The Ability of the Third Grade Students in Using Different kind of Prepositions: A Descriptive study at SMA N 1 Sungai Puar (original) (raw)


Artikel ini ditulis untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan jenis-jenis preposisi yang berbeda dalam bahasa inggris dengan benar sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing dalam sebuah kalimat. Seringkali siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakan setiap preposisi dalam bahasa Inggris yang dikarenakan terdapat sejumlah kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat digunakan sebagai preposisi dengan aturan-aturan tertentu. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan tes tertulis sebagai data penelitian yang berjumlah 60 butir soal yang harus dilengkapi dengan preposisi yang tepat. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam mengunakan preposisi yang benar sesuai dengan aturan pemkaiannya masing-masing masih rendah dengan nilai rata-rata dari tes adalah 49,84. Secara umum nilai tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan preposisi yang benar masih sangat kurang dan harus ditingkatkan lagi meskipun terdapat beberapa siswa dengan kemampuan yang cukup bagus.

An Analisys of English Preposition Difficulties among the Students of Elementary Schools in Surabaya


WIDYADHARMAadalah majalah ilmiah kependidikan yang terakreditasi dan diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Sanata Dharma, dua kali setahun : Oktober dan April. Majalah ini memuat laporan penelitian, pemikiran, dan pertimbangan buku tentang pendidikan. Redaksi menerima naskah, baik yang berbahasa Indonesia, maupun yang berbahasa Inggris. Naskah harus ditulis sesuai dengan format yang berlaku di WIDYA DHARMA, dan harus diterima oleh Redaksi paling lambat dua bulan sebelum terbit. lsi karangan yang dimuat tidak selalu mencerminkan pandangan Redaksi.

Malay ESL Students’ Difficulties in Using English Preposition

—The study attempts to undertake an error analysis of prepositions employed in the written work of Form 4 Malay ESL (English as a Second Language) students in Malaysia. The error analysis was undertaken using Richards's (1974) framework of intralingual and interlingual errors and Bennett's (1975) framework in identifying prepositional concepts found in the sample. The study first identified common prepositional errors in the written texts of 150 student participants. It then measured the relative intensities of these errors and found out possible causes for the occurrences of these errors. In this study, one significant finding is that among the nine concepts of prepositions examined, the participant students tended to make the most number of errors in the use of prepositions of time and place. The present study has pedagogical implications in teaching English prepositions to Malay ESL students.

AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS WRITING ERROR IN USING PREPOSITION(A Case Study at the Second Grade of SMPN 4 Tigaraksa-Tangerang)


This research is designed to analyze the students writing error in using preposition. The research is conducted based on the statements of problems 1) How is students understanding on using preposition ? 2) What are the common error types of students writing in using preposition? This research oriented to the following objectives: 1) To know the students understanding on using preposition. 2) To find the common error types of students writing in using pr eposition. To answer the questions, the writer collected data from 25 students. Since the research used a case study included as qualitative research, the data was presented in descriptive analysis way and the procedure of error analysis used is according to Gass and Selinker . The research finding showed that the mean of multiple choice test score is 40. It means that students understanding on using preposition is very poor. The writer also got the result of the study from students writing. The result show ed that there are the hig...


In this modern era, English drives the world in every aspect of human being's life. The number of people sharp to shine their future by learning English Language. As far as language learners are concerned that they have to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to make their dream true. In Sri Lanka, the English language is being taught as a second language. Through this teaching-learning process, most of the students are being faced difficulties to achieve the skills of the English language. The nature of writing is needed perfect grammar patterns. This study confesses that many students of the second language make grammatical errors in the use of prepositions they unconsciously fail to follow the rules of the target language because of that they are not in a position to continue the activities related to the preposition and they feel uneasy to give an eager in learners prepositions and its grammatical rules. English is originated with many word classes. Among them prepositions play a vital role which cover many important areas. Students' errors in the use of preposition make the researchers to do this research in this particular topic. Therefore, the researchers decided to do a study regarding the errors in the use of prepositions among grade eight students of Al-Muneer Vidyalaya Sammanthurai within a limited period. Therefore, this study is interested to reduce the errors by finding the errors, reasons for the errors, and the best way to use of prepositions through this research on the topic of "Error analysis in the use of preposition among the grade seven students at Al-Muneer Vidyalaya Sammanthurai".

I Made Alvianto Putra Palamba & Anna Fitriati The Mastery of Prepositions for and to Among the Sixth Semester Students at English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University

This research aims to measure the mastery of prepositions for and to among the sixth semester students at English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. The researcher is also eager to identify whether or not the students find difficulties to decide which prepositions (for or to) they should use in making a correct sentence, especially in translating the Indonesian prepositions untuk, kepada, ke, buat and bagi into English. This will be related to certain conditions in which the students' first language (mother tongue) influences their second language learning. Thus, it is also very important to find out whether or not the students are influenced by their first language (Indonesian) in second language (English) learning process.

On Translating Prepositions from English into Indonesian: A Case Study of Indonesian EFL Students

International Journal of Linguistics, 2017

This study attempts to investigate errors in translating prepositions from English into Indonesian language by Undergraduate students at the Methodist University Indonesia, Medan. A total of 20 students in the Department of English Literature, Faculty of English Letters were involved in this study. Forty sentences containing English prepositions were translated by the students. The translations were then compared with the Indonesian equivalence in order to find out the quality of their translation. In order to measure the quality of preposition translation, three categories were referred to, namely: correct translation, correct with revision translation, and incorrect translation. Having analyzed the data, it revealed that most of the students failed to translate complex prepositions such as phrasal verbs. However, most students successfully translated simple prepositions such as noun prepositions and adjective prepositions. From 100% correct translation expected of students, only 4...

Prepositions and ESL Learners: the Malaysian Scenario

International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 2014

This article presents a review of the literature on prepositions with a focus on definitions and main difficulties faced by Malaysian students. It further highlights recommendations about the role of syllabus designers, textbook writers and teachers in meeting these challenges. It is hoped that this article could provide a platform for any further studies on prepositions.

The Influence of First or Other Languages in the Use of Preposition in Singapore English

PAROLE-Jurnal Linguistik dan Edukasi, 2011

Preposisi adalah salah satu kelas kata yang sulit untuk diajarkan, karena bisa jadi preposisi memiliki makna yang abstrak, apalagi dlam konteks bahasa kedua, seperti pada kasus Singapora, dimana ada lebih dari satu bahasa yang digunakan dalam kegiatan seharihari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesalahan penggunaan preposisi pada bahasa Inggris Singapora dalam kaitannya dengan pengaruh bahasa ibu dan bahasa lain yang juga digunakan secara bersama-sama. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kesalahan penggunaan preposisi terutama untuk preposisi yang menunjukkan makna abstrak. Selain itu proses generalisasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris juga menunjukkan bagaimana kesalahan penggunaan preposisi bisa terjadi. Bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Cina memberikan pengaruh yang besar dalam pemahaman makna preposisi. Preposisi bahasa Inggris yang digunakan seringkali masih mengacu pada makna asalnya dalam bahasa melayu, dan digunakan sebagaimana mereka menggunakan partikel dalam bahasa Cina.

Acquisition of English Prepositions among Iraqi Secondary School Students in Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia

The study focuses on the acquisition of English prepositions among students of Iraqi secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Participants in the study were (20) students all of them at sixth level. The researchers studied the students’ responses to the given test to investigate the problematic prepositions of English language that Iraqi English as foreign language (EFL) learners have in their everyday and academic usage; and investigate the way that EFL Iraqi learners differentiate between using English and Arabic prepositions. The major finding in this study is that the main reason for all the errors is the dominance of the mother tongue (MT) on English language (EL), especially with Arabic language having a syntactic structure when imposed on EL that too with Arabic meaning on EL. The dominance and influence of one’s MT is a major challenge in using the EL in the right way by Iraqi EFL learners. In a subconscious manner, Iraqi EFL learners tend to use or impose their MT’s syntactic, semantic structures and patterns on EL. Arabic and English have different number of prepositions and word-to-word equivalents of prepositions cannot be found between Iraqi Arabic and English Languages. Iraqi EFL learners are influenced by the prepositional system of their MT (Arabic) when they intend to use the prepositions in EL and this leads to errors and lack of idiomatically. Inaccuracy is a result of this, which is reflected in class hours for EFL learners.