Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Dengan Metode Pembelajaran Penemuan Terbimbing (Guided Discovery Learning)Untuk Melatih Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Dan Penguasaan Konsep Pada Siswa SMP (original) (raw)

Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Ipa Berorientasi Metode Penemuan Terbimbing (Guided Discovery) Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains

JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains)

The objective of this research is to improve the Junior High School students science process skills. A set of instructional programs consisting of lesson implementation plan, student workbook, student worksheet, and assessment sheet, were developed based on the guided discovery method. Before the implementation, all of the instructional programs were validated and met the defined criteria. Thirty Blega Junior High School students involved in this investigation using One Group Pretest-Postest Design.Instructional package is valid, management of guided discovery learning between 3.5 until 4,0 (good)with reliability between 99% until 100% (reliabel). The most dominant student activity is practice science process skills (20,07%). Mastery tests of student learning outcomes and processes to better cognitive test increase 93%, science process skills 100% with gain score both of them 71% (high). Based on the results of this investigation can be concluded the developed guided discovery instr...

The Implementasion of Guided Discovery Learning to Improve Students Critical Thinking Skill in Simple Harmonic Motion at Senior High School

Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika, 2017

Students critical thinking skills are important skills in learning. The critical thinking indicator in this research consists of 4 indicators. The result of observation in SMA Negeri 18 Surabaya shows only one indicator has been achieved that is the interpretation . For that purpose, the research is related the application of guided discovery learning to describe the implementation of learning, improvement of critical thinking skill, and students response to simple harmonic motion. This research uses experimental method with pre-experimetal design and type of this research is one group pre-test post-test design using one experiment class and two replication classes. The implementation of the three classes observed from the teacher activity for two meetings was stated to be very well executed. Based on the analysis of n-gain, critical thinking skills in the experimental class and the replication class 1 increased with high category while in the replication class 2 increased with medi...

The Effect of Experimental Skills toward Senior High School Students’ Critical Thinking Abilities through Discovery Learning Model

Proceedings of the Educational Sciences International Conference (ESIC 2018), 2019

The experimental skill is an ability in which students are able to do the experiment, observe the processes, and write the result of their experiment. Critical thinking is skillful in thinking deeply about the problem or something, such as knowledge about methods, investigation and rational thinking, and such an ability to apply those methods. Discovery learning is a learning model that given the students a chance to search and find out by their selves, using problem approach, whereas teachers only give instruction and direction. This study aimed to know the effect of experimental skills by using discovery learning toward Senior High School students’ critical thinking skills. The subject in this study were 29 students of XI IPA 2 Class. This study conducted at SMAN 14 Samarinda in the Academic Year of 2017/2018. The data collected using experimental skills observation form and critical thinking skills test. The result showed that the mean score of students’ experiment skills was 68,...

Mengembangkan Karakter Tanggung Jawab Dan Kemampuan Akademik Siswa Melalui Pendekatan Pembelajaran Penemuan (Discovery Learning)

JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains)

This study investigated the difference of student’s cognitive competency, scientific skills, and responsibility level after following teaching and learning process using discovery learning type less structured guided discovery and type guided discovery and describes the implementation and student’s activity on physics learning using teaching material based on discovery learning approah. The Subject of this study was students 10th grade of SMK Negeri 2 Sumbawa Besar at 2nd semester academic year 2010/2011. It was experimental research of two-groups pretesst-posttest design. The techniques of data collecting are testing and observing. The data were analyzed desciptively and by using inferential statistic. The results revealed that: (1) Student’s cognitive competency, scientific skills, and responsibility level after following teaching and learning process using discovery approach with less structured guided discovery type was better than guided discovery type (2) The implemnetation o...

Application of the problem based learning model to improve critical thinking ability and students science learning outcomes (Fourth Class SDN Inpres 6/84 Welehunian Sagerat)

International journal of applied research, 2021

The learning process does not only emphasize aspects of remembering knowledge and understanding, but also aspects of application, analysis, evaluation and creativity. This is important because students can train thinking and problem solving as well as the application of concepts in everyday life. Therefore, a model is needed in learning, but in reality teachers are lacking in developing learning models that improve critical thinking and problem solving skills so that learning tends to focus on teacher. This has an impact on the achievement of student learning outcomes. This is evidenced by the number of 33 students only 9 students who succeeded and 24 students have not reached the minimum standard of learning criteria. It is necessary to apply learning that is able to create an active learning atmosphere for students, foster collaboration between students, and train thinking skills so that they can solve problems. The research objectives are to improve critical thinking skills through the use of Problem Based Learning Models, and to improve science learning outcomes for fourth grade students of SDN Inpres Walehunian Sagerat. The method used in this study is a classroom action research method and is designed in two cycles. The results of the study found that (1) through the application of a problem based learning model in science learning the material properties of light can improve critical thinking skills; (2) through the application of the problem based learning model, it can improve the science learning outcomes of students in the SD Inpres Sagerat class. Suggestions for fourth grade teachers can use problem based learning models in science learning, so that learning becomes more fun and meaningful and students are expected to always be active, creative, think critically, work together in groups and respect each other.

The influence of contextual teaching and learning approach to critical thinking ability and learning resultsstudents of Class V Primary School 12 Tanah Sirah, District Lubuk Begalung

This study aims to reveal the influence of contextual teaching and learning on the ability of critical thinking and learning outcomes of science students of grade V SDN 12 Tanah SirahLubukBegalung District Padang City. The type of research used is quasi experiment with design of static group comporison design. The population in this study were all students of class V SDN 12 Tanah Sirah with class V A sample as experimental class and V B as control class. Sampling is done by purposive sampling. Technique of data analysis through pretest and posttest ability critical thinking and result of student learning. The hypothesis was proposed using a paired sample t sample (Paired Sample t-Test) with an unpaired sample (Independent Sample t-Test) manually. 1. Preliminary Education is a conscious effort to realize the learning atmosphere and learning process. Students actively develop their potential to have spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed for themselves and society. Whereas schools are formal institutions that are in accordance with their mission, namely to carry out teaching and learning activities in order to achieve educational goals. At this time technology has become a necessity for humans, so that in SD / MI have been taught about technology, especially in natural science subjects (IPA) such as simple biotechnology, such as grafting, and cuttings Thus, the importance of the role of science ineveryday life for students, students should be able to understand science learning diligently and earnestly so as to make science learning one of the subjects that are interesting and fun, which can cause curiosity and enthusiasm of students in learning. Initial observations were found that, there was an impression that most students did not like science lessons, because the science learning they found in school was still conventional. Where the teacher has not involved students directly in the learning process to try to find their own answers to existing problems, the menstrual teacher still uses the lecture method which makes students passive in learning, so that students like this learning bring boredom and boredom.

Guided discovery model: An alternative to enhance students’ critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions

Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika

This current study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the guided discovery model in increasing students' critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions. Each experiment and control group consisted of 34 students of grade X of one high school class in Bandar Lampung city. The data were obtained through mathematical critical thinking skills test and critical thinking dispositions scale. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to obtain a comprehensive description of the impact of learning on the increase in both skills. The results showed that the increase of students’ critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions after learning was in the effective category. Other finding showed that the use of a contextual problem in the beginning of learning could trigger students to activate their prior knowledge. In this way, students used some strategies and made an appropriate conclusion confidently. This study suggested that the guided discov...

The Effect of Discovery Learning Method Towards Students’ Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Skills in Primary School

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 2018

The researchers decided to conduct this study since almost all elementary students considered social sciences very difficult in which the subject cannot be memorized easily and boring. One of the learning models which get the students involved in construction-based learning models and cooperative learning models is discovery learning. This study aims at ascertaining the effect of discovery learning the cooperative model towards the learning outcomes and critical thinking skill of the fourth graders in SDN Klakahrejo Surabaya.

The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on Student ’ s Critical Thinking and Cognitive Ability in Junior High School


The aimed of this research is to know the effect of learning discovery model on the critical thinking and cognitive ability of SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran students. This research is a quasi experimental research with two group pretest posttest design. The population of this research is all students of class VII of SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran, first semester of academic year 2017/2018. The sample selection is done by cluster random sampling that is class VII-1 as experiment class applied discovery learning model and class VII-3 as control class applied conventional learning. The instrument used in this research is the critical thinking and cognitive thinking skills in the form of essays each of 5 questions that have been declared valid by the expert team. The results concluded that the first hypothesis test obtained tcounted = 2.10 with α = 0.05 obtained ttable = 2.00. By comparing thitung with ttable turns tcounted> ttable, this means the critical thinking ability of students applying discover...

Implementation of Discovery Learning Model by Using Scientific Approach to Improve Students’ Natural Sciences Learning Competence in Grade VII SMPN 21 Padang


Purpose of the research was to improve grade VII students’ learning competence in SMPN 21 Padang in academic year 2017/2018 by using implementation of discovery learning model in materials of living organization and interaction between organisms and their environment. This research was a classroom action research done in two cycles. Every cycles consisted of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subject was class VII 8 of SMPN 21 Padang in academic year 2017/2018. Data sources were teacher and students. Techniques of data collection were through test and observation sheets. The collected data were analyzed in qualitative descriptive. Based on the research finding, it can be concluded that the implementation of discovery learning model can improve students’ learning competence. The result showed that percentage of affective competence in pre-Cycle was 79.30%, in cycle I was 81.26%, and in cycle II was 88.13%. Students’ psychomotor competence in pre-Cycle was 65.20%, in cycl...