The Implementation Of The Characters Education To The Early Childhood Based On Akidah (4-6 Years Old) In Tk Khalifah 29 Surakarta


This education aims to build human resources that not only develop in academic, but also the guidance of the students’ mental. One of the students' mental guidance is for giving characters education. Islam is one of the basics can be used in implementing the characters education in school can integrate the characters education into the curriculum based on islamic. This research aims to find the information about the implementation of the characters education in preschool that has the curriculum based on Islamic. This study aims to describe the implementation of the characters education based on the akidah and to know the problems and the supporting factors of the implementation of the characters education in early childhood (4-6 years old) in TK Khalifah 29 Surakarta. The research applies a qualitative descriptive study. This research is located in TK Khalifah, Number 29, Surakarta. A headmaster and the teachers of the class A group and class B group as informant. In this rese...

Engrafting Character-Building Education through Extra-Curricular Activities for Kindergarten Students in TK Aisiyah Busthanul Athfal (ABA) Banjarmasin

Proceedings of the 4th Progressive and Fun Education International Conference (PFEIC 2019), 2019

Character-building education is related to character components that contain behavioral values to develop in stages at an early age until higher education. The connection between knowledge of behavioral values with attitudes or emotions. To implement them, it must start at an early age. The government has already developed curriculum, especially in kindergarten. Somehow, extra-curricular activities are needed to help the students of TK Aisiyah Bustanul Athfal (Aisiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten) to engraft character education. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explain in-depth about the extra-curricular activities in TK ABA, Banjarmasin and the effects of each extra-curricular to the students' character building in those kindergartens. The method of this study was qualitative with phenomenology approach. Collecting data was using deep interviews with the headmaster, the parents and the teachers in three kindergartens of TK ABA in Banjarmasin. Inductive content analysis was used to break down the data in small units, to code and name the units according to the content and to group the coded material based on the same concepts. The results of this study indicated that various extra-curricular activities carried out, such as dance, drum bands, Tahfidz Al-Quran and so on can engraft positive character in TK ABA students such as love of Al Qur'an, honest, discipline, independence, communicative, helping others, responsible, confident, cooperation and courageous.

The implementation of character education early childhood In ra sabilul huda laban menganti gresik

Syaikhuna: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pranata Islam, 2019

This research is the kind of research the field with the approach descriptive qualitative with the title the implementation of character education early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik. This research aim store view the process of implementation of character education on early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik and to know the supporting factors and the inhibitors. The technique of data collection is by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Analysis of data is with three stages, the reduction of data, presentation of data, and with draw all conclusions/verification. These research finding scan be concluded that the implementation of character education early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik is through three rounds of including planning, implementation, and evaluation. The planning in the process of the implementation of characters education is begun by inserting the character values in to the school curriculum, annua...

The Development of Character Education Curriculum Model for Islamic Elementary Schools In Muaro Jambi

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020

This research aims to provide a valid character education for grade schools. This research was done due to the ineffectiveness of character education and development in grade schools. This developmental research was done using the ADDIE model with five phases; analysis of needs, product design, product development, implementation and evaluation of the research product. Data collection was done using an observational guide, interview, and documentation for curriculum designing, and questionnaires which will then be analyzed in order to find out the condition of current character education. Samples were chosen using a purposive sampling method, and the data was qualitatively and quantitatively processed. The research result shows that the current character education can be considered as good. The designed character education curriculum was validated by the curriculum, material, and language experts. Validation result shows that the curriculum is valid with minor revision. Field implem...

Developing Character Education Grounded on “Abk” (Attitude Before Knowledge) Model for Kindergarten at Raudlatul Athfal State Islamic University „Sunan Kalijaga‟ Indonesia

IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME), 2017

Indonesian formal education"s orientation has been focused on the development of science and technology (hard skills), therefore, it is weak in developing moral and spiritual components (soft skills). This, inevitably, is linked with the multi-dimensional crisis that we experience todaywidely assumed as the impact of the economic crisis. As an effort to deal with the crisis, education in Indonesia has been focused to develop science and technology, which are considered as capitals for the economic development. Unfortunately, this imbalanced practice in education has created another crisis instead, i.e. the value crisis. To strengthen the education of value or character, innovation is needed in the practice of education, especially in early age education, because education in this age is the foundation for character development in the later ages. Raudhatul Athfal Dharma Wanita Persatuan (RA-DWP) is a preschool educational institution which is used as one of the educational laboratories for students of Tarbiyah Sciences Faculty and Teacher Training Faculty, "Sunan Kalijaga" State Islamic University, Indonesia, to conduct their apprenticeship program. The changes that take place in this institution will have a vast impact, as vast as the impact experienced by the faculty students who study here.This research aims to design a model of education at RA-DWP. The research method chosen is Research and Development (R&D), which involves the following steps: first, conduct a need assessment, after that, dig the "lesson learned" model from Japan, and then design a model which is appropriate for the needs, the proposed models are validated by experts and practitioners to come up with the most suitable one. Japan is chosen as a reference because it is well known as a country which has successfully developed character education. The model developed includes a philosophical basis, a model concept and an operational model.The "need assessment" study results show that RA-DWP needs to strengthen the vision of character education, both in concept and implementation. Therefore, the "lesson learned" from Japan is very relevant to redesign the said educational model. After conducting several research steps and adopting the theory of value education from Lickona, the ABK (Attitude Before Knowledge) model is established. This model demands three important aspects: exemplary conduct by teachers and parents, development of conducive school culture, and close cooperation between the school and all other stakeholders. With this ABK model, students will be able to enter the global world with sufficient knowledge and skills, and will have the characteristics of civilized citizens.

Development of Independent Value in Elementry Islamic School Mutiara Cendekia

Tadbir, 2023

The value of character education organizes a learning system that encourages the actualization of competence and independence of elementary school students. So that the lesson has become a habit for the local community, especially for elementary school students on the banks of the river who use independent transportation to school. Independence in the development of character education occurs through a value which is a term that cannot be separated from education. This study used a qualitative method, which is a scientific research method that aims to understand a phenomenon in its natural social context by prioritizing a deep communication process between researchers and the phenomenon being studied. The research's findings suggest possible outcomes that can be put into practice to building independent character. For students to successfully develop their own character, it is important for the school, teachers, and parents to work together. The role of the teacher in character development is very important, because the figure of a teacher becomes a source of inspiration and motivation for students. The attitude and behaviour of a teacher is also very imprinted on the students, where every utterance, the personality of a teacher can be a reflection for students. Teachers are not only academic educators but also must be able to become character, moral and cultural educators for their students. The method that is often used in character development is habituation, where teachers can familiarize students to apply certain values based on agreements that have been made together with students, for example about tidiness and this is carried out continuously so that it can become a daily activity, students as well as the teacher.

Mengembangkan Nilai Kemandirian Anak Melalui Metode Bercerita Pada Usia 5-6 Tahun

Jurnal Buah Hati, 2020

Independence is a condition that reflects a child becoming an independent person without being dependent on others even though still under adult supervision. This study aims to indentify the development of children's independent character value through storytelling method. This study used qualitative method through action research approach which is conducted intwo cycles. Each cycle is carried out with stage of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The samples of this study were 32 children. Data collection was conducted through observation and children's activities. Data analysis used descriptive analysis technique. The result showed that mean score of first cycle on improving children's independence have developed as expected (BSH) and developed very well (BSB), which was 9 children (28.2%). In the second cycle shown an enhancement in which the mean score gained 25 children (78.2%). it can be concluded that the storytelling method can develop independe...

The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Character Education (An Evaluation Research in State Kindergarden, South Jakarta)

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2016), 2017

This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of character education in state kindergarden, South Jakarta. This study uses a model developed by the CIPP Stufflebeam to evaluate the component context, input, process and product. Data collected through observation, interviews, document studies and questionnaires. Data were analysed, interpreted descriptively and then comparing the results with the success criteria specified. Findings reported in the context of components State Kindergarden is in conformity with the criteria of success. There is a document that shows the formal foundation and the work program of character education. The curriculum and the work program has been meeting people's expectations of the value a character who wants to be inculcated in children. On the input component of all learners have been grouped according to age standards but uneven distribution of students, especially for preschool, school capacity is also not optimal. Most teachers are highly qualified and have the necessary skills. Based curriculum development has been based on character education, which is based Permendiknas No. 58 of 2009 on Standards ECD evaluation results on infrastructure is in conformity with the criteria of success. The involvement of parents and school committees are very high in supporting the implementation of character education. Lesson plans already use the approach of pouring daily activity program character but is still made after the learning process is completed. In the process components, the ability of teachers and the involvement of students in the learning process is already well but still need better time management. In the process of assessment, there are no descriptive account format on the outcome of character education of children. This is not in accordance with defined criteria. In the product components are already there are changes in children's behavior towards the better but on daily and weekly reports learners are not descriptive explanation that does not meet the criteria for success.

Management of Character Education at Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Gowa and Al-Biruni Mandiri Makassar Integrated Islamic Elementary School: A Multi-Case Study

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021

This study aims to determine, study and analyze character education management and its effectiveness at SDIT Al-Fityan School Gowa and SDIT Al-Biruni Mandiri Makassar. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The method of collecting data is through interviews with school principals, vice principals for curriculum affairs, students, homerooms and teachers. Other data sources are through observation and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed by data reduction steps, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that character education planning begins with establishing the school's vision, mission, goals and programs, as well as determining character values, designing a curriculum that integrates character values into an integrated syllabus and lesson plans based on Islamic education. The organization of character education is carried out by the principal through coordination between elements, division of tas...

The Evaluation of Character Education Program Implementation in Al-Azhar Islamic Elementary School Kelapa Ivory North Jakarta

International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Science

This study aims to explain, uncover facts, obtain empirical findings and recommendations in the form of guidelines for the Implementation of the Character Education Program at Al-Azhar Islamic Elementary School Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta which includes context, input, process, and results. The research uses a qualitative approach through the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, and Product). Collecting data using interview, observation, and document review. The research informants were the Principal, Deputy Principal, Educators/Teachers, Education Personnel, Students, and Head of School Committees. The validity of the data quality test was carried out through triangulation of data, sources, methods and time. The results of the Context Evaluation study which included the vision and mission, programs, program objectives showed very good results, for the Input Evaluation which included program strategy, program design, character education program plans, and resource readin...