Noninvasive Fluid Property Measurements Using Acoustic Methods (original) (raw)
Related papers
Applications of Acoustic Wave Devices for Sensing in Liquid Environments
Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 2006
Acoustic wave devices such as thickness shear mode (TSM) resonators and shear horizontal surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW) devices can be utilized for characterizing physical properties of liquids and for chemical sensor applications. Basic device configurations are reviewed and the relationships between experimental observables (frequency shifts and attenuation) and physical properties of liquids are presented. Examples of physical property (density and viscosity) determination and also of chemical sensing are presented for a variety of liquid phase applications. Applications of TSMs and polymer-coated guided SH-SAWs for chemical sensing and uncoated SH-SAWs for "electronic tongue" applications are also discussed.
Nondestructive Characterization of Materials VIII, 1998
LosAlamosNaticmal Laboratory,anaffirmetive actiorrkqualopporfun~employer, iaoperated bytheUniverSty ofCMfomiafortie U.S. Dapartmerrt of Energy under wntracI W-74C5ENG-36. Byacceptsnce of Uriiarficfa, thepuMsfksrre@gnizeethattheU. S. Government retains a nonexclusive. royafty-free tiinse to publish or reproduce the pubkfred form of this cmnfribuhn, or to albw others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. Los Afamoa National Laboratory requests that the publisher Wentffy Ibis articfa as wortr performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Loa Alamoe Nationaf Lstmmtory .sfmngfysupports academic freedom and a researchers right to fxbiish: as an institution, however, the Laboratory does not endorse the viewfxrint of a publication or guarantee tts technical correctness. Form s36 (10r96) DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government.
Acoustic absorption measurement for the determination of the volume viscosity of pure fluids
A realistic description of fluid mechanical and acoustic processes requires the volume viscosity of the medium to be known. This work describes how the volume viscosity of pure fluids can be determined by measuring acoustic absorption with the pulse-echo method. The challenge in realizing such a measurement method lies in the separation of the different dissipative effects that superimpose on absorption. Diffraction effects ultimately cause a dissipation of acoustic energy and acoustic reflector surfaces have a small, but finite transmission coefficient. Further, influences of the transducer (in particular its frequency response), as well as the system's electrical components have to be taken into account. In contrast to the classical approach relying on the amplitude ratio, the absorption is determined by the moments of the amplitude spectrum. The measurement system applied is originally designed for precision measurements of the sound velocity by means of the propagation time difference of two acoustic signals.
Acoustic wave–liquid interactions
Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2000
. Ž . Surface acoustic waves SAWs are one of a broad class of acoustic wave AW techniques that have been applied to the study of Ž . physical changes at the solid-liquid interface. Other examples include shear horizontally polarised SAWs SH-SAWs , acoustic plate Ž . modes, Love waves and quartz crystal microbalances QCMs . Several factors motivate and favour these techniques. The sensing surface is highly mass sensitive, it is accessible and can be chemically modified, and it provides a rapid in situ method for studying dynamic chemical and biochemical changes. Moreover, for a Newtonian fluid, the AW only entrains fluid within a penetration depth of the interface, so that the technique truly probes interfacial changes. However, many studies of liquids using these acoustic techniques have been limited to fixed pools of liquid in contact with a device surface. In this work, a damped harmonic oscillator model is described, providing a unified view of the mass damping of the shear motion in SAW, SH-SAW, and QCM AW systems by finite thickness loadings of viscoelastic fluids. The simplicity of the model also allows the effect of fluid slip at the solid-liquid interface to be examined. In the limit of small relaxation time and thick fluid coating, the model recovers the expected limit with acoustic devices acting as sensors of the device area coated by the fluid. In the large relaxation time limit, the fluid acts as an amorphous solid and the influence of the acoustic shearing motion is able to extend to the free surface of the fluid, thus inducing shear wave resonances. To complement the theory, an Ž . experiment is described which uses pulses of high frequency 169 MHz Rayleigh SAWs to probe a small stripe of a viscous fluid Ž w x w x . polydimethylsiloxane PDMS oil with a viscosity between 10 000 and 100 000 centistokes cSt as it dynamically evolves in shape. The cross-sectional profile of the liquid is a well-defined spherical cap shape and this is recorded using a video based interferometry arrangement. This allows a range of geometrical parameters to be obtained and correlated with the acoustic signals. The changing geometry of the stripe does not simply decrease the magnitude of the SAW transmission as the fluid wets a progressively larger area of the surface, but also specific significant attenuations are observed. Interpreting these attenuations within the damped harmonic oscillator model, data from a range of experiments can all be fitted by relaxation rates obtained from the viscosity and a high frequency shear Ž .
tm - Technisches Messen
A realistic description of fluid mechanical and acoustic processes requires the volume viscosity of the medium to be known. This work describes how the volume viscosity of pure fluids can be determined by measuring acoustic absorption with the pulse-echo method. The challenge in realizing such a measurement method lies in the separation of the different dissipative effects that superimpose on absorption. Diffraction effects ultimately cause a dissipation of acoustic energy and acoustic reflector surfaces have a small, but finite transmission coefficient. Further, influences of the transducer (in particular its frequency response), as well as the system’s electrical components have to be taken into account. In contrast to the classical approach relying on the amplitude ratio, the absorption is determined by the moments of the amplitude spectrum. The measurement system applied is originally designed for precision measurements of the sound velocity by means of the propagation time diff...
Measurement of Solid in Liquid Content Using Ultrasound Attenuation
This paper focuses on the relationship between acoustic attenuation and solid content in a liquid carrier. Using such a relationship, two techniques were discussed to enable precise measurements for different concentrations of Kaolin in water. The first technique uses the fast-Fourier-transform (FFT) amplitude, while the second technique uses the attenuation coefficient's gradient to discriminate the different concentrations.
VII Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2016, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, October 26th -28th, 2016, 2017
A sensing platform for measuring volumetric properties of liquid samples using phononic crystals is presented in this paper. The proposed sensor concept is based on the transmission of elastic and acoustic waves through solids and liquids respectively to gather relevant information about the properties of the liquid under test. A major difference between this concept and the majority of current resonant sensors, like the well-known quartz crystal microbalance, is that the acoustic spectrometer proposed measures bulk properties and not interfacial properties of the liquid. The sensing platform uses a disposable analyte container to facilitate the measurement of hazardous substances and enable its use in biomedical applications. An electronic characterization system based on the acquisition of three mixed signals was developed to obtain the frequency response of the designed sensor. Finally, experimental and theoretical realizations were performed, using different analytes and showing characteristic transmission features that can be used as measures to determine the physical value speed of sound.
Ultrasonic measurement of density of liquids
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1995
This paper presents two methods to measure the density of liquids based on the measurement of the reflection coefficient and propagation velocity, using a novel double-element transducer. The measurements can be made in liquids, stationary or in motion. The main factors that affect the precision of the measurements are analyzed. The effect of acoustic diffraction is eliminated by using the double-element transducer, where the receiver is somewhat larger in diameter than the emitter. The effect of short-and long-term stability of the electronics and piezoelectric ceramics employed in the system is also eliminated. A system was implemented and measurements of several liquids, stationary and in motion, were conducted.