Using Case Studies in the Social Sciences (original) (raw)

Abstract, Sociologia Italiana, n.6, Autori

analisi sul corpo insegnante e sulle politiche ad esso rivolte e realizza valutazioni di impatto di interventi nei contesti scolastici. Promuove l'adozione di un approccio evidence based e il ricorso a sperimentazioni controllate. E' attualmente impegnato in due progetti basati sulla randomizzazione con gruppo di controllo: un PROGRESS volto a stimare l'impatto delle riunioni di famiglia sulla prevenzione del dropout scolastico (Family star) e un SIR, mediante il quale si stima la rilevanza delle competenze non cognitive degli insegnanti nel determinare la loro efficacia in classe (OpetnTeQ -Opening the Black Box of Teacher Quality).

Meet the Editors: CAMBIO Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali

work, and agree to publish it in the Journal under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License CAMBIO Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali wishes to stimulate reflection on historical and contemporary processes of social change. Cross-disciplinary researches and theoretical analyses are preferred, with special attention, although not exclusively, given to the use of qualitative methodologies. Papers -unpublished and not submitted at the same time for evaluation to other periodicals -should be sent by e-mail (docx, doc, rtf) to the Editor at Publication is subordinated to anonymous referees' evaluation. The editorial staff will communicate the results of the review and the possible acceptance of the paper within two months of its submission. Monographic Section, Eliasian Themes, Essays and Reseraches: essay length must be between 30,000 and 50,000 characters (including spaces and references), with a brief biographical note (approximately 600 characters, including spaces) containing information about the university/institution, main fields of work, ongoing projects, main publications. In addition, authors should attach: a) a short abstract in English which indicates clearly and concisely the essay's basic points; b) some keywords (3 to 6 descriptors) to focus attention on the main topics covered; c) title of the article in English (for contributions in Italian).

XXIII Conferenza Siep" Crisi economica, welfare e crescita", Pavia, 19-20 settembre 2011

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to discuss a grant proposal allocated to each young adult at the age of nineteen years old, as a tool to enhance equality of opportunity in Italy. Even if inequality of opportunity is a consequence of a bundle of facts, mainly related with the family of origin, and a complete eradication of differences might be very difficult, the discussion on pros and cons of a grant accorded to Italian young people may point out the relevance of the “asset-welfare” in improving equality of opportunity in a ageing society.

Solidarietà, mercato e concorrenza nel welfare italiano - By Silvana Sciarra

European Law Journal, 2011

How often in contemporary Western society do we hear criticism of public and private decisions on the basis that they were adopted with a 'lack of consultation' or without 'adequate stakeholder involvement'? Of course, one could say that such exclamations are a foil, a mere cover-up for irreconcilably opposing interests in a pluralist polity. However, such frequent pronouncements also reflect a modern consensus that decision making should include a sufficient modicum of participation and deliberation between different sides, which should aim to achieve joint problem solving. A central (and simple) concept that encapsulates this phenomenon is the notion of learning in advance of decision making. Reflexivity has become one term used to describe the processes through which such learning can successfully occur.

Economia Pubblica 003-2015


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