The method of dynamic proprioceptive correction in the rehabilitation of patients with children’s cerebral palsy (original) (raw)
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Kinesitherapeutic Approach in Child Cerebral Palsy
Knowledge International Journal
Child Cerebral Palsy (CCP) is a non-progressive, chronic brain injury that can occur during pregnancy - prenatal period, during childbirth - perinatal period or postnatal period. It is characterized by a disorder of muscle tone, disturbance of balance, coordination, speech, hearing, etc. Also, some children may experience some degree of cognitive and intellectual deficiency. Damage mainly occurs at the upper motor neuron affecting the cerebellum. This disorder of the central nervous system leads to disruption of the normal development of motor functions, muscle tone, and coordination. Children's cerebral palsy is a disease that very often leads to severe disability, and to successfully battle with the consequences and serious disabilities, early detection, and the onset of treatment is needed from the first days of the child's life. The treatment of CCP is complex in which, besides medical, pedagogical and social rehabilitation, kinesitherapy is included. The aim of the stud...
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Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, 2016
Objective: To increase the efficiency of rehabilitation measures in the treatment of movement disorders. Rehabilitated 16 patients aged 1 to 5 years, of which 14 patients were children with cerebral palsy (87.5%), 2 patients with congenital malformations of the central nervous system (12.5%). 10 children (63%) had spastic syndrome with an average of 3.5 points on a scale of Ashworth, the remaining 6 (37%)-Children with a flaccid syndrome. Furthermore, according to the classification of large motor functions GMFCS, 12 children (75%) corresponded to level 5, 4 patients (25%)-to the 4th level. On a scale large motor functions GMFM average before treatment was 8.7%. There was held a course of comprehensive rehabilitation with the use of traditional kinesitherapy, hydro kinesitherapy, physiotherapy and elements of Reflex locomotion. Results: The analysis of assessment data indicates that 16 children had average 8.7% on GMFM scale at the time of admission, and after the rehabilitation with elements of Reflex locomotion-10.7%. Thus, the improvement rate was 2%. Evaluate patients at Ashworth spasticity scale did not give reliable results on the influence of methods of Reflex locomotion on spasticity due to the short period of rehabilitation and low frequency of sessions per day. Conclusions: The experience of the elements of this methodology has shown the need for further study of the efficacy for longer period of application, covering a larger number of patients, as well as in combination with other methods of Kinesitherapy (Bobath, the PNF, etc.).
Aquatic exercise in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2012
Introduction. Aquatic exercise is one of the most popular supplementary treatments for children with neuro-motor impairment, especially for cerebral palsy (CP). As water reduces gravity force which increases postural stability, a child with CP exercises more easily in water than on land. Objective. The aim of the study was to examine aquatic exercise effects on gross motor functioning, muscle tone and cardiorespiratory endurance in children with spastic CP. Methods. The study included 19 children of both sexes, aged 6 to 12 years, with spastic CP. They were included in a 12-week aquatic exercise program, twice a week. Measurements of GMFM (Gross Motor Function Measurement), spasticity (MAS ? Modified Ashworth Scale), heart rate (HR) and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) were carried out before and after treatment. The measurement results were compared before and after treatment. Results. GMFM mean value before therapy was 80.2% and statistically it was significantly lower in compa...
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation
Nowadays the leading place in the structure of diseases of children in the perinatal period, is occupied by the perinatal lesion of the central nervous system. Special attention should be paid to the issue of minimal use of medicines in children with perinatal pathology, which is why one of the main tasks of medical rehabilitation is still the development and scientific justification of new methods of kinesitherapy. To study the results of research conducted by Russian and foreign authors on the issues of physical rehabilitation of children with perinatal damage to the central nervous system and to conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed technologies. The literature review for this article was conducted from the eLibrary, PubMed, Cochrane Library databases with a search depth of 10 years. The selection of publications was carried out using keywords: non-drug technologies; perinatal damage to the central nervous system; perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; kine...
Feldenkrais method for cerebral palsy - a case report
Varna Medical Forum, 2017
През април 2006 г. група консултанти към изпълнителния комитет на създадената в САЩ секция по Церебрална парализа (ЦП) с председател-професора по педиатрия д-р Питър Росенбаум определят Церебралната парализа като: "…група от постоянни нарушения на развитието на движенията и позата, причиняващи ограничения в дейностите, който са свързани с непрогресиращи увреждания, възникнали по време на развитието на мозъка на фетуса или периода на детството. Двигателните нарушения често се съпровождат от нарушения на усета, познавателните процеси, поведението и връзката с околните, епилепсия и вторични мускуло-скелетни проблеми". Тъй като абнормните промени на грубите и фини двигателни функции са в основата на клиничните прояви, свързани с ЦП, повечето терапевтични подходи са насочени към оптимизация на двигателните функции на болните. Новите методи за рехабилитация са насочени към стимулиране на мозъчната невропалстичност. Теорията за невропластичност се основава на непрекъснатата приспособимост и реорганизация на мозъчните функционални системи като по принцип липсват възрастови ограничения за осъществяването на тези промени. Ме-ABSTRACT Introduction: Cerebral palsy refers to a group of non-progressive neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination. Cerebral palsy (CP) is caused by damage to or abnormalities inside the developing brain that disrupt the brain's ability to control movement and maintain posture and balance. CP is often accompanied by seizures and/or impairment in perception, cognition, behavior as well as other medical disorders. The majority of the therapeutic approaches for cerebral palsy aim at optimization of the movements. Neuroplasticity theory is based on the idea of continuous development and remodeling of the nervous system. Application of the Feldenkrais method for patients with cerebral palsy contributes to the reorganization of the motor elements and helps the patients to control their movements better. Aim: The present study is aimed to evaluate the improvement in the clinical condition of a patient diagnosed with CP through application of basic principles of the neuroplasticity theory. Materials and Methods: We present clinical case of an 18-year-old patient with CP (spastic diplegia), who had undergone classical rehabilitation, including physical therapy and physiotherapy for 16 years. For this patient we applied neuroplasticity approach with two methods included: neuromuscular therapy
Cerebral palsy in Children(OCR, RUS)
Badalyan L. O. — Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the 2nd MOLGMI, Zhurba L. T., Timonina O. V. - Cand. med of sciences, art. sci. sotr. the same department. The manual highlights the etiology and pathogenesis of cerebral palsy in children. The features of the diagnosis of neurological abnormalities are presented taking into account the evolutionary and age dynamics of the development of the nervous system. Special attention is paid to the recognition criteria cerebral palsy in children of the first months of life. Specific recommendations are given for the rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy (methods of directed stimulation of motor, speech and mental functions, training, education, professional orientation). For neuropathologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists, physical therapy doctors, speech therapists. Il. 330. Table 6. Bibliogr.: pp. 315-322. Reviewers Dr. of medical sciences R.N. Gershman kaid. med. sciences T. A. Talvik
Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kul'tury, 2017
Цель-повысить эффективность медицинской реабилитации детей с двигательными нарушениями за счет селективных электростимулирующих воздействий с помощью аппарата Лимфавижин. Материал и методы. В исследование были включены 42 пациента с двигательными нарушениями, которые в зависимости от метода немедикаментозной терапии были разделены на 2 группы: основную (применение электростимулирующих воздействий с помощью аппарата Лимфавижин) и контрольную (применение электрофореза по Вермелю с 1% раствором натрия бромида). Критерием эффективности лечения было увеличение мышечной силы (в баллах) и количества двигательных навыков. Статистический анализ проводили с помощью пакета прикладных программ Statistica for Windows, версия 6.0 (фирма «StatSoft», США). Для сравнения двух независимых выборок по количественным признакам использовали критерий Манна-Уитни, для сравнения двух связанных групп-критерий Вилкоксона. Результаты. В группе детей, в реабилитации которых применяли селективные электростимулирующие воздействия с помощью аппарата Лимфавижин, отмечалось достоверное увеличение силы мышц нижних конечностей и туловища по сравнению с исходными значениями (р=0,003 и р=0,04 соответственно), а также достоверно большее число новых двигательных навыков (р=0,02). Заключение. Предложенная методика в составе комплексной медицинской реабилитации детей с двигательными нарушениями вследствие перинатальных поражений центральной нервной системы является клинически высокоэффективной и патогенетически обоснованной, так как способствует нормализации мышечного тонуса, увеличению двигательной активности и мышечной силы.