Socionics — a New Stage in Development of Psychology and Humanitarian Disciplines (original) (raw)
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Socionics, mentology and personality psychology, 2000
Socionics, the theory of informational metabolism, has developed, for the time of its development, a whole spectrum of new intellectual technologies used in pedagogic, investigation of interpersonal relations in family, psychotherapy, personnel management, for formation of effective workgroups and development of artificial intelligence systems. The article drafts a potential of socionic political technologies in implementation of social, economic, administrative, and armed forces reforms, also in public administration, conduct of ideological, election and advertising campaigns, as well as in instrumental implementation of an effective external and internal policy.
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УДК 378.147 Козловська і.м., Гаврилюк м.В. Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» мОжлиВОСті ВиКОРиСтання заКОнОміРнОСтей інтеГРації у пРОцеСі ВиВчення ДиСциплін СуСпільнО-ГуманітаРнОГО циКлу анотація. Обґрунтовано, що інтеграція знань дає змогу розв'язати низку практичних проблем у вищій школі, розробити інноваційні критерії відбору змісту навчального матеріалу, реалізувати систематизацію знань студентів на рівні навчально-пізнавального процесу загалом. Досліджуючи напрацювання стосовно проблем мiжпредметних зв'язкiв і фахової спрямованостi загальноосвiтнiх знань у професiйнiй школі, виявлена безкомпромісна неможливiсть побудувати дидактичну теорiю знизу, методичним удосконаленням звичних форм і змiсту навчання, оскільки міжпредметні зв'язки як простий обмiн iнформацiєю помiж певними сферами знань стають неефективними та формальними. Встановлено, що теорiя iнтеграцiї є якiсно новим утворенням, яке органiчно містить теорiю міжпредметних зв'язків та принцип професiйної спрямованостi навчання як свої частиннi випадки. В основу теорії інтеграції, як і в основу іншої теорії науки, покладено iнварiантну побудову з відображенням дидактичних еквiвалентів процесiв у природi, технiцi, науцi, виробництвi, в суспiльному життi. Отож, вихiдний етап її розроблення-це не аналiз програм і планів навчання (який здійснюють згодом); це дослідження вагомих взаємозв'язкiв помiж вихiдними складовими, частинами iнтеграцiї: науковими засадами, галузями знань, технологiями тощо. Аби виявити закономірності опису низки об'єктів або явищ (як-от механічних рухів, структурування знань), потрібне виокремлення однієї або кількох особливостей, властивих таким об'єктам. Завдяки формулюванню закономірностей інтеграції навчальних знань ми виокремимо з-поміж низки відомих закономірностей дидактичної інтеграції кілька найзагальніших, що одна з одної не виводяться (основні закономірності). Завдяки системі таких закономірностей можливе виведення інших закономірностей як наслідків основних. Водночас завдяки системі можливе виведення нових, досі невідомих інтеграційних закономірностей, позаяк взаємодія наявних закономірностей і законів-то джерело нових знань. Особливість структури iнтегративного знання в тому, що вона ґрунтується на поєднанні складових іншої природи, ніж складові засад однієї науки. Для предметної, проблемної та тематичної основ характерна модульність. Складніші процеси-створення і розвиток понять інтегративності, адже тут необхідні вихідні знання, що розвивалися в різних науках на базі низки підходів. Наведено низку прикладів використання закономірностей інтеграції в професійній освіті. Ключові слова: інтеграція, закономірності, закономірності інтеграції, дисципліни, суспільно-гуманітарний цикл, література, історія, українська мова, іноземна мова, мистецтво, етнографія, художня культура. Kozlovska iryna, havryliuk marianna Lviv Polytechnic National University pOtential applicatiOn Of inteGratiOn patternS in the prOceSS Of SOcial anD humanitarian DiSciplineS StuDYinG Summary. It has been substantiated that the integration of knowledge makes it possible to solve a number of practical problems in higher education, to develop innovative criteria for the selection of educational material content, to implement the systematization of students' knowledge at the level of educational and cognitive process in general. While researching the issues of interdisciplinary links and the professional orientation of general educational knowledge in a vocational school, it has been revealed that it is impossible to construct a didactic theory from below by means of methodological improvement of familiar forms and content of training as interdisciplinary links, being a simple exchange of information between certain areas of knowledge, become ineffective and formal. Integration theory has been found to be a qualitatively new phenomena, which incorporates the theory of interdisciplinary links and the principle of vocationally orientated training as its constituent components. The basis of the integration theory, as well as the basis of any other scientific theory, is invariant construction with the reflection of didactic equivalents of various processes in nature, technology, science, production and social life. Therefore, the initial stage of its development is not an analysis of the programs and syllabus (which is subsequently implemented); but it is a study of significant interconnections between the initial components, parts of integration: scientific foundations, fields of knowledge, technologies, etc. In order to identify the patterns of the description of numerous objects or phenomena (such as mechanical movements, structuring of knowledge), one or more characteristic features of such objects must be distinguished. In response to the formulation of educational knowledge integration principles, several general principles of didactic integration among common ones that are not deduced from each other (the basic laws) have been distinguished. Due to the system of such patterns formation it is possible to deduce the others as consequences of the main ones. At the same time, such system enables us to deduce new, still unknown integration patterns, since the interaction of existing patterns and laws is considered to be a source of new knowledge. The peculiarity of integrative knowledge structure is that it is based on the combination of constituents of different nature than the components of the foundations of a specific science. Modularity is the characteristic of subject, problem and thematic bases. The creation and development of integrative concepts are considered to be more complex processes, as the background knowledge developed in different sciences based on a number of approaches is required. Some examples of the integration patterns application in vocational education are provided.
Socionics and Legal Issues Possibilities of application of socionics in legal issues are considered. It is demonstrated that consideration of socionic regularities and integral types represented in the society allows to improve the legislation, the sphere of standard acts, conclusion of agreements (contracts), drawing up corporate by-laws and other corporate standard acts.
L.I. Petrażycki, Psychology and Humanitarian Knowledge: Judgments of Contemporaries
Институт психологии Российской академии наук. Социальная и экономическая психология, 2022
The article analyzes the assessments of L.I. Petrażycki's creativity, given by his colleagues in 1900-1919 and researchers of our time, in order to identify the main reasons for the change in the attitude of researchers to L.I. Petrażycki and to determine the prospects for referring to his works of humanities scientists. As units of analysis, the following are used: the nature of the content of the main critical statements; the topics covered related to the psychological content of Petrażycki’s theoretical propositions; the nature of the «psychological» argumentation of the author of the work, the psychological arguments given by the author; general attitude to psychology as a science, its knowledge, assessment of the position in the system of sciences. As a result of the analysis of the opinions of the authors of more than 40 publications on the work of L.I. Petrażycki, conclusions are drawn that Petrażycki’s contemporaries see and criticize the heterogeneity and groundlessness of theoretical propositions in his work, reproach him for departing from logic and the foundations of science, for illegally mixing law with ethics and psychology. Our contemporaries evaluate the scale and find new connections of his theories with psychological, sociological, cultural fields of humanitarianism. The main reasons for the change in the attitude of researchers to Petrażycki are the scale and humanistic orientation of Petrażycki’s ideas that have emerged over the past century. For L.I. Petrażycki the politics of law is the main way of improving man and humanity, and the value of his works lies in his interest in man, in the «primordial» eclectic unity of the humanitarian approach on the basis of which his ideas were born. The prospects of applying to his work of humanities scholars are determined both by the relevance of the problems addressed by Petrażycki, and by the differentiation and integration of humanitarian knowledge, including psychology and the science of law.
Integrity in Social Humanitarian Sciences as a Philosophical&Methodological Problem
Polìtologìčnij vìsnik, 2019
The main determinants of scientific integrity are considered in the article: moral and ethical; religious and ideological; philosophical and methodological; political and legal; social with criminogenic inclusive; technical and technological; advertising and marketing. The main attention is drawn to the crisis in the social and humanitarian sciences which in Ukrainian conditions can be explained in the broad sense by the legacy of the Soviet past, when the social humanitarian sciences (the social sciences and the humanities in western understanding) were predominantly promoted with ideological goals. The quasi scientific practice that drove in Soviet times was the practice of artificial scientification of various political doctrines and ideologies based on the «one correct doctrine»-Marxism-Leninism («scientific communism»; «scientific atheism», etc.). Competing doctrines declared unscientific. At the more late time, the manifestations of scientific malpractice are commercial facilitated researches. To this over-commercialization and over-politicization factors we must add the relativism of the postmodern worldview with its dubious «post-truth» ideal. The article suggests various ways and methods solving the problem of strengthening the scientific integrity: philosophical; moralðical; political&legal; corporate-administrative.
Siberian Journal of Philosophy
The author analyzes the place and role of the humanities in the modern structure of scientific activity from the point of view of utility. You can see that discussions of this kind are characteristic not only of domestic, but also foreign science. There are numerous examples of substantiation of general cultural, ideological and narrowly utilitarian understanding of the usefulness of humanitarian knowledge in a modern university. The conclusion offers our own interpretations of the answer to the posed questions.
Science for Education Today, 2020
Проблема и цель. Авторами исследуется проблема природы оценивания в социально-эмо-ционально-этическом образовании (СЭЭО). Целью представленной работы стала выработка основных принципов оценивания для построения в дальнейшем модели оценивания в социально-эмоционально-этическом образовании-новом направлении в образовании, исходя из общего осмысления гуманитарного оценивания и конкретного прояснения особенностей направления СЭЭО как инновационного образовательного феномена. Методология. Методология исследования обосновывается характером настоящего этапа, представляющего собой аналитическую работу в таких научных сферах, как философия образования и теоретическая область педагогических исследований, и включает общеупотре-бимые подходы и методы соответствующих научных областей, в частности: общефилософ-ский анализ, социально-философский анализ, феноменологический подход, диалектический ме-тод, типологизирующий и конкретизирующий подходы, комплексный анализ парадигмальных составляющих образовательных программ, анализ психолого-педагогической литературы, пе-дагогическое моделирование. Результаты. Авторы выявили типологию СЭЭО как феномена гуманитарной парадигмы образования XXI в. и конкретные особенности, обусловленные его генезисом и структурой, охва-тывающей ряд областей. Авторы прояснили феномен гуманитарного оценивания, благодаря осмыслению противоречий в природе оценивания и обусловленности оценивания образователь-ной парадигмой. На основании достигнутых пониманий и анализа существующих исследований в области оценивания социально-эмоционального обучения авторы определили общие прин-ципы гуманитарного оценивания применительно к СЭЭО и выработали ряд предварительных конкретных решений относительно оценивания в СЭЭО, предназначенных для использования в будущей модели оценивания социально-эмоционально-этического образования. Заключение. В результате исследования авторы статьи пришли к выводам о том, что мо-дель оценивания в СЭЭО должна вырабатываться как соответствующая гуманитарной парадигме и таким образом воплощать в себе основополагающие принципы гуманитарного оценивания. Исследование поддержано грантом РФФИ, выполнено в рамках проекта 20-013-00875. Циммерман Надежда Валерьевна-кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, кафедра теории и ис-тории педагогики, институт педагогики, Российский государственный педагогический универси-тет им. А. И. Герцена. Кожевникова Маргарита Николаевна-кандидат философских наук, заведующая, научно-ис-следовательская Лаборатория проблем социальной поддержки личности, институт педагогики, Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А. И. Герцена. / Introduction. The authors investigate the nature of assessment in social, emotional and ethical learning (SEE learning). The aim of this research is to develop the key principles of assessment for designing an assessment model in social, emotional and ethical learning - a new educational framework, based on the general understanding of humanitarian assessment and the specific clarification of SEE learning as an innovative educational phenomenon. Materials and Methods. The research methodology is determined by the nature of the present stage of the research. It includes analytical work in such fields of study as philosophy of education and theoretical educational research, and is based on generally used approaches and methods of the relevant academic areas, in particular: general philosophical analysis, socio-philosophical analysis, phenomenological approach, dialectical method, typology and clarification approaches, complex analysis of paradigmatic components of educational programs, reviewing psychological and educational literature, and educational modeling. Results. The authors identified the SEE learning typology as a phenomenon of the humanitarian education paradigm in the 21st century and revealed characteristics determined by its genesis and structure, covering a number of areas. The authors clarified the phenomenon of humanitarian assessment by means of explaining the contradictions in the nature of assessment and the influence of the educational paradigm on the assessment. Based on the obtained understanding and analysis of existing research investigations in the field of assessing and social-emotional learning, the authors identified general principles of humanitarian assessment within the framework of SEE learning, and developed a number of preliminary specific decisions regarding assessment in SEE learning, intended for the future assessment model of social-emotional-ethical education. Conclusions. The article concludes that the SEE learning assessment model should be determined by the humanitarian paradigm and rely on fundamental principles of humanitarian assessment. Keywords Social-Emotional and ethical learning; Emotional intelligence; Humanitarian assessment; Humanistic paradigm; Person-centered philosophical and anthropological perspective.
Integrity in Social Humanitarian Sciences as a Philosophical Problem
Politology bulletin
The main determinants of scientific integrity are considered in the article: moral and ethical; religious and ideological; philosophical and methodological; political and legal; social with criminogenic inclusive; technical and technological; advertising and marketing. The main attention is drawn to the crisis in the social and humanitarian sciences which in Ukrainian conditions can be explained in the broad sense by the legacy of the Soviet past, when the social humanitarian sciences (the social sciences and the humanities in western understanding) were predominantly promoted with ideological goals. The quasi scientific practice that drove in Soviet times was the practice of artificial scientification of various political doctrines and ideologies based on the «one correct doctrine» — Marxism-Leninism («scientific communism»; «scientific atheism», etc.). Competing doctrines declared unscientific. At the more late time, the manifestations of scientific malpractice are commercial faci...