included in the international forum. Meanwhile, externum forum is the right to practice religion or belief, and this is limited by law. The scope and restrictions of human rights in Indonesia are not all in accordance with the provisions in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which have been ratified by Indonesia. This is a normative and qualitative research with data collected through the conceptual and legal approach. The results showed that the constitution and laws in Indonesia use the religious rights phrase which does not include protection against atheism and people that do not adhere to any religion or belief. The scope of the internum forum is limited with an expansion of human rights restriction by adding religious values and security. It does not include general welfare as contained in the International Human Rights Instrument.
The Implementation of State Law And Religious Law In Indonesian Muslim Society
In the Indonesian constitution, rule of law is an acknowledged instrument to realize justice and social welfare. Common in many post-colonial countries, this instrument often manifests as legal pluralism, that is the coexistence of at least three legal systems: state (or 'national' in Indonesian parlance); religious, and customary (adat in Indonesian language). This paper examined the first two systems, state and religious laws, especially in their implementation as practiced by the Indonesian society. Using empirical legal methods, the factors which influenced the preference of Muslims to use state or religious laws in Indonesia were examined. Key terminologies, such as 'state law', 'religious law', and 'Muslim society', were elaborated. It was found that several factors were influential, namely legal culture, economic condition, social values, fiqh conservatism, and judge insight.
Gagasan Reaktualisasi Teori Pidana Islam dan Relevansinya bagi Pembangunan Hukum di Indonesia
Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam, 2018
This paper describes the reform efforts of Islamic Criminal Law theory which initiated by Moslems theorists. Throughout this renewal, the author sees the potential to be the development of the development of Islamic Criminal Law in Indonesia. As far as we know that the transformation of Islamic Criminal Law (fiqh jinayah) into the National Law as still results in theories and epistemological debate in transformation effort. This paper is elaborate research with a juridical-normative approach. The analysis methods used is the general methodical elements such as interpretation and deductiveinductive also personal reflection. This paper concludes: through out the renewal of the theory in the fiqh, jinayah can be developed the theory of contemporary punishment by reactualization Islamic penalization theory. Then Islamic Criminal Law will be more down to be applied in Indonesia
Freedom of religion as part of human rights that are fundamental and may not be derogated under any circumstances. However, along with the determination of the Indonesian state to realize a democratic constitutional state, the fact is there are various forms of violations of religious freedom which the state is frequently absent or fail to prevent the violation. The emergences of various laws that tend problematic and discriminatory significantly distort it back to what guaranteed and recognized by the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 as well as international agreements that has been ratified by Indonesia. In addition, it is considered to be triggered various forms of violations of religious freedom, even used as a basis for stakeholders to discriminate against minority groups, or to criminalize certain groups. Therefore, it takes both legal and non legal breakthrough to optimize harmonization and synchronization of international legal standards within various reg...
Vulnerability of Religious Minority in Indonesia due to the Implementation of the Blasphemy Law
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2021
The establishment and application of blasphemy law in Indonesia is generally under the justification of maintaining public order, preventing violent-conflict, and protecting the enjoyment of the right to freedom of religion. However, when the blasphemy law should be applied to adjudicate an internal religious conflict among the sects then the debate arises on whose interpretation and how it will be referred by the State authorities as demarcation or exclusionary standard to distinguish between the deviant religion and legally valid ones. Issues on the fragility of fair and impartial trial as protection to the existence of religious minority group therefore becomes very central due to the implementation and application of blasphemy law will be always influenced by power relation among the involved parties. This paper is intended to explore Tajul Muluk case that has been exhaustively ruled by all level of Indonesian courts in order to reveal complex roles of judiciary in applying serv...
Law, Religious Freedom and National Development in Indonesia
Terms of development in a country is an orderly state condition, peace, justice and unity of all components of the nation. Law is a tool to achieve that condition. The life of Indonesian people can not be separated by religious life and belief. Religion born with a very noble basis and purpose, but in practice it is often a trigger of conflict-filled conditions and affect the process of development of a country. Through this article the author reviewed normatively and empirically about law and the freedom of religion and belief in Indonesia, especially in East Java Province. From the results of the study, authors found that freedom of religion has a very strong correlation with the implementation of development in a country. The results of this study are important as input for the government so the process of development can continue well.