Ácidos Grasos Trans en La Nutrición De Niños Con Trastornos Neurológicos (original) (raw)

[Trans fatty acids in the nutrition of children with neurological disorders]

Nutrición hospitalaria

Trans-fatty acids are present in various foods, being the only source of the same in humans. Its presence in high concentrations is a risk factor for health, being involved in a series of events, cardiovascular, inflammatory, etc. Therefore, steps have been taken for its decrease in the diet. The aim is to determine serum and phospholipids of membranes in healthy children and neurological alterations. It has analyzed the fatty acids trans in 34 healthy children and 374 with various neurological pathologies. Serum and blood cells, making the lipid extraction, samples have been separation of the phospholipids of cells membranes, methylation of fatty acids, separation by gas chromatography and quantification using mass detector. The data have been processed statistically. The distribution of trans fatty acids and their sum is not normally distributed, so its nonparemetric tests were used. The values are higher than in serum phospholipids and membrane with a weak but significant correla...

Ácidos Grasos Trans De La Dieta y Sus Implicaciones Metabólicas

Gac Méd …, 2010

Nacional de Enfermedades Crónicas indicó una prevalencia de obesidad en adultos de 21.5 %; para el 2000, la Encuesta Nacional de Salud encontró 24 % y; para 2006, la Encuesta de Salud y Nutrición más reciente en México (ENSANUT) encontró aproximadamente 30 % de obesidad en población mayor de 20 años (34.5 % en mujeres y 24.2 % en hombres). 2 Estos padecimientos (diabetes mellitus, enfermedades isquémicas del corazón y obesidad) se caracterizan por ser Palabras clave: Ácidos grasos trans, dieta, enfermedad cardiovascular, resistencia a la insulina, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, obesidad SUMMARY Fats are important nutrients in our diet, they have wide chemical properties that drive diverse metabolic effects. The trans fatty acids (TFA) are common compounds found in industrialized food, and recent research has shown they should be avoided due to their increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Some of the mechanisms involved include: reduction of c-HDL concentration, increase of low density lipoprotein, Lp (a), triglycerides; disturbance in prostaglandin balance and they may also promote insulin resistance. Obese subjects are prone to increased CVD risk associated with a state of chronic inflammation that can be worsened by TFA intake. The US population consumes approximately 5.3g TFA per day (2.6% of their total energy intake and 7.4% of their fat energy). Recently, WHO recommendations suggest the intake of TFA should be lower than 1% of energy per day. Current fast food industry products have to decrease the amount of TFA content, and the experience from different countries shows that the elimination of trans fatty acids is a cost effective and feasible public health intervention.

Ácidos Grasos Trans En Alimentos Consumidos Habitualmente Por Los Jóvenes En Argentina

Archivos argentinos …, 2004

Dres. Graciela Peterson,1 Daniel Aguilar,1,3 Marcelo Espeche,1 Milton Mesa,1,3 Patricia Jáuregui,1 Hernán Díaz,1 Marcelo Simi1,3 y Marcelo Tavella1,2 ... 1 Programa de Prevención del Infarto en Argentina (PROPIA), UNLP-CIC. 2 Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas ( ...

Ácidos Grasos Con Isomería Trans II: Situación De Consumo en Latinoamérica y Alternativas Para Su Sustitución

Revista chilena de nutrición, 2008

INTRODUCCIÓN El consumo de ácidos grasos con isomería trans (AGT) en los países desarrollados está bien establecido, y prácticamente en todos ellos se han propuesto políticas y regulaciones orientadas a la drástica disminución de la presencia de isómeros trans en los alimentos manufacturados (1). En Latinoamérica la situación es muy diferente. Carecemos de información analítica actualizada, solo son, en la mayoría de los casos, estimaciones de consumo derivadas de información de tablas y estadísticas incompletas o antiguas, y veces de otros países o regiones con hábitos de consumo diferentes. El consumo de materias grasas es muy diverso en cada país o grupo de países. Este consumo está determinado

Ácidos grasos trans de la dieta y sus implicaciones metabólicas ARTÍCULO DE REVISIÓN

Fats are important nutrients in our diet, they have wide chemical properties that drive diverse metabolic effects. The trans fatty acids (TFA) are common compounds found in industrialized food, and recent research has shown they should be avoided due to their increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Some of the mechanisms involved include: reduction of c-HDL concentration, increase of low density lipoprotein, Lp (a), triglycerides; disturbance in prostaglandin balance and they may also promote insulin resistance. Obese subjects are prone to increased CVD risk associated with a state of chronic inflammation that can be worsened by TFA intake. The US population consumes approximately 5.3g TFA per day (2.6% of their total energy intake and 7.4% of their fat energy). Recently, WHO recommendations suggest the intake of TFA should be lower than 1% of energy per day. Current fast food industry products have to decrease the amount of TFA content, and the experience from different countries shows that the elimination of trans fatty acids is a cost effective and feasible public health intervention.

Ácidos Grasos Con Isomería Trans I: Su Origen y Los Efectos en La Salud Humana

Revista chilena de nutrición, 2008

It has been observed that foods with similar amount of starch can generate different glycemic responses. The evidence of a direct link between saturated fat consumption and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases has led consumers to consider oils derived from vegetables, and industrial products derived from them, as healthier substitutes than animal fats. During the technological manipulation of vegetable oils, in order to transform them into more stable products it is applied the process of hydrogenation. The main side effect of this process is the formation of geometric and positional isomers of the unsaturated fatty acids, primarily trans isomers of fatty acids (TFA). Dietary TFA consumption has a biological and industrial origin; the latter found in margarine, shortening, home and industrial cooking oil, bakery goods, and the wide range of snack foods. Substantial TFA amounts come from the so called "invisible fats", the raw material used to manufacture more complex foods. The current wisdom is that TFA have an adverse effect on cardiovascular health, and its consumption poses a potential risk for increasing the incidence of heart disease.

Nutrición y enfermedades neurológicas

Existe una estrecha relación entre la nutrición, el sistema nervioso y las enfermedades neurológicas. El sistema nervioso requiere, para su adecuado funcionamiento, la participación de numerosos nutrientes que se comportan como esenciales.

Nutrición del Niño con Enfermedades Neurológicas Prevalentes: An Update

Revista chilena de pediatría, 2010

In this paper, some neurological disorders are reviewed where nutritional management is relevant. These are cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism and attention défi cit disorder (ADHD). Nutrition is affected in children with Cerebral Palsy due to the illness, diffi cult in ingesting foods due to sensory,motor and/or GI disorders, and specifi c nutritional défi cits secondary to insuffi cient intake. In epilepsy and ADHD, interaction with medications must be added. In autism there is additional controversy regarding nutritional management. Nutritional status will depend on the severity of the main disorder, time of evolution, adequate care. Nutritional vigilance by the multidisciplinbary treatment team. Good management contributes to improve the evolution of the illness, diminish medication adverse effect, prevent specifi c defi ciencies, development of excess disorders (as in obesity), and non nutritional complications (such as infections). (Key words: Nutrition, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, attention défi cit disorder). Rev Chil Pediatr 2010; 81 (2): 103-113