The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Character Education (An Evaluation Research in State Kindergarden, South Jakarta) (original) (raw)
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The implementation of character education early childhood In ra sabilul huda laban menganti gresik
Syaikhuna: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pranata Islam, 2019
This research is the kind of research the field with the approach descriptive qualitative with the title the implementation of character education early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik. This research aim store view the process of implementation of character education on early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik and to know the supporting factors and the inhibitors. The technique of data collection is by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Analysis of data is with three stages, the reduction of data, presentation of data, and with draw all conclusions/verification. These research finding scan be concluded that the implementation of character education early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik is through three rounds of including planning, implementation, and evaluation. The planning in the process of the implementation of characters education is begun by inserting the character values in to the school curriculum, annua...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2020), 2020
This research is motivated by the results of observations with teachers about the phenomenon of children's character development through story media that is inconsistent with the development of children ages 5-6 years old. It is assumed that the stories used by the teacher does not contain character traits. Thus, this study aims to develop a story model for the strengthening of early childhood character traits. The focuses of the character values in the developed story are namely: honesty; environmental caring, and social caring. This study used a research and development model. The analysis process used a qualitative descriptive analysis of the results of observations on teacher responses as users. The steps were potential and issues, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing. This research resulted in a product in the form of three stories titles: "Janji Kardosi", "Kabar dari Samudra", and "Pipit dan Elang". Book eligibility uses two criteria, namely instructional criteria and presentation criteria. The validation is carried out by academics (media expert tests) and practitioners in the field of early childhood education. Meanwhile, the readability of the three storybook titles was carried out to six kindergarten teachers. Based on the learning criteria, the created storybook has honesty, environmental caring, and social caring character traits, while the performance criteria (illustrations) are able to explain the stories' sequences, settings, animations, and characters very well. In addition, based on the aspects of child development, the books created have a more dominant visual appearance compared to text and the type face in the storybooks possesses a good readability level for children.
Implementation of Character Values in Kindergarten
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (ICECCEP 2019), 2020
The purpose of this research is to illustrate the implementation of character values in kindergarten. Respondents in this study were 3 teachers and principles that conducted in-depth interviews and observations on 3 Kindergarten in Kelapa Gading. The approach used qualitative method. Based on field research data sourced from interviews and field observations of teachers in AR, AD and AH kindergarten, it was found that most kindergarten teachers had understood the concept of character education in kindergarten children consisting of 18 character value. However, in applying it there are obstacles in the application of character education in general in AR, AH, and AD Kindergarten, namely the lack of intensive communication with parents and lack of school infrastructure in developing various media that is suitable for the development of kindergarten children.
ASEAN Youth Conference, 2019
This research is motivated by the low character of independence and responsibility of children aged 5-6 years. In fact, children are still seen asking for help from teachers in doing activities, and children often do not care about the learning equipment. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is feasibility and influence of the Development of Islamic Kindergarten-Based Curriculum for Character Education Towards Children Aged 5-6 Years in TK-IT Adzkia III Kuranji Padang. This research is a type of research and development with a quasi-experimental quasi experimental design testing method. Data collection in this study used research instruments in the form of statement instruments and RPPH. The data obtained were tested for normality and homogeneity and then analyzed by t-test. From the results of this study it can be seen that the value of tcount = 3.425> ttable = 2.021 then H1 is accepted H0 Rejected, as evidenced by the Development of Character Based Islamic Education Curriculum for Kindergarten giving effect to children's independence.
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