Growth of Oyster Crassostrea Sp Settled on Shell and Stone Collectors (original) (raw)
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Pertumbuhan Relatif Gurita, Octopus cyanea Gray, 1849 di Perairan Selat Makassar Dan Teluk Bone
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Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika, 2015
Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) is a potential fungus that is regularly consumed by general public. This research aims to get qualified spawn of Pleurotus spp. by testing the growth of colony diameter and mycelial biomass on two mediums; PDA and MEYEA, as well as the addition of sawdust. The research was carried out using Pleurotus spp. isolates on different mediums and sawdust mixture. The results indicated that both Pleurotus spp. isolates grew better on MEYEA compared to PDA. Isolates of P. ostreatus TP and P. ostreatus var. columbinus TB both have an average growth speed of 0.90 cm/day and mycelial biomass of 0,19 g. Both Pleurotus spp. isolates grown on MEYEA medium that had previously been mixed with spent oyster mushroom substrate and Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) sawdust grew better than the other medium mixed with Sengon (Falcataria moluccana)-both have an average growth speed of 1,06 cm/day and mycelial biomass of 0,26 g; while both isolates on medium mixed with Sengon sawdust have an average growth speed of 0,34 cm/day and mycelial biomass of 0,23 g.
The Growth Rate of Cyphastrea Coral Fragment Under Controlled Condition
Jurnal Biologi Tropis, 2023
The role of corals was very important in coastal and marine ecosystems, whether in terms of education, ecology, and socio-economy. Coral growth can be used as an indicators of marine ecosystem health. This study was aimed to observed survival rate and the growth rate of Cyphastrea coral fragments. Cyphastrea coral fragments growth rate was observed in exsitu sites and was conducted over a period of 3 months. The microfragmentation method was applied in this study. Several factors such as water temperature, light levels, and nutrient concentrations were measured and controlled throughout the study. The growth rate of Cyphastrea coral fragments was measured using ImageJ software. Result of this study exhibited that survival rate of Cyphastrea was 100% and the growth rate of Cyphastrea was 0.012 cm 2 /month. This study provides important information on the factors that affect the growth rate of Cyphastrea coral fragments in ex-situ sites. The result of this study can be used to develop more effective strategies for coral reef restoration.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Acceleration of the process of recovery of damaged reefs require rehabilitation, management and supervision of well-planned and sustainable. One of the rehabilitation process is to create artificial reef. This study aims to look at the rate of attachment of sessile organisms on cement media called "crypto". A total of 270 cement media at each shelf. The size of cement media is 5x5x1 cm. The cement media were deployed at a depth of 6 meters and 10 meters. The rate of attachment of sessile organisms was compared between the upper and lower of the media side at each depth and between depths. Different organisms was observed colonized concrete media such as shells, sponges, worms, green algae, red algae, and brown algae. Percentage of coverage of sessile biota at a depth of 6 meters was significantly higher than 10 meters. Percentage of coverage of sponges at a depth of 6 meters and 10 meters, showed no significantly different (P = 0.0670). The other sessile biota, value of the test results showed significant differences between depths, such as the brown algae (P< 0.0001), red algae (P = 0.0003), and green algae (P = 0.0022). The type succession occurs in this research was likely a primary succession.
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produktivitas jamur tiram putih dari medium tanam campuran sengon, ampas tebu dan jerami padi. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) tersarang dimana perbedaan komposisi medium tanam sebagai faktor utama dan waktu panen (panen pertama, kedua, ketiga) merupakan faktor tersarang. Komposisi medium tanam terdiri dari 4 perlakuan yaitu A (serbuk gergaji 100%, tanpa ampas tebu dan jerami padi), B (serbuk gergaji 50%, ampas tebu 25% dan jerami padi 25%), C (serbuk gergaji 25%, ampas tebu 50%, jerami padi 25%) dan D (serbuk gergaji 25%, ampas tebu 25%, jerami padi 50%). Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA, jika terdapat beda nyata dilakukan uji lanjut DMRT. Pertumbuhan miselium tercepat pada medium C dengan kecepatan laju pertumbuhan 0,71 cm/hari selama 28 hari. Lama waktu panen berhubungan dengan pertumbuhan miselium dimana miselium baglog C lebih cepat panen daripada baglog lainnya. Hasil produktivitas dari medium tanam D memiliki hasil yang paling baik dibandingkan dengan medium tanam lainnya. Hasil berat segar dan produktivitas lebih tinggi pada panen pertama dan mampu menghasilkan berat segar jamur sebesar 177,8100 gram dan produktivitas jamur mencapai 11,7100 gram/hari.