Determinan Pembiayaan Murabahah pada Bank Pembiayan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) di Indonesia (original) (raw)

Determinan Pembiayaan Bermasalah Pada Bank Syariah DI Indonesia

Jurnal Riset Keuangan Dan Akuntansi, 2018

This study aimed to examine and analyze the influence of liquidity, efficiency, capital and inflation on non-performing financing at sharia banks in Indonesia. The research data is secondary data obtained from the Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. Before the data is analyzed further, classical assumption test is done which include normality test, multicolinearity test, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation test. Based on the hypothesis test using t test, it is concluded that only the capital has an effect on the problem financing, while the liquidity, efficiency and inflation do not affect the problematic financing of syariah bank in Indonesia. Keywords: efficiency, inflation, liquidity, capital, problem financing

Analisis Determinan Yang Mempengaruhi Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Bank Umum Syariah DI Indonesia

Human Falah: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 2021

This study aims to analyze the determinants of murabahah financing as seen from microeconomic factors such as Third Party Funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Return On Assets (ROA), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), and BOPO as well as from macroeconomic factors such as BI rate and Inflation that are seen as having an effect in the short and long term. Analysis in this study uses secondary time series data taken from monthly data of OJK and BPS, namely from January 2015 to July 2020. Observation used as many as 67 observations and analysis methods used is Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) with Eviews 9 application. The results obtained from this study are in the short term variables that do not affect Murabahah Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks including CAR, ROA, NPF, BOPO, and Inflation. Meanwhile, Third Party Funds and FDR have a positive relationship and have a significant influence on Murabahah Financing. Then, the BI Rate affects Murabahah Financing but the relationship is negative. In the long term, the variable that has a positive and significant influence on Murabahah Financing is CAR. On the other hand, the NPF and BI Rate have a negative and significant effect on Murabahah Financing. While the rest, DPK, ROA, FDR, BOPO, and Inflation had no effect Murabahah Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks significantly in the long term.

Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

AT-TAWASSUTH: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam

The research purpose to find out how is murabahah financing in Indonesia Islamic banking. The research method is used in the form of library research which collecting data by using written materials. Islamic banking has two intermediation functions. First, Islamic banking raise funds from the people and second, Islamic banking distribute funds via financing. One of Islamic banking financing is murabahah. Murabahah is selling/purchasing transaction with the agreed profit. Murabahah characteristic is the seller has to tell to the buyer about product purchase price and agreed profit. Murabahah has two ways, murabahah with order and without order. The survey results shown that Islamic banking has applied murabahah as their main financing. Keywords: Islamic banking, financing, murabahah.

Determinan Pembiayaan Pada Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah di Indonesia

ESENSI, 2017

Islamic Rural Bank serves as a financial intermediary to carry out the activities of collecting and distributing funds from the public. Therefore, it is necessary to test whether internal factors, which include deposit funds, capital adequacy ratio, financing to deposit ratio and non-performing financing significantly affects to financing. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that affect the financing in Islamic rural bank in Indonesia. The analytical tool used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study, to simultaneously show that the Third Party Funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Financing to Deposit Ratio and Non Performing Financing significantly affects to Distribution of Funding in SRB (BPRS), while the rest is explained by other factors not enrolled in this study.

Urgensi Karakter dalam Analisa Pembiayaan Murabahah di Bank Syariah Indonesia

Etihad: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, 2021

The character of the customer is very important to analyze in the process of financing analysis. Character is an aspect of personal nature and concerns the depth of an individual's soul, so that character becomes difficult to identify. The purpose of this study was to determine whether Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Nganjuk also conducted an in-depth character analysis. This field research uses a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques carried out using interviews and documentation. The data processing technique is done by data reduction, data presentation, and then conclusions. The results of this study are discrepancies in several points in the assessment using character analysis because at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Nganjuk implements 5C completely, although according to them, the character is important, the character can change along with financial conditions, economic conditions such as because of covid-19, dishonest customer character, manipulated business or wor...

Analisis Penerapan Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Pt. Bank Sulselbar Cabang Syariah Makassar

Assets : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2019

This research was conduted in order to identify and provide an overview of the implementation of the murabahah transaction by PSAK No. 102 and identify murabahah compliances with the stipulated provisions in the Fatwa of National Islamic Council 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 on PT Bank Sulselbar Cabang Syariah Makassar. The method used in the form of qualitative research with descriptive approach where data obtained by observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that PT Bank Sulselbar Cabang Syariah Makassar has not been fully able to implement PSAK No. 102 the financing murabahah, especially the disclosure report presents the source and distribution of zakat funds and sources and uses of charity fund. Other than that, PT. Bank Sulselbar Cabang Syariah Makassar been in full compliance with the Fatwa of National Islamic Council 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 on products murabahah financing.

Analisis Pembiayaan Murabahah DI Perbankan Syariah


The research theme is the concept of the bank in accordance with Islamic economics. The research objective is: to analyze murabaha financing in Islamic banking. Research is the study of literature. The object of research is the banking industry in Indonesia. To ensure that the implementation of murabaha financing to fit this concept, it requires strict supervision of the Sharia Supervisory Board or the National Islamic Council, so murabaha financing as financing belle of Islamic banking can be guarded and not tarnish the image and prestige of Islamic banking so that no impression that the bank sharia is the same as conventional banks.

Analisis Pembiayaan Dengan Prinsip Murabahah Pada Pt. Bank Sumut Syariah Cabang Medan


This study discusses the analysis of financing with the principle of murabahah at PT. Bank Sumut Syariah Medan. The murabahah contract is the sale and purchase of goods at the original price with an additional profit agreed upon by the seller, who must notify the price of the product he purchased and determine a level of profit in addition to it. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews and observations. The results showed that the murabahah financing mechanism at Bank Sumut Syariah Brigjen Katamso Medan can be used by all human beings where the type of business must remain in accordance with Islamic sharia and in order to minimize the risk of default the bank provides action in the form of supervision.

Determinan Pembiayaan Bermasalah di BTN Syariah KCS Bekasi Pada Masa Pandemi

Etihad: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, 2021

The covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the community on their income, this affects people who have financing in banks where there are obstacles in paying their installments. This study aims to analyze and prove the effect of monitoring financing, business conditions, customer character, guarantees, and the covid-19 pandemic on non-performing financing at BTN Syariah KCS Bekasi. The population of this study is customers who have problematic financing at BTN Syariah KCS Bekasi. The sampling technique in this study is the Simple Random Sampling method. In this study, the source of the data obtained was the distribution of questionnaires by obtaining 127 respondents. The data analysis technique used is the SmartPLS 3.0 tool. The results obtained from this study are Financing Monitoring has a significant effect on non-performing financing, Business Conditions has no significant effect on non-performing financing, Customer Character has no significant effect on non-performing financing, G...

Determinan Jumlah Pembiayaan Bank Syariah DI Indonesia


Abstract: The research aims to analyze the factors influencing the distribution of banking credit, that include the third-party fund, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), and the placing fund in the Seritifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS). The data which is used is taken from the financial report of the Conventional Bank and the Shari’a Bank period 2010-2014. The technique analysis used the multiple linear regression model, the hypothesis test with the t-test to determine the variable partially, and f-test to determine all variables at once with the significant of 5 persen. The third party fund has positive influence and significant to the distribution of banking credit Non Performing Loan (NPL) and Return On Assets (ROA) has negative influence and significant to the distribution of credit banking. The placing fund in Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has negative influence and not significant to the distribution of ...